Blog & Guides


Why Health Experts Advocate for Beta Glucan - Based on 214,000 Studies

23 January 2025
Beta Glucan
Lately, I've been seeing Beta Glucans popping up all over natural health websites. Intrigued but admittedly clueless about what they actually are, I decided to delve deeper into this mysterious compound that seems to be all the rage in the world of holistic healing. What I unearthed was nothing short of fascinating. Beta Glucans, a powerhouse of bioactive substances, are generating quite the buzz for their wide array of health-enhancing and prebiotic benefits.

Enhancing Your Hydration: Water, Teas & Coffee Alternatives

21 January 2025
Enhancing Your Hydration

Three years ago, I delved into the world of tap water and realised the necessity of distilling it to remove toxins. However, in my quest to purify my water, I discovered that along with toxins, essential nutrients were also being stripped away. This led me to explore different ways to replenish these vital nutrients in my water. What I found was a treasure trove of possibilities as there are countless ingredients we can add to our water to enhance our overall well-being. By incorporating these habits of adding nutrients to our water, we are cultivating a positive and beneficial practice for our daily lives.

Food "Rules" Parents Shouldn't Stress Over

19 January 2025
Food Rules
I vividly recall the struggles my wife and I faced when our son and daughter were just toddlers, refusing to eat any vegetables or fruits. Our daughter, in particular, had a strong aversion to anything green or healthy. It required a great deal of creativity and patience on our part to find ways to sneak in those essential nutrients. One trick that seemed to work wonders was incorporating vegetables like carrots, spring onions, and cabbage into Thai rice soup, known as Khao Tom.

Making Space for Growth: Reflecting, Releasing & Moving Forward

17 January 2025
Space for Growth
I don’t know about you, but the older you get, the more reflective you become right, and you begin to be grateful for what before you would have considered “small things” and fret a lot less about stuff that would have bothered you previously. There are so many things that grab our attention away from ourselves (I've discussed detoxing from technology in my previous article) and whilst that is absolutely inevitable and indeed a part of life, I really do feel that it doesn’t have to be the only way for us.

Lived Time VS Clock Time

15 January 2025
Lived Time
Have you ever noticed how time seems to fly by when you're having fun, but drags on when you're bored out of your mind in an empty room with nothing but a ticking clock to keep you company? I often experience it as one hour of fun last 10 minutes while one hour of boredom lasts two hours. Does this make sense to you? This fascinating paradox of time perception has been a topic of debate for centuries, with two prominent thinkers, Henri Bergson and Albert Einstein, offering conflicting views on the nature of time and its measurement.