Red Iron Liquid

Natural (Earth Derived) Potent Red Iron Rapid Level Replenishment US Origin
Weight10ml (0.33 fl. oz.)

Ancient Purity Presents Red Iron Liquid. This is a Super Clean, Safe, Natural and Pure High-Strength Red Iron Designed for 5 Day Cycle and rapid effect to replenish your Iron levels. Crafted by ancient plants and enriched with 28 elements and Fulvic Acid, our Natural Red Iron amplifies both efficacy and absorption. Sourced from iron-rich plants that have undergone a transformation into clay, its connection to prehistoric soils abundant in Fulvic Acid further enhances Iron absorption, it's an innovative alternative to conventional heme or non-heme iron sources, differentiating it significantly from other Iron supplements. Natural Red Iron sets itself apart as a distinctive supplement, offering iron ions (Fe++ ions), the form most readily absorbed by the body. In just one week, it has the power to restore your body's iron levels to normal, offering an optimal solution anaemia. Unlike traditional Iron supplements, it's devoid of common side effects such as constipation, cramping, bloating, or nausea. Iron is an indispensable mineral, playing a pivotal role in oxygen transport through its presence in both hemoglobin and myoglobin. Beyond combatting fatigue, iron actively contributes to children's brain development and supports normal cellular and hormonal production and function, rendering it essential for overall health. Red Iron Liquid Supplement is Earth/Food-Based "Bio-available" which means when you take it your body will recognise and absorb it like food. Stored in a Miron Glass Jar.

£25.99 £21.66
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EU/World Prices
  • Natural Red Iron - Derived from the earth.
  • Natural Red Iron Formula Enriched With 28 Elements & Fulvic Acid, Containing 22mg/Ml Iron (Ferrous Sulfate).

NOTES: Crafted via patented Proprietary Method.
Ancient Purity Red Iron is suitable for vegetarians and vegans, and for people with candida and yeast sensitivities.

  • Take 6 drops in water, preferably in AM. Take for 5 days, stop for 2 days break. Repeat as needed or take it as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.

NOTE: Only mix with Water for best results. 

  • Brand: Ancient Purity.
  • Size: 10ml (0.33 fl. oz.).
  • Container: Miron Glass Bottle.
  • Estimated shelf life from purchase: 2 years.
  • Storage: Keep it in a closed cabinet, dry, room temperature. Close the cap, keep out of reach of children.

Q: What is causing the increase in Iron deficiency?
A: A rise in mineral deficiency is becoming increasingly prevalent, attributed to factors such as unbalanced diets, nutrient depletion resulting from inadequate farming practices, and plant compounds that hinder mineral absorption in our digestive system. Among these deficiencies is iron, a mineral primarily acquired from our diet. However, the absorption rate of iron is low, with only 1 mg absorbed for every 10 to 20 mg ingested. Consequently, individuals unable to sustain a balanced, iron-rich diet may encounter some degree of iron-deficiency anaemia.

Q: Who is at risk of Iron deficiency?
A: Certain groups of individuals may face an elevated risk of iron deficiency, including:

  1. Women: Due to the loss of blood during menstruation, women are generally more susceptible to iron deficiency anaemia.
  2. Infants and Children: Particularly, infants with low birth weight or those born prematurely may be at risk of iron deficiency if they do not receive sufficient iron from breast milk or formula.
  3. Vegetarians: Individuals who abstain from meat consumption may face a higher risk of iron deficiency anaemia if they do not incorporate other iron-rich foods into their diets.
  4. Regular Blood Donors: Those who frequently donate blood may be at an increased risk of iron deficiency anaemia as blood donation can deplete iron reserves.

Q: Why is Iron so important?
A: Iron holds an essential status in all human life. It serves as a vital nutrient and a crucial mineral for the optimal functioning of the body. While it is present in all human cells, its primary concentration resides in red blood cells. Iron plays an indispensable role in the production of hemoglobin, the protein responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. This underscores its pivotal significance in maintaining our overall well-being. This vital mineral delivers the necessary energy boost required to power us through our daily tasks, connecting life’s essential functions.


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