Ever since I first heard Jim Morrison speak and sing about Shamanism, I have been entranced by this ancient spiritual practice. His passionate words about connecting with the natural world, digging deep into the depths of the subconscious mind, and channelling the energy of the universe resonated deeply with me. Jim Morrison fearlessly embraced shamanism in his lyrics, vividly portraying altered states of awareness and making explicit connections to shamans and ancient indigenous spirituality.
Posts tagged 'Spirituality'
Yoga – Ascension in Bodywork
10 July 2024

Just like myself, many are seeking ways to reclaim balance and well-being in their lives. One such avenue is the ancient practice of Yoga, a holistic discipline that has been celebrated for thousands of years for its myriad benefits to both body and mind. The yogic path, rooted in Indian philosophy and spirituality, offers more than just physical exercise and stretching; it is a journey toward inner peace, improved health, and heightened awareness; who knew right!?
What is Spirituality?
19 October 2023

What is Spirituality? Bold question. And for me, I’ve always listened to others ideals of what spirituality is to them and I’ve found it unobtainable. Something that’s always out of my reach. I’ve felt like a bit of a fraud because I’ve not really “felt” spiritual. So maybe I’m just not spiritual then? Or maybe its because I’ve never actually asked myself, what is Spirituality to me?
Rain: Delving into the Mystical Downpour of Spiritual Significance
8 September 2023

Earlier Tom wrote an article about the healing properties and goodness of fire, which was necessary as most people think only about war and destruction when hearing the word fire. However, today it is my goal to explore the spiritual meaning of rain throughout history. Yes, that enchanting dance of rain that stirs the heart and drenches our souls with its appearance.
Embracing the Divine: Spirituality in Everyday Life
7 July 2023

Spirituality encompasses the understanding that there is something greater than ourselves, beyond our sensory experiences. It involves recognising that we are part of a cosmic or divine whole and that our lives have meaning beyond mundane existence driven by selfishness and aggression. Spirituality explores universal concepts such as love, compassion, altruism, life after death, wisdom, and truth, acknowledging that certain individuals, like saints or enlightened beings, have achieved higher levels of development.