Sandalwood Nuts - 100g

No.1 Nut (Rare Ximenynic Acid) Hair Scalp / Joints / Skin) Ultra Delicious
Weight100g (3.52 oz.) Nuts

100G SALE Ancient Purity Presents Sandalwood Nuts. Clean, Sustainably Sourced, ensuring the preservation of the environment and supporting local communities. This is the ultimate SuperNut! Sandalwood Nuts will become a big Superfood. Ancient Purity are bringing this desert and arid-grown Nut into the UK and Europe for the first time. Whether for flavour, nutrition and fibre, Sandalwood Nuts surpass Macadamia Nuts in every way. On top of that, you can double the protein and enjoy the rare fatty acid Ximenynic Acid. Ximenyic Acid really helps Scalp Health, also Sandalwood Nuts contain other natural antioxidants that contribute to healthy skin and hair. The taste keeps growing and this would make a fantastic dairy milk alternative. Since Ancient times, Sandalwood Nuts were eaten by indigenous Australians, with low carbs, our Sandalwood Nuts are jam-packed with Monounsaturated Omega 9 fatty acids. These healthy fats present in Sandalwood Nuts, can contribute to heart health by supporting optimal cholesterol levels and promoting cardiovascular well-being. With their fibre and protein content they make a brilliant addition to your granola, in yogurts, nut spread. They have a unique, delicate creamy texture and flavour with earthy, woody undertones, and Sandalwood notes each bite is a gourmet delight. You could start with a 100g bag to try and once you love them upgrade to 200g. Enjoy!

Special Price £8.00 £6.67 Regular Price £12.99
In stock
EU/World Prices
  • Sandalwood Nuts - Whole (Dry Roasted). 
  • Produced to ecological standards, free from agro-chemicals, non-irradiated and GMO-free. 
    Sandalwood Nuts have minimal carbohydrates (less than 1%). Sandalwood Nuts are high in antioxidants and monounsaturated omega 9 fatty acids, including Oleic acid (52±2%) and Ximenynic acid (35±2%) which can help with weight-loss and may reduce risk factors for heart illness, cancer and inflammation.
  • Adults: Snack on 1-3 Handfuls Daily.
  • Children: 1 Handful Daily.

WARNING: Must be avoided by those with nut allergies.

  • Brand: Ancient Purity.
  • Size: 100-200g (3.52-7.05 oz.).
  • Container: Kraft Paper Pouch.
  • Storage: Store in a cool dry place, out of sunlight.
  • Estimated shelf life from purchase: 1 - 2 years.


Sandalwood Nuts Lowdown

Most people associate Sandalwood (Santalum spicatum) only with perfumes and incense. But did you know that the tree produces delicious edible nuts and fruit as well? Sandalwood trees mostly grow in the shrub and woodlands of Western and Southern Australia. The history of native Australians using Sandalwood Nuts dates back more than 40,000 years! It is believed to have been used externally and internally for sores and skin irritations.

Today there’re numerous clinical studies available, with a large number in progress, to prove this ancient nut’s value. The main active ingredient known as the extremely rare, ximenynic acid, is well-researched for its anti-ageing properties. It is widely believed that ximenynic acid protects the skin’s lines and enhances blood circulation. It also tightens and strengthens and the skin by decreasing the degradation of collagen and hyaluronic acid, leading to an improved complexion.

Banana, Seeds & Sandalwood Nut Boost


• 1 ripe banana, peeled.

• 1 tablespoon Ancient Purity Pumpkin Seeds.

• 1 tablespoon Ancient Purity Pomegranate Seeds.

• 8 Sandalwood Nuts

• 1 cup almond milk.

• 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract.

• 1/8 teaspoon ground turmeric.

• 1 teaspoon wild honey

• 2 teaspoons almond butter

• 3 ice cubes from filtered water.

• Freshly grated nutmeg, to garnish.


• The evening before you plan to create this powerhouse smoothie, place the banana on a small plate and store it in the fridge. Add Ancient Purity Pumpkin Seeds and Ancient Purity Pomegranate Seeds to a small bowl and cover the seeds with some filtered water. Just leave it at room temperature overnight.

• Drain the seeds and transfer to a blender. Add the ice-cold banana, Sandalwood Nuts, almond milk, vanilla, turmeric, raw honey, almond butter and ice.

• Now start blending until smooth.

• Finish with a dusting of grated nutmeg.

To enhance you smoothie experience, pour it in a Nature’s Design Energy Glass and sip it up with Ancient Purity's Glass Vortex Energy Straw! You are not going to imagine this but beverages really do taste greater with a glass straw. It has to do with flavour and temperature.

Sandalwood Nut Bliss Balls


• 2 Cups Ancient Purity Sandalwood Nuts.

• 2 Cups Desiccated Coconut.

• ¼ Teaspoons Cinnamon.

• 10 Medjool Dates (pitted).

• 2 Teaspoons Latte Mix.

• 2 Teaspoons Honey.


• Apply to blender & blitz.

• Roll into balls, chill, and serve.

Q: Why are sandalwood nuts so expensive?
A: This is because they aren’t widely available. They are unique, rather rare, ultra clean, and super healthy.

Q: Why are the nuts healthy for me?
A: They are an excellent source of protein. They have minimal carbohydrates. They are high in antioxidants and monounsaturated omega 9 fatty acids, including Oleic acid and Ximenynic acid. They contain a low concentration of saturated fatty acids. 

Q: What is this rare Ximenynic Acid you talked about?
A: Ximenynic acid is a natural conjugated acetylenic fatty acid and primarily exists in the Santalales order. This unusual fatty acid has shown its beneficial effects based on in vitro and in vivo studies. It provides anti-inflammation, anticancer, antimicrobial, and larvicidal activities. Ximenynic acid may present an exciting opportunity for the treatment of inflammatory diseases in clinics. Moreover, it involves long-chain fatty acid metabolism, which may regulate insulin secretion and improve insulin resistance.



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