I’m going to take this article today and make it all about various different recipes! This will cover a wide array of our products for which I will link and then discuss briefly the different health benefits that particular product may bring. There are various articles on our products so if you wanted to dive deeper into any of the mentioned products then please do, I just thought it handy to have this information in one specific place; my idea with this, so close to Christmas, is to have one place that we can all go (myself included) that covers all basis of the different gifts we may be lucky enough to receive this winter period, or gift others, with helpful ways in which to use them all.
Posts tagged 'Psyllium Husk'
How & Why to Use Bentonite Clay & Psyllium Husk Together
14 October 2024

I still believe that Bentonite Clay and Psyllium Husk are around and popular as unlike all the products that came and went over the years, they really work. We have to detox, there's no way to live in the modern world without doing a detox a few times a year. Bentonite Clay and Psyllium Husk offer a natural and effective way to detoxify the body and promote digestive health.
Psyllium Husk - Gut Health Hack
22 August 2023

Good digestion the unsung hero of our daily adventures through the magical land of food. Imagine that you stroll into a fancy restaurant, ready to indulge in a gastronomic extravaganza. Your taste buds are throbbing with anticipation, but little do they know that it's your digestive system that holds the ultimate power. Having a well-oiled engine of digestion is like having a secret weapon in your back pocket.