Posts tagged 'Mind'

Auric Fields & Understanding The Influences on Your Energy

22 December 2024
Auric Fields
I first came to Auric Fields when I was learning about Chakras and these energy centres over 10 years ago and I came to see that understanding the Auric field offers profound insights into the interconnectedness of our body, mind, and spirit. By exploring the Aura we can gain deeper awareness of our own personal energy, identify areas of imbalance, and potentially improve overall well-being.

The Profound Insight Offered by Psychedelics

1 October 2023
The Profound Insight
Our brains aren't just thinking machines as they're also sneaky little filters that hold us back from fully experiencing reality. But fear not, for the wise Aldous Huxley suggests that psychedelics can flip the switch on these filters, inviting us to behold a higher reality. And guess what? Science has our back on this one too! Studies reveal that psychedelics and meditation can both whisk us away into the same state of mind, where our brains feel like a perfectly synchronised orchestra.