The Sulphur Study
15 November 2023

The Sulphur Study: Results of using MSM Organic Sulphur

At Ancient Purity one of our dual flagship products is MSM Organic Sulphur, it is utilised worldwide and one of the most powerful, regenerative substances on earth. I could write endless articles on all the benefits, all the results and all the stories I've been given on it. But this particle article is about the start of it becoming the most important supplement there is. Our great friend Patrick McGean, started the study in 1999 some 12 years before we met him and we all agreed to make the Organic Sulphur he had into a product that could be supplied to people all over the world.

I regret that we didn't ask everyone who ever bought our MSM Organic Sulphur to agree to a be a member of some site where we could all post and share our results. Alas it's now been over 12 years of incredible stories, the results are mind-blowing and I have my own and friends first hands stories. Still we get emails and calls to this day weekly of what it has done. But likely you'll know the sharing of health benefits on a website that sells the product or mentioning anything about cancer and being a commercial business is asking for trouble. Information spreads via peoples experiences and other means. It's out there on social media among people who can't have industry authorities and co visit them and ask them to remove their story. But here I will post the historical story of The Sulphur Study and how it all began. This may be removed at some point so please do copy and paste it into your emails. For now enjoy.

Inspiration & Beginning

The Inspiration & Beginning

The Sulphur Study, initiated in 1999, was spurred by the observation of a particularly lethal form of breast cancer that displayed positive responses to organic sulphur. Delving into the realms of this cancer, researchers discovered a vital link between the sulfur cycle and cellular regeneration. Notably, the study revealed that the pervasive use of chemical fertilisers in certain countries had disrupted the sulfur cycle, leading to an array of previously unknown diseases, an alarming surge in cancer rates, and a significant degradation in the quality of our food. The period since the mandated use of chemical fertilisers in 1954 has witnessed an astonishing 4,000 percent increase in disease rates in the U.S. Fertilisers like ammonium nitrates and sulphates, lacking bioavailability, seem to have adversely impacted the sulfur cycle, thereby contributing to the overall decline in health, prosperity, cognitive function, and overall well-being. The Sulphur Study aims to establish a clear link between the deficiency of sulphur and the compromised ability of cells to regenerate in a healthful manner.

Linus Pauling, renowned for his groundbreaking work with vitamin C, asserted that modern diseases could be attributed to a deficiency in minerals. While Pauling's fame lies mainly in the vitamin domain, his assertion pertained to minerals, with many researchers highlighting sulphur as among the crucial trace minerals, ranking between the fourth and sixth in importance. The Sulphur Study provided comprehensive insights, affirming the interconnectedness between sulphur deficiency and the impediment of cells to regenerate optimally.

What Sulphur Does

What Sulphur Does

Sulphur plays a crucial role in facilitating the transportation of oxygen across cell membranes, a vital element for the healthy cellular regeneration of mammals. In contrast, plants rely on carbon dioxide for cell regeneration, and they have the capacity to store sulfur, a capability humans lack. While humans expel carbon dioxide, plants release oxygen, establishing a symbiotic and indispensable relationship within the sulfur cycle that underpins life as we understand it. When inquiring with many healthcare professionals about sulfur, a common response is often recited, asserting, "We obtain all the sulfur required from the food we consume." This statement held true until humanity decided to alter agricultural practices and modify crop nutrition. In 1920, Otto Warburg embarked on a comprehensive study of cancer in both plant and human organisms, earning him a Nobel Prize in 1931. Warburg's research demonstrated that cancer in humans operates anaerobically, defined as cellular metabolism occurring without oxygen. In plants, "cancer" is associated with an excess of intracellular oxygen, or aerobic metabolism. The use of a gas intended for elimination in the process of cellular regeneration is deemed an unhealthy regimen for both plants and humans.

Why most MSM Supplements fail to get results

In the initial stages of the study on Organic Sulphur, participants were instructed to purchase MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) from local stores. However, the observed outcomes did not align with the anticipated benefits outlined in existing literature on MSM. Apart from some gastrointestinal improvements, the initial group displayed minimal overall enhancement in health. Upon discovering an article highlighting the presence of 16 "harmful" additives, particularly anti-caking agents, in MSM, it became evident why our early participants failed to report significant health improvements. These additives seemed to prioritise the needs of the packaging industry over our health concerns.

Sulphur, with an atomic number of 16, is renowned for its ability to bond with nearly every mineral. It has proven effective in detoxifying heavy metals while facilitating the transport of oxygen across cell membranes, thereby supporting regeneration. Additionally, sulfur plays a crucial role as a precursor for the utilisation of amino acids, constituting approximately 70% of all amino acids. Detoxification processes are compromised in MSM containing anti-caking ingredients, as these additives obstruct the bioavailability of sulphur to cells. This is analogous to the situation when Organic Sulphur is released into the environment, either through ocean disposal or precipitation, only to be bound by chemical fertilisers as sulfites and sulfates.

Recognising the necessity for a pure, uncontaminated form of MSM, the study embarked on an exhaustive search, culminating in the identification of Organic Sulphur—coarse crystal flakes extracted directly from the precipitator with no further processing. This pristine form of Organic Sulphur was distributed to study participants, and their cellular regeneration is monitored through facial photographs. While the photographic follow-up is too recent to share conclusive results, the feedback on health, diet, and medication from participants has been intriguing. Many had been using MSM in tablet or capsule form for years before the study, and our pursuit of a pure form of MSM has proven worthwhile, as evidenced by the notable improvements reported by participants.

Cellular regeneration

Cellular regeneration & impact of Organic Sulphur in participants

The visual evidence of cellular regeneration is becoming apparent in the facial photographs of our study participants. However, the complete regeneration of all cells in the body, especially in cases of healthy cells, is a gradual process taking up to seven years. The ability to regenerate damaged cells, caused by trauma or chemical processes, hinges on the effective transport of oxygen across the cell membrane. Notably, oxygen, being a large molecule, enhances nutrient uptake when the cell membrane becomes pliable and healthy, underscoring the importance of sulphur purity in this process. In instances of cellular damage, such as old scar tissue and various fibroids, remarkable resolution has been reported. This exemplifies the potential of cellular regeneration, particularly in cells that have been scarred and unable to regenerate over the years following trauma.

The skin, being the body's largest organ, acts as a significant indicator of overall health. Termed the "beauty mineral," sulphur contributes to skin beauty through cell regeneration. Skin, akin to a backup for the liver, reflects the health of internal filters. When these filters function optimally, extracellular fluids remain unpolluted, and the immune system can effectively protect against infections. While specific lab and clinical data are not yet available, anecdotal evidence from our study members highlights dramatic instances of cellular regeneration across various health conditions. I must stress here that this information is purely historical and no action should be taken upon reading.

Arthritis: Organic Sulphur has proven to be a remarkable mineral for arthritis, providing relief from pain and increased mobility. Participants noted straightening of finger joints and resolution of internal scar tissue around the joints.

Skin Conditions: Various skin conditions, including acne, psoriasis, rosacea, toenail fungus, burns, liver spots, and disorders associated with Lupus Erythematosus, have been eliminated through internal use of sulphur.

Osteoarthritis: Ingesting Organic Sulphur has shown positive effects, with historical photographs suggesting that people were not bent over prior to the breakdown of the sulphur cycle through fertiliser use.

Osteoporosis: Though numbers are limited, bone density tests suggest a reversal of bone thinning or loss of bone density.

Cancer: Members with cancer undergoing chemotherapy reported no side effects, such as hair loss, nausea, or diarrhea, when supplementing with 30 grams of sulphur. Oncologists observed a surprising reduction in cancer cell counts, particularly in lymphomas.

Cardiovascular: Individuals scheduled for open-heart procedures experienced cancellations when their EKG returned to normal after ingesting Organic Sulphur for as little as six weeks. Reductions in scar tissue, high blood pressure, and calcium plaque in arteries were also observed.

Diabetes: Sulphur's role in insulin production and metabolism of carbohydrates contributes to its positive impact on diabetes.

Gastrointestinal Disorders: Acid indigestion, GERD, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut, and chronic constipation have been addressed with a 4 percent body weight dosage of Organic Sulphur twice daily.

Liver Regeneration: A member regenerated his liver after 25 years of suffering from Hepatitis C, following 15 months of taking two tablespoons of Organic Sulphur twice a day.

Parasites: Sulphur makes the stomach and intestines less hospitable to parasites.

Headaches & Migraines: Alleviation of migraines and headaches has been reported, with sulphur acting as a stabiliser and mood elevator.

Mental Health: Relief from ADD, ADHD, hyperactivity, depression, and mood swings has been observed, with some individuals discontinuing antidepressants and Ritalin.

Respiratory Health: Improvement in lung dysfunctions, including allergies, asthma, and emphysema, has been noted, even in cases of severe conditions where individuals reduced dependence on bottled oxygen.

Glaucoma: Regeneration of cells in the drainage system of the trabecular meshwork at the inner base of the iris has led to reported relief from glaucoma symptoms.

Hair: Return to natural hair colour has been experienced by gray- and white-haired members, indicating regeneration of pigment glands at the base of hair follicles.

Teeth & Gums: Oxygen's power, facilitated by sulphur, demonstrates efficacy in eradicating gum disease and regenerating gums, contributing to tighter teeth.

While our study continues, these anecdotal reports underscore the potential benefits of Organic Sulphur in promoting cellular regeneration across a spectrum of health conditions.

Oxygen Transport

Oxygen Transport Across Cell Membranes: Vital for Cellular Regeneration

The intricate process of cellular regeneration is intricately linked to the body's capacity to facilitate oxygen transport across cell membranes, a critical function attributed to Organic Sulphur, as previously mentioned. An examination of the periodic table of elements reveals sulphur, selenium, and tellurium as the sole trio of minerals dedicated to oxygen transport. Further investigation underscores the adverse effects of chlorine and fluorine on this oxygen transport mechanism. Despite being added for purported dental and water purification benefits, these elements are toxic at higher concentrations and hinder the uptake of both oxygen and sulfur. In light of this, the consumption of city tap water is discouraged in the Study. I will add that don't drink tap water ever.

The Study posits that a widespread deficiency in the mineral sulphur could contribute to the escalating prevalence of diseases in the U.S. The cornerstone of healthy cellular metabolism, crucial for the regeneration of all body cells, underscores the paramount importance of intracellular oxygen. Without it, the degeneration process commences well before our biological clock reaches its culmination. From our inception as a single cell, we have continually generated and regenerated all the cells in our body in a healthful manner, unless this regenerative capacity is impeded by the quality of our dietary choices.

MSM Organic Sulphur

Closing Thoughts & Conclusions

Since 1954, our food supply has been lacking in sulphur due to the widespread adoption of chemical fertilisers and the excessive processing of our foods. Unfortunately, the nation shows no signs of discontinuing the use of these lucrative chemicals, which are deeply entwined with commercial agribusiness, medicine, insurance, and the development of genetic and designer foods. Nevertheless, there is potential to revitalise our internal sulphur cycle through Organic Sulphur, provided this sulphur compound has not undergone the same scientific alterations inflicted upon our food supply.

In response to an escalating disease rate, Finland, recognizing the hazards of chemical fertilizers and concerns about cadmium levels, made the bold decision to ban all such fertilizers. At the time, they were unaware of the connection between Organic Sulphur and the Krebs cycle. Since implementing this change, Finland has emerged as a prominent supplier of "Bio-Friendly" or entirely organic foods in Europe. Notably, they have witnessed a significant reduction in disease rates, plummeting to one-tenth of the levels recorded in 1985. Interestingly, in 1985, the U.S. shared a similar disease prevalence as Finland. The question arises: why haven't we followed suit in banning all chemical fertilisers? The epidemiological data suggests a correlation between the use of chemical fertilisers and an increase in disease rates, whereas countries employing organically based fertilisation methods seem to experience a contrasting trend.

MSM Organic Sulphur is classified as a food, not a drug. Moreover, it is not stored in the body and is considered non-toxic. Even attempts to induce toxicity in mice and rats, including doses as high as 200 grams or nearly half a pound per day, failed to reach toxic levels. It's clean, safe and effective, deserving real research and funding. Which doesn't look like happening anytime soon. So why not become a member of the study yourself, simply by taking the MSM Organic Sulphur and letting us know at Ancient Purity how you got on.