Versatile Virtues of Coconut Oil
18 July 2024

Versatile Virtues of Coconut Oil

I could talk about Coconut oil all day and the monopoly of wonders this particular oil can bring, and the magic it can AND will bring to your everyday lives (so this article will be easy!); it’s just ridiculously versatile. When I did my own research I encountered countless positive stories in the uses of Coconut oil and the crazy thing was, it was for such a vast number of different uses! Coconut oil is derived from the meat of mature Coconuts and has long been celebrated in tropical regions for its multiple benefits. In recent years, its popularity has surged globally, transcending culinary uses (my obsession started with Coconut oil in my smoothies) to become a staple in beauty regimens, natural remedies, and household solutions. In this article we will delve into the positive effects of Coconut oil across various areas of life, highlighting its versatility and value, whilst exploring its rich and diverse history.

I am always on the hunt to get a single-origin sourced product as often as I possibly can. If they are good ones then they will have a distinct and unique flavour and certain characteristics that are specific to the region/location in which they are grown. In the case of our raw extra virgin Coconut oil, we source our product from the Philippines where the natural flavour of the fresh Coconuts can still be tasted from the Coconuts that they were cold-pressed from. Because of this process of extraction too, our oil retains its nutritional richness. When sourced from a single origin, the taste and flavour, and as mentioned, the nutritional palette is hardly affected which means that single origin products such as ours is always going to be your best bet at getting results. It has a real creamy taste too; I’ve added this to porridge, used in my morning smoothies, I use this in all of my baking and I’ve even marinated meat with it. It’s such a delicious product. As Tom says, “You can pay less for your Coconut Oil but you'll get a lot less” – honestly you’ll really taste the difference between mass produced Coconut oil and our healthy, raw, single sourced extra virgin Coconut oil. So let’s have a look now into the rich history of Coconut oil and explore its varied benefits.

History of Coconut Oil

The History of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil, derived from the meat of mature Coconuts, boasts a rich history that spans thousands of years. Its journey from ancient civilizations to modern times is marked by diverse applications in health, beauty, and daily life. Here’s a comprehensive look at the historical timeline of Coconut oil:

Ancient Origins

Southeast Asia & the Pacific Islands:

  • Ancient Use: Coconut palms, native to Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, have been cultivated for their fruit for over 4,000 years. In these regions, every part of the Coconut, including the oil, was utilised.
  • Traditional Medicine: Coconut oil has long been used in traditional medicine practices in countries like India, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka. It was believed to possess healing properties and was used to treat a variety of ailments, from skin conditions to digestive issues.

Ayurvedic Medicine:

  • Ancient India: In Ayurvedic medicine, which dates back over 3,000 years, Coconut oil was revered for its cooling and nourishing properties. It was used in hair treatments, skin care, and as a dietary supplement to promote overall health and well-being.

Medieval & Colonial Era

Trade & Expansion:

  • Arab Traders: Arab traders played a significant role in spreading Coconut oil and other Coconut products across the Middle East, Africa, and Europe during the medieval period.
  • Colonial Influence: European explorers and colonisers in the 16th and 17th centuries encountered Coconut palms in tropical regions and brought back Coconut oil to their home countries, introducing it to a broader audience.

19th & Early 20th Century

Industrial Uses:

  • Soap and Cosmetics: During the 19th century, Coconut oil became an important ingredient in the soap and cosmetic industries due to its lathering properties and moisturising effects.
  • Food Industry: By the early 20th century, Coconut oil was widely used in the food industry as a cooking oil and in processed foods. Its stability at high temperatures made it a popular choice for frying and baking.

Scientific Exploration:

  • Nutritional Studies: Early scientific studies began exploring the nutritional benefits of Coconut oil, particularly its medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) and their unique metabolic properties.

Mid to Late 20th Century

Decline in Popularity:

  • Saturated Fat Concerns: In the mid-20th century, the rise of concerns over saturated fats and their association with heart disease led to a decline in the use of Coconut oil. It was largely replaced by vegetable oils like soybean and canola oil, which were perceived as healthier alternatives.

Revival in the 21st Century

Health & Wellness Movement:

  • Re-emergence: The late 1990s and early 2000s saw a resurgence in the popularity of Coconut oil, driven by the health and wellness movement. Growing interest in natural and organic products contributed to its revival.
  • Scientific Re-evaluation: Newer studies began to challenge the negative perception of saturated fats, highlighting the health benefits of Coconut oil, including its potential to improve cholesterol levels and support weight management.

Diverse Applications:

  • Beauty Industry: Coconut oil found a new life in the beauty industry as a natural moisturiser, hair conditioner, and skincare ingredient. Its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties made it a favourite in DIY beauty treatments.
  • Culinary Uses: In the kitchen, Coconut oil gained popularity for its versatility and unique flavour. It became a staple in vegan, paleo, and keto diets, praised for its healthy fat content and culinary applications.

Cultural Integration:

  • Global Spread: As global trade and communication expanded, Coconut oil became a common household item in many parts of the world, far beyond its tropical origins. Its integration into various cultures and cuisines underscored its versatility and broad appeal.
Benefits of Coconut Oil

The MANY Benefits of Coconut Oil

This will be an extensive list of benefits so prepare to be as amazed as I was when I first looked into the multiple benefits of this magnificent discovery. Did you know that Coconut Oil can help your body use its Omega 3 fatty acids nearly twice as efficiently and, being a healthy saturated fat, it helps to regulate AND support healthy hormone production? The Coconut really is one of nature’s most miraculous offerings and has been used by humans since the dawn of time. So let’s have a look now into the different ways in which Coconut oil could help you:

Nutritional Benefits
Coconut oil is a powerhouse of nutrition. Rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), it provides a quick source of energy and can aid in weight management. Unlike long-chain fatty acids, MCTs are metabolised differently, being rapidly absorbed and converted into energy by the liver. This makes Coconut oil an excellent choice for those looking to boost their energy levels and enhance physical performance. Studies have also shown that Coconut oil can help improve cholesterol levels by increasing HDL (good) cholesterol and potentially reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol. Its antioxidant properties also contribute to overall heart health, making it a heart-friendly addition to a balanced diet.

Skin & Hair Care
Coconut oil has earned its place as a beauty staple, thanks to its deeply moisturising and nourishing properties. For the skin, it serves as an effective moisturiser, capable of penetrating deep into the skin layers, providing hydration, and improving skin barrier function. Its antimicrobial properties make it a useful treatment for various skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, and acne. For hair, Coconut oil works wonders in combating dryness and damage. It penetrates the hair shaft, reducing protein loss and keeping hair strong, shiny, and healthy. Regular use of Coconut oil can help reduce dandruff, promote hair growth, and prevent split ends, making it a comprehensive solution for hair care.

Oral Health
The practice of oil pulling, an ancient Ayurvedic technique, has gained popularity for its potential to improve oral health. Swishing a tablespoon of Coconut oil in the mouth for about 15-20 minutes can help reduce harmful bacteria, plaque buildup, and bad breath. This natural remedy is praised for its simplicity and effectiveness, offering a chemical-free alternative to conventional mouthwashes.

Immune System Support
Coconut oil contains lauric acid, a fatty acid known for its antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Consuming Coconut oil regularly can help strengthen the immune system, making the body more resilient against infections and diseases. Lauric acid converts into monolaurin in the body, which is effective against harmful pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. I also rub Coconut oil on any scrapes my kids get, or rashes etc and it works an absolute charm with its antibacterial properties. We even use this on our dogs cuts and scrapes – he LOVES to eat it as well.

Cooking & Baking
In the kitchen, Coconut oil stands out as a versatile and stable cooking fat. It has a high smoke point, making it suitable for frying, sautéing, and baking. Its unique flavour adds a tropical twist to dishes, enhancing both sweet and savoury recipes. Furthermore, Coconut oil is a popular choice in vegan and paleo diets as a plant-based fat alternative, enriching meals with healthy fats without compromising on taste. Personally I use it for most of my cooking needs, and I’m not a vegetarian/vegan by any means, I just really enjoy the flavour it adds to my dishes and of course, the nutritional value also.

Household Uses
Beyond personal care and nutrition, Coconut oil proves to be a valuable household item. It can be used to polish wood furniture (who knew right!?), remove sticky labels, lubricate squeaky hinges, and even condition leather goods. Its natural properties make it an eco-friendly alternative to many chemical-laden household products, contributing to a more sustainable and toxin-free living environment. I also prefer the after smell of Coconut oil on my furniture as opposed to those more harsh toxin-laden shop-brought chemicals.

Mental Well-being
Emerging research suggests that the MCTs (Medium Chain Triglycerides, good fats) in Coconut oil may have neuroprotective effects, potentially benefiting cognitive function and mental health. Some studies indicate that Coconut oil can improve memory and cognitive performance in individuals with Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive impairments. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory properties may support overall brain health, offering a natural aid in maintaining mental well-being.

As you can see, Coconut oil has an extensive range of applications, from dietary inclusion to beauty routines and household uses which underscores its reputation as a versatile and beneficial substance. Its positive effects on health, wellness, and daily life are supported by both traditional practices and modern research. Incorporating Coconut oil into various aspects of life can lead to improved health outcomes, enhanced beauty, and a more sustainable lifestyle, making it a valuable addition to any household.

Our Coconut Oil

Ways In Which to Use Our Coconut Oil

I have tried many, many different Coconut oils and honestly I have yet to try one that is more vibrant in flavour and luxurious than that of Ancient Purity’s beautiful Coconut oil! It’s now a complete staple in my home and I have used it in all types of cooking and baking, beauty regimes (make up removal, masks, hair etc), first aid on ourselves/children AND animals, to polish our old wooden cabinet (it comes up beautifully and smells great); honestly it’s a joke in our home now if we’re stumped for what to use in certain cleaning/cooking/beauty endeavours; the answer is always “Coconut Oil?” – it really is the answer to everything. So I VERY highly recommend you give our Coconut oil a go for literally whatever needs you have. You can find it here on our website. There are also a couple of great recipes on our website too that you may find good to try.

So how can you use our Coconut oil? The question should be, how can you NOT use our Coconut oil. Let’s have a look at some of the ways in which you can play with this “master key” of products:

  • Cooking – Use our oil in any culinary dish you are playing with, especially curries. Coconut oil can withstand the higher heats better than other oils and butters. From our website: “Unlike other oils and butters Coconut Oil is a complete saturated fat so does not form any dangerous trans-fatty acids or polymerised oil, so if you are going to heat or cook any food you should only use Ancient Purity Extra Virgin Coconut Oil”. I use this in baking too and it honestly makes such a difference in flavour.
  • Skin & Hair – There are so many ways to use this on your skin and in your hair. It’s great for dry eyes, eczema, acne, Psoriasis and even dry flaky feet! Try popping this on your feet overnight by rubbing a thin layer onto your feet, making sure to cover those dryer areas, and pop some socks on overnight to let it soak into your skin. Honestly in the morning your feet will feel so much smoother; I try to do this at least once a week. You can use it as a hair mask overnight too if you have dry hair and/or split ends. We have a great recipe on our website which is 2 tablespoons of Coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of Honey, pop this onto the hair for 20 minutes then wash out with shampoo, such a luxurious hair mask!
  • Massage Oil – Coconut oil is so moisturising so why not just use it straight from the source, skip the shop-bought middleman and go all in for the real deal oil. It makes such a difference using this oil too as it stays quite slippery throughout meaning you won’t really have to keep topping up your oil half way through a massage.
Coconut Oil

So as we have explored, Coconut oil offers a multitude of benefits that extend across various domains, from health and wellness to beauty AND culinary applications. Its rich content of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) supports weight management and boosts energy levels. The oil's antimicrobial properties help in fighting infections and promoting oral health through practices like oil pulling. In skincare, Coconut oil is prized for its moisturising and anti-inflammatory effects, aiding in the treatment of conditions such as eczema and dry skin. Additionally, its culinary versatility makes it a healthy alternative to traditional cooking oils, enhancing the nutritional profile and flavour of numerous dishes. Overall, incorporating Coconut oil into daily routines can lead to improved health, enhanced beauty, and more flavourful meals. The joys of this oil really are multifaceted. So if you’re feeling the urge to try it, I can guarantee that you will not regret your purchase, and I bet it becomes a staple in your home too.