Living in the tropical paradise of Thailand brings with it a plethora of perks, from the stunning landscapes to the feeling of liberation that comes with cruising through lush tropical scenery on my classic bike. However, one downside of this sun-drenched lifestyle is the inevitable appearance of wrinkles, particularly on my face. Let's talk about the dreaded topic of wrinkles, which are a result of damage to the skin's structures.
Posts tagged 'Skin Health'
Astaxanthin – An Incredible Potent Nutraceutical
4 December 2024

Keep reading! You won’t believe the incredible benefits Astaxanthin can offer for your health. Until recently, I didn’t know much about this fascinating nutraceutical. A while back, I came across an article discussing how many Japanese people live to be 100 years old, and it suggested that Astaxanthin might contribute to maintaining good health well into old age. Curious to learn more, I decided to delve deeper into the subject. Here, I’ll share my findings on this remarkable compound and it’s all backed by science!
Lugol's Iodine & Skin Health - An In-Depth Exploration
16 September 2024

Before diving into the fascinating connection between Lugol’s Iodine and skin health, I want to share why I incorporate this remarkable elixir into my daily routine. As I embarked on my journey toward optimal health and well-being, I often found myself pondering the range of vitamins, minerals, and supplements that have the potential to enhance my life. Among the endless choices available, one particular supplement stood out to me: Lugol's Iodine.
Bone Broth – A Holistic Powerhouse
7 August 2024

The memories of my mother crafting Bone Broth on chilly winter evenings in Holland linger vividly in my mind. The air would be infused with the rich aroma as she stirred the pot, her voice echoing with wisdom: “Drink this, it will make you strong and healthy.” She had a special way of transforming simple ingredients into a potion of nourishment, loading the broth with generous amounts of crisp and fragrant celery, which she insisted made it even healthier.
The Power of Oyster Extract for Health & Well-Being
27 June 2024

Today let’s prepare to embark on a journey into the world of Oysters, where the benefits of these magnificent creatures are nothing short of astonishing. For the past half year, I have been faithfully consuming 2 Oyster Extract Capsules each day, and the results have been nothing short of miraculous. Within these mystical sea dwellers lies a treasure trove of nutrients essential for optimal bodily function.