Posts tagged 'Liver'

Protect your Liver – The Best Foods for Your Body's Detox Squad

22 December 2023
Protect your Liver
The liver is often referred to as the body's multitasking superhero, is one of the most vital organs tucked away in our abdomen. While it may not get the same amount of glamour as a sparkly heart or the intricate complexity of the brain, the liver certainly earns its importance badge. Known for its remarkable versatility, the liver wears many hats, from chief detoxifier to master nutrient processor.

Liver Health – The Road out of Trouble

4 September 2023
Liver Health
Today, let us dig deeper in the function of our liver, how to recognise liver issues and how to strengthen it. This hardworking organ deserves a standing ovation for its tireless efforts. I mean, seriously, it handles over 500 functions! Talk about an overachiever. Day in and day out, your liver is on duty, providing your body with energy, nutrients, and even playing referee to keep infections and toxins at bay.