Ancient Purity Presents Indium. An enigma in the scientific world. Its rarity, potential health benefits, and mysterious presence in the human body position it as a fascinating subject for further study. As research continues, Indium may emerge as a key player in understanding the intricate balance of elements required for optimal health & longevity. It is proven safe at small doses, we supply it for research purposes. I'm researching it myself, update you in a million years. A fascinating aspect of Indium is its presence in the human body during early and middle life. It seems Indium exists within the body until the ages of 25 to 40, after which it diminishes. Traces of Indium have been identified in breast milk, indicating its potential importance during early developmental stages. However, it has not been traced in food or water, raising questions about how the body acquires this elusive element. As one of the rarest elements on Earth, Indium’s potential importance as a trace element is a frontier of scientific discovery. Preliminary anecdotal reports and small-scale studies suggest that Indium supplementation could enhance mineral absorption and optimise hormonal function. These benefits may, in turn, improve energy, mood, and vitality, particularly in older individuals.
- Indium Sulfate.
- Take one drop daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Due to Indium having no exact usage protocol. We are supplying it for Longevity Research purposes.
Some researchers have started with 1mg and gradually increased to 10mg. After seeing no adverse effects.
Take in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, as this may enhance absorption.
Others are suggesting to use topically.
Avoid consuming Indium with acidic beverages like coffee or orange juice, which may reduce effectiveness.
NOTE: Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Brand: THF.
- Size: 10ml (0.33 fl. oz.).
- Container: Miron Glass Bottle.
- Storage: Keep in a cool dry place, keep out of reach of children.
- Estimated shelf life from purchase: 1 year - 18 months.
Q: Should anyone avoid Indium?
A: Yes individuals with kidney or liver issues, as trace elements may place additional strain on these organs. Those with allergies to indium or related compounds. Pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Q: What is Indium?
A: Indium is a chemical element with the symbol "In" and atomic number 49. It is a soft, malleable, and silvery-white metal that is part of group 13 in the periodic table. Indium is relatively rare in the Earth's crust and is primarily obtained from zinc ores.
Q: What are the health benefits of an Indium supplement?
A: Indium is a trace mineral that has gained attention as a dietary supplement, often marketed for various health benefits. However, it's important to note that research on indium supplementation is limited, and many claims about its benefits are not well-supported by scientific evidence. Here are some potential health benefits that proponents of indium supplements often cite: Enhanced Energy Levels: Some users report increased energy levels and improved performance. Hormonal Balance: Indium is sometimes suggested to help balance hormone levels, potentially supporting reproductive health and overall hormonal function. Boosted Immune Function: There are claims that Indium can enhance the immune system, although concrete evidence in humans is not well-established. Increased Nutrient Absorption: Indium is believed to improve the absorption of essential nutrients. Detoxification: Some proponents advocate that Indium may aid in detoxifying the body from heavy metals and toxic substances. Promoting Overall Well-Being: Users might experience an overall improvement in health and well-being.
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