Utilising Nuts & Seeds for Health - A Complete Guide
When it comes to Nuts, Mother Nature knows how to pack a punch! These little powerhouses are bursting with fibre, protein, B and E vitamins, and a treasure trove of minerals and antioxidants. Plus, they've got boatloads of mono-saturated fats - the same ones that make olive oil so fancy. And don't even get us started on the omega-3 fatty acids they bring to the table. Talk about a nutritional jackpot! But here's the real kicker: Nuts and Seeds can be your secret weapon in the war against high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, and more. They're like an all-in-one superhero team, battling arthritis, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, dementia, and Alzheimer's. And trust us, this is just the tip of the nutty iceberg.
Now, we know you're wondering which Nut takes the crown for "Healthiest Nut." Is it the walnut? Or perhaps it is the almighty almond? Well, we'll let you in on a little secret: it's impossible to pick just one! It all depends on what your body craves on any given day. So why limit yourself? Embrace the nutty medley and enjoy them all. These versatile gems can be ground, mashed, sprinkled, or devoured straight from the can or jar. But hold your horses, folks - make sure to keep it raw. Exposing these beauties to heat during the cooking process strips away their incredible nutritional value, and we can't have that! Now, we don't want to be party poopers, but Nuts do pack a calorie and fat punch. So moderation is key, dear nut fanatics. It's best to savour a delightful combo of different Nuts, in small quantities, to reap all the health benefits they have to offer. Variety is the spice of life, after all.

Without further ado, here are our top 10 nutty champions that deserve a spot in your daily routine...
Flaxseeds: The smooth and glossy little daredevils of the nut world, Flax Seeds strut their stuff with a charming flat shape that's guaranteed to turn heads. Sporting a ravishing golden colour or a captivating blend of brown and yellow, these little beauties aren't just eye candy - they've got game. With a nutty taste that could charm even the pickiest palates, these Flaxseeds don't stop there. They've got a sweet side too, making them the well-rounded individuals of the seed kingdom. But don't be fooled by their dashing appearance and impressive flavour palette – Flaxseeds are more than just a pretty face. They're bringing the nutritional A-Team to the table. Packed with alpha-linolenic acid, lignans, and fibre, these tiny powerhouses will have you singing their praises. Not content with just those accolades, Flaxseeds also throw in B vitamins, protein, copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, selenium, and phytochemicals – talk about overachievers!
The real magic happens when you let these high-fibre wonders work their digestive system wizardry. They'll have your innards running like a well-oiled machine, banishing any unpleasant disruptions from your gut. Need a little help in the willpower department? Flaxseeds have got your back. Their fibre content will keep those pesky cravings at bay, helping you shed those extra pounds with style and panache. In a nut shell, Flaxseeds aren't just pretty faces with a sweet side. They're the nutritional superheroes that will have your taste buds swooning, your digestive system applauding, and your waistline shrinking. Flaxseeds possess premium plant-based proteins and various studies reveal their potential to enhance the immune system, decrease cholesterol levels, inhibit tumour growth, and exhibit anti-fungal properties. Individuals following a vegetarian diet or aiming to reduce red meat consumption can include Flaxseeds as a suitable alternative. Additionally, Flaxseeds promote satiety, thus aiding in weight loss efforts. This versatile seed offers further advantages such as alleviating symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), lowering cholesterol, safeguarding against heart issues, diminishing cancer risks, and stabilising blood sugar levels. So grab a handful of these gold-hearted, flat-shaped gems and let the Flaxseed hype begin! Ensure that you consume an adequate amount of pure water while incorporating Flaxseeds into your diet. Additionally, it is advisable for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and individuals using blood thinners to refrain from consuming Flaxseeds and Flaxseed supplements.

Almonds: Almonds, oh how deceitful you are! You are sporting the title of nuts, when in reality you are the crafty seeds of the Almond tree. Donning an off-white hue, draped in a cloak of brownish skin, and encapsulated in a mighty fortress of a shell, you truly are an enigma. Two factions of Almonds exist, the sweet and the bitter. The sweet ones are fit for consumption and oh-so-delicious, a delicacy to be savoured. Yet, the bitter ones, shunned by taste buds, find their destiny in the creation of Almond oil. Oh, but let me not overlook the treasure trove of nutrients that Almonds hold within their shells! Brace yourself for this list of wonders: protein, fibre, calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, copper, iron, and even a sprinkle of B vitamins. But wait, there's more! Almonds also boast Vitamin E, the valiant protector of cell membranes against the evils of oxidative damage. Numerous studies have forged a link between higher Vitamin E intake and the reduced occurrence of cancer, heart disease, and the dreaded Alzheimer's. Prepare yourself for a revelation, dear reader, for in the realm of almonds lies a hidden hero named magnesium. This noble mineral has been known to tame the mighty beast of high blood pressure. And why is this of utmost importance, you might inquire? Well, my friend, because high blood pressure is the sinister puppeteer behind strokes, kidney failure, and heart attacks.
It only makes logical sense, therefore, to welcome a handful of Almonds into your daily diet. Research whispers sweet nothings into our ears, revealing that correcting a magnesium deficiency can gracefully lower your blood pressure and protect you from the clutches of serious health issues. But that's not all! The magical inclusion of Almonds in your culinary adventures can bestow upon you a plethora of benefits. A boon to cardiovascular health, a catalyst for enhanced brain power, an adversary against cholesterol, a protector against birth defects, an ally against constipation, a knight in shining armour for your bones, a guardian against the wrath of Type 2 diabetes. And lo and behold, even your luscious locks and radiant skin shall reap the rewards of almond indulgence! But wait, there's more! Almonds possess the extraordinary ability to quell one's hunger, thus curtailing one's calorie intake. With low carb content and a hearty dose of fibre and protein, these cunning morsels are the wise choice for those seeking to satisfy cravings. And here's the kicker: a mere handful of Almonds a day can unlock the grand universe of benefits they possess. So, heed my words and embrace the Almond in all its glory! Munch upon them raw or roasted, sprinkle them upon salads, soups, and silky smoothies. The weary souls burdened with gluten or lactose intolerance need not despair, for Almond flour, Almond milk, and even Almond butter offer salvation. Let the world witness your newfound wisdom as you revel in the wonders of Almonds!
Sandalwood Nuts: Available at Ancient Purity, these rare Nuts are like nature's crunch-worthy gems that pack a punch in the health department! These small but mighty powerhouses are like the rock-stars of Nuts, delivering a symphony of goodness with their unique flavour and impressive nutritional profile. Packed with antioxidants and essential minerals, Sandalwood Nuts are the secret weapon for boosting immunity while gracefully battling those vicious free radicals. Just a handful of these nutty delights can provide your body with a fantastic dose of heart-healthy fats, promoting cardiovascular well-being with every satisfying crunch. And if you thought these Aussie Nuts couldn't get any cooler, think again! Known for their anti-inflammatory properties, Sandalwood Nuts step up to the plate, relieving your body from pains and aches, ensuring you sway through life with a relaxed rhythm. So get ready to open the door to a world of healthy snacking bliss with Sandalwood Nuts, because Nuts this extraordinary deserve a standing ovation!

Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin Seeds, or as I like to call them, pepitas, are the cool kids of the edible Seed world. I describe them as flat, asymmetrically oval, and rock a shade of light green that would make Kermit jealous. And let's not forget about their stylish white hull. But enough about their looks, let's talk about their taste. These bad boys have a creamy, nutty flavour that's so sweet it could make Willy Wonka blush. And hey, there's more! These little gems are packed with more B vitamins than a bear has fur. We're talking riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, thiamin, folate, and protein. And if that's not enough to make you swoon, they also come with a side of vitamins C, E, K and some omega-3 fatty acids. But the life-affirming goodness doesn't stop there, oh no. They also have zinc, fibre, iron, phosphorous magnesium, and manganese. I mean, talk about a jackpot! Now, let's talk about all the amazing benefits these powerhouses bring to the table. Not only do they have less fat than other Seeds, but they also come with a trio of phytosterols that sound more like rock-stars than nutrients - sitosterol avenasterol and sitostanol.
These superstars will boost your immune system, lower cholesterol, control blood sugar levels, and even reduce the risk of developing certain chronic ailments. Talk about being a true multi-tasker! These mighty Seeds also care about your cardiovascular health and will keep your eyes sparkling, your skin glowing, and your hair flowing like a shampoo commercial. Oh, and did I mention they can even fight anxiety and depression? It's like having your own personal therapist delivered in a handy Seed package. And for all you diabetes warriors out there, listen up. Pumpkin Seeds are here to have your back. They're anti-diabetic, which means they know how to regulate blood sugar levels like it's nobody's business. We're talking about their secret superhero ingredients: D-chiro-inositol, Trigonelline, and Nicotinic acid.
So go ahead, embrace the power of the Pumpkin Seed. But wait, there's even more! If you happen to be a gentleman with prostate gland issues, Pumpkin Seeds are your new best friends. And for all you ladies and gents dealing with annoying overactive bladders, guess what? Pumpkin Seeds are coming to your rescue too. Is there anything these fabulous seeds can't do? And here's the best part - these versatile champions can be incorporated into your diet in more ways than you can imagine. Munch on them as a healthy snack, sprinkle them on soups, salads, smoothies, and yogurt, or get your bake on. The options are endless, just like the awesomeness of Pumpkin Seeds. So go ahead, add some pepitas to your life and let the good times roll. Oh! I forgot. Did you know that you can purchase the highest quality of Austrian Pumpkin Seeds through Ancient Purity?

Sesame Seeds: The small and stylish divas of the Seed world have a sassy nutty taste and a satisfying crunch. These little superstars come in a rainbow of colours, like some kind of edible fashion show, with red, black, white, and yellow varieties to choose from. And let's talk about their oil, folks – it's basically immortal, refusing to succumb to the stinky fate of rancidification. So, feel free to enjoy sesame flavour without fear of oil-induced funkiness. Just like a superhero, these Seeds are packing some serious nutrients. Copper, calcium, iron, phosphorous, manganese, zinc – they've got it all. Plus fibre and B vitamins, including the fabulous duo of folate and niacin. And let's not forget sesamin and sesamolin, the Sesame Seed equivalents of Beyoncé and Rihanna. But what sets these Seeds apart from the rest? Well, they're not satisfied with just being tasty and nutritious; they go above and beyond. Sesame Seeds are on a mission to lower blood pressure, kick cholesterol to the curb, and keep your bones feeling strong. They're even willing to protect your liver and ease those dreaded PMS symptoms. Talk about overachievers!
Arthritis, asthma, migraines and osteoporosis – these Seeds are determined to thwart them all. They're like the Avengers of the culinary world, fighting off ailments with every sprinkle. They've even got diabetes in a headlock, thanks to their magnesium content. It's like having a superhero sidekick managing your symptoms and making sure your glucose and insulin levels stay in line. In addition, these little fighters have another secret weapon: copper. They're all about reducing inflammation in your joints, bones, and muscles, giving arthritis a smack-down and making daily life more comfortable. Copper also teams up with iron to keep your blood vessels, joints, and bones as strong as an Olympic weightlifter. And let's not forget about the oxygen! Sesame Seeds are all about that circulation, ensuring that your vital organs get all the oxygen they need, like a red carpet roll-out for your insides. So, take a bow, Sesame Seeds, for your unrivalled talent in keeping us in prime condition. If you want to be a Sesame Seed superstar, there are plenty of ways to showcase their talents. From bread to crackers, baked goodies to stir-fries, these seeds can do it all. They'll even transform into delectable tahini, proving that they're more versatile than an A-list actor.
But beware of the Sesame Seed overdose. Exceeding the recommended daily allowance of 3 tablespoons can lead to migraines and irritable bowels – a not-so-glamorous end to your Sesame Seed infatuation. Especially if you're sensitive to Nuts and Seeds, consider yourself warned. So go forth, brave foodies, and let Sesame Seeds sprinkle their magic into your dishes. With their sass, their taste, and their nutritional prowess, they're the sidekick you never knew you needed.
Cashew Nuts: They are more like sneaky kidney-shaped Seeds that hang out at the bottom of cashew apples, like the little rebels they are. Picture them flaunting their white and cream colours, with a texture so delicate it'll make your taste buds do a happy dance and speaking of taste buds, get ready for some sweetness and crunchiness, because Cashew Nuts don't mess around. These Nut imposters are loaded with all sorts of good stuff. We're talking copper, zinc, biotin, potassium, folate, protein, magnesium, and vitamins A, K, and E. They've got lower sodium levels than your average snack and enough fibre and oleic acid to make your digestive system jump for joy. Oh, and did I mention they're packed with healthy monounsaturated fats? They're like the superheroes of the fat world. And the benefits keep on coming. These bad boys provide energy, help maintain cholesterol levels, and even assist in managing Type 2 diabetes. Ladies, listen up: they also work their magic on those unwelcome PMS symptoms. But that's not all! They're here to save your heart and keep your hair, skin, and eyes looking fabulous. Who knew these sneaky Seeds could multitask so well?
Now, I can already hear some of you worrying about the fat content. No worries! It's the good kind of fat, the kind that actually helps with weight-loss. You see, studies have shown that people who munch on Nuts twice a week are less likely to gain weight. So, crunch away without a care in the world. In fact, grab a handful of these Cashews and you might just feel like you popped a couple of mood-boosting pills. It's all thanks to the L-tryptophan amino acid, which gets transformed into serotonin and niacin – the perfect antidote for anxiety and a recipe for pure bliss. But hey, let's not get carried away. If you're thinking of ditching your prescribed meds, do yourself a favour and consult with your health practitioner first. As amazing as Cashew Nuts are, they can't replace everything in that medicine cabinet. So, enjoy a daily ration of these little delights, preferably in their raw form. Sprinkle them on your sweet or savoury dishes, toss them in your smoothies, and even use them in baked goods. Just remember, like all good things in life, moderation is key. Oh, and speaking of health benefits, some Nuts have even been linked to cancer prevention. However, if you're battling the big C, it's best to steer clear of Cashews. Apparently, they can harbour some sneaky fungus that won't do you any favours. Better safe than sorry, right?

Pine Nuts: In the botanical world, Pine Nuts (also known as the fancy Cedar Nuts) reign supreme. These edible gems are not just any old Nuts – they are the Seeds of pine trees, boasting a tough, dark brown outer coat that gives them an air of mystery. But it's what's inside that truly steals the show – a delicate, cream white kernel that will make your taste buds do a happy dance with its buttery flavour and sweet goodness. Pine Nuts aren't just a pretty face. They come equipped with a nutritional superhero cape, loaded with vitamins A, B, D, and E, making them a panacea for any vitamin deficiency. And let's not forget about amino acids – these little powerhouses provide a whopping 70% of your body's daily requirement. Move over, protein shakes! In the world of Nuts, Pine Nuts have bragging rights as the champions of protein, packing the highest amount of those muscle-building blocks compared to any other nut. But that's not all – they are also home to an abundance of oleic acid, a fancy name for a healthy monounsaturated fat. So, inhaling these goodies won't just satisfy your taste buds, but it also keeps that heart of yours ticking like a well-oiled machine. I would describe Pine Nuts as the Swiss army knives of the nutritional world. They come equipped with a squad of nutrients, including magnesium, manganese, calcium, zinc, potassium, and iron, all wrapped up with a dash of fibre. It's like a treasure trove for your body, ready to boost energy, strengthen bones, and keep everything running smoothly.
And let's not forget about their secret weapon – antioxidants. These bad boys are the bodyguard to your precious cells, protecting them against nasty free radicals. Say goodbye to ageing and hello to youthful exuberance! But that's not all – Pine Nuts are also your heart's best friend, combatting high cholesterol levels like they're in a heavyweight boxing match. The arteries cower in fear, knowing they have these little heroes on their side. But, wait, there's more (you must be tired of this by now, but bear with me). Pine Nuts are like a wizard's potion for your blood, magically increasing hemoglobin levels and bidding farewell to tension and fatigue. It's like a caffeine-free cup of energy in Nut form – who knew? Oh, and did I mention they also contain a special ingredient called lutein? This superhero carotenoid can fight off eye diseases like it's its sole purpose in life. Say goodbye to age-related macular degeneration (AMD) – lutein is here to save the day. It sets up camp in the macula, a tiny spot at the back of your eye, in the middle part of the retina. Scientists haven't cracked the case of why these areas get diseased, but they do know that lutein-rich foods are the secret to keeping your eyesight sharp and pristine. So, next time you come across a Pine Nut, remember you've stumbled upon a powerhouse of flavour and nutrition. They may be small, but their impact is mighty. So grab a handful, sprinkle them on your salads, or toss them into your pastas – these sensational Seeds are here to elevate your culinary experience and shower you with a cornucopia of health benefits. Bon appétit!

Walnuts: Move over apples, there's a new fruit in town and it's nuttier than ever! Meet the Walnut, the misfit of the fruit kingdom. Technically a drupe (yes, that's a fancy word for fruit), these bad boys come wrapped in a fleshy skin with a surprise hidden inside. Some people can't handle their bitter taste, so they strip off the whitish, flaky part like it's nobody's business. But guess what? Those crazy outer layers are where the real health party's at! Up to a whopping 90% of antioxidants hide in there, making it the MVP of walnuts. These little nuggets of goodness also come loaded with so many vitamins and minerals making Popeye's spinach blush with envy. We're talking about omega-3 fats, protein, vitamin E, copper, manganese, biotin, amino acids, zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium, selenium, and B-complex vitamins. It's like a nutrient buffet on a tiny shelf! But the fun doesn't stop there. Walnuts are leading the pack when it comes to healthy fats. These Nuts are rocking some serious monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It's like they took a crash course in fatty awesomeness. Add some alpha-linolenic acid into the mix and you've got a heart-healthy concoction that will make cardiologists jump for joy. If you're looking to join the Wal-Nutty fan club (and trust us, you should), there are some clear benefits heading your way. They’ll support hearth health as these beauties will keep your ticker ticking like a well-oiled machine. They'll help lower your bad cholesterol and boost your good cholesterol, leaving you feeling like a superhero. Oh, and let's not forget about reducing the risk of high blood pressure. Walnuts are the ultimate defenders against lurking health villains.
But wait, there's even more! Walnuts aren't just here for the health buffs. They want to make sure you're rocking life in all areas. For all you ladies and gents out there, these Nuts are your secret weapon against breast and prostate issues. They'll help you maintain a rocking weight, keep your brain in tip-top shape, and even manage diabetes. And guess what? They've got your beauty regime covered too. Your hair and skin will thank you for the Walnut love. Now, here's the deal: all you need is one little ounce, which is about seven shelled Walnuts, a day. That's it! You can sprinkle them on any dish, toss them in salads, blend them into smoothies, or devour them straight from the packet. The choice is yours, my nut-loving friend. So go forth and join the Walnut revolution. Your taste buds and your body will thank you for it!
Chia Seeds: Chia seeds, sporting a trendy mottle of black, white, grey, and brown, possess the magical power of hydrophilicity. Translation: they dive into water, dissolve like superheroes, and make a delightful mix tape with their aquatic pals. But there's more! These minuscule wonders can absorb a jaw-dropping 12 times their weight in water or any other liquid. Talk about hydration goals!
Now, why are these humble Chia Seeds all the rage? Well, apart from their snazzy name, they hold a secret stash of nutrients while playing hide-and-seek with calories. "Chia" is the ancient Mayan word for "strength," and trust me, those Mayans knew a thing or two. These bite-sized buddies offer the gift of sustained energy, making you feel like the superhero you always knew you were. Even though Mayans and Aztecs cherished these Seeds way back when, Chia Seeds have made their grand entrance as the hottest modern-day super-food. Don't be fooled by their small package; they are a nutritional dynamo!
Just imagine that vitamins C, calcium, phosphorous, potassium, protein, iron, and magnesium all happily dancing together in Chia Seed paradise. And that's not all! They've got omega-3 fatty acids and fibre on their guest list too. Adding these bad boys to your culinary repertoire is like offering your joints a soothing massage, helping you shed those pesky pounds, summoning superhero energy levels, raising your mental game, eradicating gloomy thoughts, shielding you from diabetes, fighting off arthritis, and giving your digestive system a standing ovation. Not to mention the sweet bonus of reducing the risks of liver and heart disease. Superman should take notes. But hey, a word of advice: don't go overboard on the Chia Seed frenzy. Stick to the recommended daily allowance of 1 to 2 tablespoons, or risk making prostate cancer gate crash your party. Another golden rule: let these Seeds soak and expand in liquid, just like celebrities at a red carpet event. Sprinkle them with pizzazz on salads, toast them to perfection, or unleash their hidden powers in porridges, smoothies, soups, puddings, and any baked goods that deserve a nutritional upgrade. Chia Seeds surely know how to make an entrance.

Brazil Nuts: Last but certainly not the least! Brazil nuts are nature's cheeky little tricksters, disguised as Seeds but coming from the eccentric Bertholletia excelsa tree. These mischievous nuts play hide-and-seek in a shell that's an uncanny doppelgänger of a coconut. Slice it open, and voila! You'll find more than just one Nut, playing a nutty game of "surprise, it's a party!" Oh, but these Nuts are no ordinary pranksters. They hold the title for being the mineral selenium champions, shining brighter than any other Nut on the block. Not to mention, they pack a protein punch worthy of a heavyweight champion. These nutty superheroes come equipped with a vitamin E shield, armed with a battalion of B-complex vitamins, magnesium, iron, copper, niacin, and zinc. With their arsenal of monounsaturated fats, Brazil nuts are more than just a gluten-free companion; they are the protectors of health! Their list of deeds verges on legendary. They valiantly fight off the breast cancer villain, as well as other nefarious types of cancer, heart disease, premature ageing, and the dreaded cirrhosis of the liver. Oh, but it doesn't end there! Including the perfect portion of Brazil Nuts in your diet bestows upon you the gift of improved cardiovascular health, a shield against arthritis symptoms, lowered levels of villainous bad cholesterol, a valiant battle against anaemia, management of the treacherous Type 2 diabetes, and even protection against the devious sun's damage to your skin.
And there's even more! These Nuts hold the key to controlling your body's internal thermostat, heart rate, and metabolism. What is their secret weapon? Selenium, of course! Yes, this heroic mineral ensures that your thyroid works like a well-oiled machine, keeping you in tip-top shape. Recent studies have uncovered a direct link between the lack of selenium and thyroid metabolism, which is precisely why including Brazil nuts in your diet is a game-changer, my friend. Now, this hardly seems related, but these Nuts have a hidden talent in the realm of acne treatment. Blame it on their zinc superpowers, which shield against the monstrous acne forces or even disguise its grumpy appearance. You can gobble up these Nuts or, for an extra dash of decadence, apply their oil to those troublesome areas. The rich vitamin and antioxidant coating in this oil is what transforms it into an acne-thwarting superhero. By indulging in 1 to 2 Brazil Nuts a day, you'll become the master of your health destiny, all while savouring their heavenly cream flavour. Whether you incorporate them into dishes or savour them solo, these Nuts will always bring a whimsical touch to any culinary adventure. So go ahead, embrace the nutty allure of Brazil Nuts and let them sprinkle their magical health benefits onto your plate!
“The nutcracker sits under the holiday tree, a guardian of childhood stories. Feed him walnuts and he will crack open a tale...” - Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration