The Natural End to Acid Reflux
16 June 2023

The Natural End to Acid Reflux

Welcome to the magical world of Acid reflux natural remedies! Why do I say that? because I suffered with this damn problem in the past, even since I got on the super healthy path all those years ago. Trust me it's worse when you're running a health company, giving advice all day, and then you've got occasional acid reflux. It took me ages to eliminate it completely and touch wood I've got it handled now. Now I'm putting multiple options in here, because I advised some people one of these and it worked and they never had it anymore, then I tried 1, 2, 3 or more of them and nothing. At the end I'll explain exactly what worked for me, but more simple things from the list might work for you. It could be a simple, easy change for you and I hope it is.

The underlying issue behind acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) lies in an irregularity of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) - the gateway that allows food to pass through. An ideal LES is supposed to close immediately after food enters the stomach to keep the digestive juices from traveling backwards towards the oesophagus. However, if the LES doesn't shut completely, harmful stomach acids can leak up, causing a cascade of unwanted complications. If left unaddressed, acid reflux-associated health problems may escalate into potentially devastating conditions. But really fear not, you're here, you're not using medication which masks the issue and treats the symptoms. In fact I'm going to say it's imperative to acknowledge that merely pacifying GERD or acid reflux symptoms with store-bought medications. These medications can either trigger new symptoms or exacerbate existing ones depending on your body's reaction to them. If you have been depending on over-the-counter or prescription drugs to help alleviate acid reflux-associated pain and discomfort, you are probably familiar with the notoriety regarding their adverse effects, including but not limited to headaches, muscle cramps, a high heart rate, and persistent digestive distress. Now lets stop this depressing talk and move into the future. Even today start seeing and feeling yourself as an alkaline, clean healthy being. I'm going to list things I saw work then explain what I did.

Acid Reflux

Food and Drink.

To maintain excellent digestive health and overall well-being, it's crucial to Eat Natural, non-GMO, and organic foods. Drinking lots of pure water (we choose Gravity Filtered), eating plenty of fibre, and consuming probiotic-rich foods can all alleviate any symptoms you may have. Additionally, limiting your consumption of refined grains and sugars, increasing your intake of high-quality proteins, and avoiding refined vegetable oils can protect your gastrointestinal tract, each balance hormonal function, and reduce the risk of severe chronic diseases associated with inadequate digestive health. It's important to practice Mindful eating – Slowing down and chewing your food properly improves digestion, and stopping digestion difficulty-related disorders like, ulcers, garlic reflux, and heartburn. Time your Meals, best you do not eat after 7pm, a logical piece of advice is to remember not to really have your whole dinner plate less than 3 hours before going to bed. This spacing is enough for the food to digest so that no acid reflux will trouble you at bedtime. Limit alcohol and soft drinks – The bubbly carbonation of alcohol or believe multiplies in large proportions when it hits your belly, causing acid ricochet.

For a soothing bedtime ritual, sip a cup of Chamomile, Papaya or Ginger herbal tea tea with a spoonful of raw honey added for sweetness. Chamomile contains anti-inflammatory properties specifically helpful in supporting healthy gut function. If chamomile's not your cup of tea, boil a one-inch piece of fresh ginger in 10 ounces of water for ten minutes or savor a papaya to let papain, its natural digestive enzyme, work magic on broken-down proteins. Tulsi Tea - Tulsi or Holy basil has a plethora of medicinal value, and when brewed and consumed like tea, it can help lower your stomach's acidity level. Lots of people reported Coconut water worked for them. So after a delicious spicy meal, indulge in a glass of coconut water. The cool liquid can help soothe the acidic feeling in your stomach.

Well-Being & Movement

At Ancient Purity you should be used to us putting Well-Being first Emotional fluctuations fuel acid formulation in the stomach hence check anxiety triggers. Daily Yoga, Aromatherapy, peaceful Walks etc. help bring in calmness that can keep Acid reflux at bay. The benefits from exercise do not stop with just physical fitness. An hour of aerobic exercise has been shown to help reduce Acid Reflux. Breathing exercises can help with GERD, which is also known as heartburn. Researchers studied seven studies and found that breathing exercises can make a stronger barrier between your stomach and oesophagus, preventing heartburn and acid reflux. It takes time to get the full effects, but it's worth trying because it can help improve overall health. To practice the breathing technique, sit up straight or lie down. Keep your focus on breathing in through your nose and expanding your belly, then slowly exhaling through your mouth or nose. Repeat a few times and take it slow. It might feel strange at first, but stick with it or try again another time, I have an article on Breathing in the Blog, I've been practicing Holistic Breathing since 2003 and I've written in most of what I know. These exercises can help relieve symptoms of GERD when done in conjunction with the diet and supplements.


Probiotics will really help, eating a good bowl of real yogurt or taking probiotic supplements can make all the ways as they balance your guts' unhealthy bacteria, absolving you the acidic outbursts. I took one that worked over night, as randomly I'd even woken up because of acid reflux. Incorporating daily doses of high-quality probiotics can help balance the digestive tract with healthy bacteria, which can counteract bad bacteria responsible for common issues like indigestion and poor nutrient absorption. Sodium Bicarbonate has the ability to alleviate heartburn through its ability to counteract stomach acids. With a highly acidic pH level measuring between 8 and 8.4, it targets stomach fluid pH levels that range from 1.5 to 3.5. However, caution must be taken as it contains high amounts of sodium - just ½ teaspoon contains 300mg of sodium- and those following a low-sodium diet should monitor its intake. Rapid relief from neutralising acid is accelerated through the use of sodium bicarbonate; it's important to utilize it for sporadic, temporary remedies and avoid furthering heartburn symptoms.

At the beginning of each meal, give your body a boost by taking one to two capsules of a high-quality, Digestive Enzyme supplement. These enzymes will allow your body to break down food properly, unlocking vital nutrients and promoting maximal absorption. Slippery Elm a natural herb with many medicinal properties, it can form a protective shield against any ulcers and inflammation in your stomach lining. Try having it in a brew in the early hours of morning so it can work all day long. Heartburn and digestive disruptions are downright uncomfortable HCL with Pepsin in the recommended 650 milligram dose by taking one pill before meals could really help, some people, people I know just used this and said "It's gone!". If you need more support, take additional dosage for relief, so 2 capsules maybe even 3 for some. Then around 500 milligrams. of high-quality Magnesium, incredibly healthy and essential to reviving your stress levels. Use the spray at night, I recommend it. And finally, an every-day magic elixir ready... Apple Cider Vinegar. Anecdotal evidence boldly suggests considerable benefits to acid reflux and GERD sufferers. Give it a shot today, before meals is best, it's the most economical of all the supplements along with the Pure Bicarb so why not try this first. In conjunction with the diet and lifestyle guidelines I mentioned.

Acid Reflux

The path I took out...

Rather than my life story, I'll just say what worked. First off Pure Bicarbonate of Soda, that always worked, but it is not fixing the problem. It's an excellent tool to stop the attack and prevent one over night but not a solution to stop Acid Reflux. So if you use it, use it when you have an attack and if you ever have them in the night, take it before you sleep it should stop that being too harsh during the night, oh I remember it waking me up, burning once. Sometimes I used chewing gum, when outside. I'm not saying chewing gum is healthy but it did help in flare ups and is available everywhere. Anyway these were both masking the issue, how did I get rid of acid reflux? I started doing Apple Cider Vinegar in the morning religiously, I mixed a shot glass full into pure water, I still do this for other benefits and to make sure I never experience this again. At night time I took a probiotic powder, it was a vegan one but that was just what I went for, I think any good one would work. We do have this Vegan Probiotic and it's best at night, I found it supported me while I slept and things were good, then I did the ACV.

But let me be clear, my diet was organic and clean, I skipped refined carbs as much as possible. I went for veg juices over fruit juices and honestly I went months of it being clean. I always drank water way before and still now, I guess around 2 litres a day, it never changed. Also I know everything worked better when I was exercising very regularly, when I missed it for days then it seemed worse. I walk a lot every day now, I'm in the gym 3 days a week. I believe that helped too. I did a small run of Digestive Enzymes in the start, once I finished the jar I didn't repeat as already everything was improving. Honestly I cycle supplements so much now that by the time you read this I will be on something totally different. Perhaps it's more accurate to say I eat a healthy, whole food, organic diet, I drink pure water (gravity filtered) and avoid toxins. What are toxins it's a word everywhere - it means unnatural harmful things that are either in foods, chemicals, pollution, sprays, glues, paints, fumes, contaminated water, heavy metals there's sadly a million ways to get these in your life, they're unavoidable. So do your best to avoid and swap any chemical cleaning stuff or household stuff for the safe, natural alternative. Then detox, always do some detox, it's not a fashionable word or a theory, it needs to be done. Finally I cycle supportive to health and enhancing to life supplements. I'm always on them, supplements, superfoods, herbs, tinctures, never loads at once. I rotate them and stay on top of my health. I plan to keep it that way for the next hundred years and into the next lifetimes.