Reishi Mushroom Powder

Natural Full Spectrum Reishi Powder (Medicinal Mushroom) Immunity
Weight200g (7.05 oz.) Powder

Ancient Purity Presents Reishi Mushroom. Single Source Origin this Pure Powder form retains the maximum concentration of bioactive compounds, ensuring you receive the full spectrum of health benefits. Clean, free from additives or fillers. Most Reishi is sourced from various locations, meaning some from one part of the country or world and some from another. Ours comes from a single, pristine area in China where this revered fungus has been cherished for centuries. This single source ensures consistency in quality, potency, and purity it also in my opinon enahnces the effects that all the Reishi Mushrooms have grown together. They're blended together and yeild powerful results synergistically. Known in Chinese medicine as the “King of Herbs,” Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) has been widely used in the Eastern world since ancient times. Historically ancient kings and emperors drank Reishi Tea. Experience the ancient world of this extraordinary Eastern Mushroom by adding it to your smoothie or herbal tea. Reishi Mushroom is a fungus having a flavour described by some people as earthy, slightly bitter and raw. The fruiting body (Above-ground part) and mycelium (Filaments connecting a group of mushrooms) are used in TCM. Reishi's immune-modulating properties, shield you from environmental stressors and promoting robust health. The Mushroom is considered, by some herbalists, to be a “Shen tonic” for restoring a person’s emotional balance and consciousness. According to this theory, when the Shen (or spirit) is in balance, so are we. It aids in liver detoxification, promoting optimal liver function. Reishi can also make an incredible additon to a Ceremonial Cacao. We have been supplying this a long time, before it's fashionable peak and after everyones forgotten it we will still supply it, because this Ancient Medicinal Mushroom Works... Experience it.

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  • Reishi Mushroom - 100% Natural.
  • Produced to ecological standards, free from agro-chemicals, non-irradiated and GMO-free.
    Reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lingzhi) are a rare type of mushroom rich in beta-glucan. A common native Japanese name is “Mannen-take” (which means “10,000-year mushroom”). For convenience, we will refer to it herein simply as “Reishi.” This porous mushroom has long been used by royalty for longevity and improved health. Research into the medicinal properties of Reishi dates back nearly 2,200 years. The efficacy was documented in the oldest Chinese medical text, The Classic of Herbal Medicine (Shennong Ben Cao Jing). It was also recorded as a "tufted herb" in the second-oldest book of classical Japanese history, The Chronicles of Japan.
  • The recommended dose of Reishi Mushrooms as a dietary supplement is, 1 - 9 grams of the dried powder variety, or take it as directed by your Herbalist or healthcare practitioner. Do not exceed the daily recommended intake.
  • Brand: Ancient Purity.
  • Size: 200/400g (8.81/14.10 oz.).
  • Package: Kraft Paper Pouch. 
  • Storage:  Keep in sealed. Store in a cool dry place, out of sunlight. Must be kept dry, not allowing moisture in. 
  • Estimated shelf life from purchase: 1-2 years.

Reishi Mushroom Powder Lowdown

Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) is used by health specialists in numerous Asian nations to boost energy, enhance the immune system, and for better general health. Reishi Mushroom supplements come as capsules, tablets, extracts, powders, and teas. Other names for this mushroom include red reishi, basidiomycetes mushroom, ling zhi, or ling chih (in China), and mannentake (in Japan). Studies in animals and cells have shown that Reishi Mushroom Powder can protect the liver and kidneys from damage, kill malignant cells, and combat infections.

When we turn to Mother Earth as part of a holistic approach to health, so many doors can open. There’s simply something to be said for harnessing the nutritional wonders available in our very own ecosystems. Recently pop culture has caught onto some of the most beneficial plant medicines that can be found in fungi and this certainly includes the unique and nutritious benefits of adaptogenic Reishi Mushrooms.

Break on Through Smoothie (Reishi Mushroom Powder)


  • 1 cup refrigerated strawberries. 
  • ½ banana. 
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk. 
  • 1 scoop Ancient Purity Reishi Mushroom Powder. 
  • 1 scoop Whey Protein Powder.


  • Simply add all of the ingredients to your blender, blend, and serve!

TIP: If you want to experience the ultimate Fungus Fix, add some Lion's Mane Mushroom Powder (1 teaspoon) to it.

One of my favourite ways to kick-start my day is with this potent 'Break on Through' breakfast smoothie. I love being able to rapidly whip up a well-balanced and healthy breakfast in less than 10 minutes.

Reishi Mushroom Veggie Soup (Reishi Mushroom Powder)


  • 1 tablespoon Ancient Purity Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  • 1 medium yellow onion, diced. 
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced. 
  • 2 tablespoons fresh ginger, peeled and grated. 
  • 2 carrots, sliced 1 cm thick. 
  • 1 fennel bulb, diced (fronds reserved.)
  • 2 cups white mushrooms, sliced. 
  • 2 cups fresh shiitake mushrooms, sliced (or ½ cup dried.) 
  • 6 cups filtered water. 
  • ¼ cup Ancient Purity Reishi Mushroom Powder. 
  • ¼ cup miso paste. 
  • 1 tablespoon allspice. 
  • 1 tablespoon thyme. 
  • 3 cups kale, chopped. 
  • Ancient Purity Celtic Sea Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. 
  • Fennel fronds, minced.


  • In a large soup pot, heat up the Biodynamic Olive Oil over medium heat. 
  • Add the onion and saute for 2 minutes. 
  • Add the garlic and saute for 1 minute. 
  • Add the ginger and the remaining vegetables (except the Reishi Powder) and saute for another 5 minutes or until golden brown. • Add the filtered water, Ancient Purity Reishi Powder, miso paste and dried spices. 
  • Bring your soup to a boil and then reduce the heat to bring to a simmer. 
  • Cover and cook for 1 hour. 
  • Stir the kale into the hot soup to wilt.

TIP: Add Ancient Purity Celtic Sea Salt and pepper to taste. If you like it more spicy, replace the olive oil with Ancient Purity Cayenne Oil. Top with fresh fennel fronds and enjoy!

Did you know that Reishi Mushroom has been one of the most celebrated functional mushrooms in Eastern cultures for thousands of years? Its earliest reference is in Chinese medical literature where it is reverently called the “Elixir of Life” and the “Mushroom of Immortality.” Ancient Purity Reishi Mushroom Powder can be simply incorporated into your healthy longevity diet. While Reishi is for most people rather bitter to consume it on its own, after all it is a mushroom, so it takes on numerous of the flavours that surround them.

Soups, meat dishes, and smoothies all benefit from Ancient Purity Reishi Mushroom Powder. Another popular way to consume this magical mushroom is by brewing tea from it. Adding some of it to an existing caffeinated drink or substituting it for coffee can be an integral and charming begin to your morning. Considering that these mushrooms even have been extensively researched in connection to mental health, who knows? A therapeutic Reishi Powder dose could aid to calm your central nervous system and promote a more manageable baseline level of restlessness.

Q: Can I take Reishi with my other medications?
A: Yes. Reishi is a natural health supplement and there are no reported contraindications in over 2,000 years of study. However, all immune-modulating substances such as Reishi should be taken with care for patients undergoing organ transplants and using immunosuppressive drugs. It is always a good idea to consult a qualified health physician (preferably someone with experience in complementary health care) before consuming any dietary supplement.

Q: How soon can one see the results of taking Reishi?
A: Results can vary from individual to individual. Normally one can notice the benefits from taking high quality Reishi after about 10 days to two weeks. One can experience a significant difference with their overall well-being after taking Reishi continuously for two months. It is important for individuals to make Reishi a part of their daily routine for preventative health.

Q: What are the directions to take Reishi?
A: Reishi is best taken in the morning with an empty stomach. Drinking more water will also help enhance the effects of Reishi by helping the body get rid of poisonous waste. It is also recommended to take Vitamin C with Reishi as this will assist the body in absorbing the active ingredients in Reishi. Studies have shown that Vitamin C helps break down the complex polysaccarides into smaller manageable pieces that the body can intake.

Q: Should Reishi be taken only when one is ill?
A: No. Reishi can be taken at any time even when one is not ill. The primary benefit of Reishi is its ability to support and modulate the immune system to an optimal level. Hence, Reishi is beneficial even for a healthy person. It is best to make red Reishi a part of your daily routine for preventative health.

Q: How is Reishi different from other mushrooms?
A: While mushrooms such as shitake, maitake, and cordyceps, all share similar immune boosting properties, Red Reishi has also the longest history and has been known to be effective in the treatment of the widest range of health conditions. Unlike other mushrooms, only Red Reishi has many important compounds such as triterpenes (ganoderic acid) that gives Reishi its unique characteristic of being bitter in taste.


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