Wellness Retreat
2 September 2024

Wellness Retreat - Pai Thailand (My Experience)

My adventure truly began under the cloak of midnight as I arrived at the wellness resort in the northern town of Pai, where I was welcomed by a cheerful staff member cradling a flickering candle, a delightful contrast to the blaring neon lights that usually punctuate the tourist traps in Thailand. Instantly, I felt a shift within me. As I settled into that tranquil space, I thumbed through an orientation workbook, my scepticism bubbling as I encountered suggestions that typically made me roll my eyes: journaling, gratitude exercises, and “sound meditation.” The idea of gathering in a circle to absorb the tranquil vibrations of Tibetan singing bowls struck me as an oddity, yet I paused and faced the truth: I had come here to reset my life. It was time to welcome the unfamiliar.

The following morning unfolded in a way that would set the tone for the remarkable journey ahead. Instead of indulging in my usual cup of coffee, I opted for a fermented probiotic drink that was as peculiar as it sounds, tart and effervescent, yet somehow invigorating. Breakfast became a vibrant panorama. It looked like a culinary mosaic splashed with hues of purple, red, orange, and an array of greens I couldn't have identified even if I tried. This was a far cry from the usual hasty meals I would consume while juggling emails and notifications on my phone. Here, I was gently reminded to pause, savour each moment, and truly appreciate the experience of eating. As I took my first bite, I could feel the textures and tastes dancing on my palate, an experience I had long neglected. With each morsel, I rediscovered not just the food, but also the art of being present in my own life, a daring step into the vibrant unknown that lay ahead.

Pai Thailand

My first real challenge came as I mindfully chewed my last bit when Cliff, a fellow guest, invited me to try aerial yoga. I nearly choked on my green juice. “I do not like yoga!” I protested. But remembering my promise to try everything, I reluctantly agreed. I almost changed my mind as I entered the outdoor studio to find hammocks suspended from the ceiling in a scene that reminded me of a Cirque de Soleil set. Despite my initial trepidation, aerial yoga became a highlight. The sensation of hanging freely, supported only by silk hammocks, was both exhilarating and oddly calming. It taught me to trust my body and let go of control, a lesson that extended far beyond the yoga studio. By the end of the week, I was executing moves I’d previously thought impossible and considering applying as a gymnast for the next Olympics. It was a tangible reminder of how quickly we can grow when we push past our comfort zones.

Entering the outdoor studio felt like stepping onto a set designed for a Cirque du Soleil production. My eyes widened at the sight of colourful silk hammocks suspended gracefully from the ceiling, swaying gently in the breeze. For a fleeting moment, doubt crept in. What was I thinking? Yet, I pushed through my apprehension and decided to go for it. As the class unfolded something remarkable happened. The initial overload of nerves gave way to a liberating sense of freedom. Suspended in those soft hammocks, I felt weightless, a buoyant freedom that enveloped both my body and mind. Each pose, each stretch, invited me to let go of my preconceived notions about my limits. I began to trust my body in a way I had never thought possible. What astounded me even more was how aerial yoga became a transformative chapter in my journey of self-discovery. The lessons I learned on that silk fabric transcended the boundaries of the yoga studio. With every move I mastered, I realised I was shedding layers of self-doubt and embracing a new courage. By week’s end, I found myself executing poses I had only ever admired from afar, and humorously began musing about my potential as a gymnast for the Olympics.

This experience became a vivid reminder: growth rarely occurs within the confines of comfort. It flourishes when we dare to venture into the unknown and challenge ourselves. As I looked back on that week, I couldn’t help but marvel at how quickly transformation unfolds when we choose to step outside our familiar landscapes. Each hesitant leap into new horizons brought me undeniable joy, proving that sometimes, the most unexpected journeys lead us to discover the vast potential within ourselves. Throughout the week, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery that pushed my boundaries in ways I never imagined possible. The most gruelling challenge awaited me in the form of an ice bath. My first foray into this chilling ordeal lasted a mere few seconds; with a high-pitched shriek that echoed through the retreat, I leaped from the frigid waters, surrendering to warmth and laughter from the other guests surrounding me.

Ice Bath

It was then that Sam, our breath coach, stepped into my field of vision. With a calm demeanour and an encouraging tone, he offered to guide me through breathing techniques tailored for confronting the numbing embrace of extreme cold. His unwavering support sparked something within me. I focused intently on the rhythm of my breath, using it as an anchor amidst the icy chaos. As the days unfolded, I began to feel my resilience swell as I adapted. By the end of the week, I astonished even myself; I managed to stay submerged for over 30 minutes. It felt nothing short of miraculous, like I had unearthed a hidden strength deep within my bones. But this retreat was far more than just physical challenges; it became a transformative experience for my mind and soul as well. I encountered counselling for the first time, stepping into a space that felt both vulnerable and liberating. My counsellor played the role of a gentle guide, gently helping me unpack years of accumulated stress and anxiety that I had unknowingly bottled up. The process was raw and emotional, yet I felt a weight lifting as I allowed the suppressed feelings to rise to the surface.

Through this exploration, I came to a profound realisation: mental health isn’t solely the concern of those deemed "sick." It's a fundamental aspect of our well-being that requires nurturing from all of us, regardless of our circumstances. My counsellor’s insightful probing brought to light patterns of self-doubt and chronic stress that had lingered in the shadows of my awareness for far too long. A new clarity washed over me, revealing a path toward healing I never knew I needed. This journey didn't conclude when I departed the retreat; rather, it marked the beginning of an ongoing commitment to my mental health, a promise to continue tending to my inner self. The insights I gained during that week have remained with me, shaping my approach to life's challenges with newfound strength and resilience.

Initially, I scoffed at the idea of mindfulness meditation. It seemed like nothing more than “hippy nonsense” to me. But as I began to weave it into the fabric of my daily life, its significance unfurled in unexpected ways. I discovered that deep, transformative meditation didn’t require me to sit for hours, lost in the mind-numbing repetition of “om.” Instead, in the mundane act of brushing my teeth, just a few moments of concentrated awareness became a portal to serenity. It was during a Tibetan singing bowl session that I learned the power of sound to evoke inner stillness. The gentle vibrations enveloped me, inviting me to surrender to relaxation in ways I had never imagined. And let’s not forget the didgeridoo meditation, which is a practice I would have once dismissed as absurd. Yet there I was, eyes shut, absorbing the resonant vibrations that flowed through the air. What once had seemed laughable transformed into sacred spaces of calm in my often-chaotic day.

If you had told me that food would play a pivotal role in this unexpected journey, I would have raised an eyebrow. I was a confessed coffee addict, thriving on a heavy diet of meat and all things caffeinated. The thought of embracing a vegetarian, caffeine-free menu left me sceptical. However, under Chris's nurturing guidance, the retreat’s nutritionist, I embarked on a culinary adventure that shattered my preconceived notions. I was introduced to kale smoothies and Magnesium supplements, far from my comforting staples, but the vibrant flavours and newfound energy opened my eyes to a delicious array of possibilities. To my astonishment, even without my trusty double espresso, I felt invigorated, lighter in body and spirit. This journey did more than alter my routine; it transformed my understanding of wellbeing. It urged me to embrace life’s simplicity, teaching me that peace and nourishment could manifest in ways I had never dared to explore before. Now, each moment holds the potential for mindfulness, and I’m forever grateful for the unassuming practices that brought such profound change to my life.


As I embarked on my journey at the retreat, it became clear that connection was at the heart of the experience. I found myself forming deep and meaningful bonds with my fellow retreaters, and some relationships blossomed into friendships that I know will last well beyond this transformative week. By the time the final day arrived, I felt as though I had emerged anew. The retreat was a masterful blend of physical challenges, mental exercises, and nutritional education. It was like an invigorating concoction that allowed me to recharge in a way I had never anticipated. If you’re considering a getaway that breaks the mould, I wholeheartedly recommend a wellness retreat! It’s true that the journey isn’t always a smooth one. There were moments, like when I found myself shivering in an ice bath or struggling to contain my giggles during a sound meditation, when I questioned my sanity for signing up for this adventure. Yet, it was precisely through these challenges that I discovered the priceless rewards of pushing my limits. The personal growth and self-realisation I experienced were nothing short of transformative.

Even after I left the serene confines of the retreat, the lessons I absorbed and the healthy habits I adopted have continued to enhance my everyday life. So, when you’re plotting your next vacation, I invite you to consider trading the familiar beach chair for a yoga mat and setting aside that happy-hour cocktail in favour of a refreshing morning smoothie. In a world that often feels overwhelmingly digital and disconnected, a retreat offers the ultimate escape, a chance to indulge in self-care and mindfulness. And who knows? You might even find yourself swapping out your morning espresso for a macrobiotic shot—though I’m still working on fully embracing that one!

“Nurturing yourself is not selfish – it’s essential to your survival and your wellbeing.” - Renee Peterson Trudeau