Every morning I have an uplifting ritual of enhancing my drinking water with a splash of fresh Kaffir Lime juice. This invigorating addition not only elevates the flavour but also infuses my hydration routine with a burst of health benefits. Here in Thailand these fruits are widely used in Thai cuisine and traditional medicine. The primary season for harvesting Kaffir Limes in Thailand typically runs from late spring to early autumn, around May to September.
Posts tagged 'Kaffir Lime'
Living Kaffir Lime Shampoo – Citrus Fruit for Hair Health
22 June 2024

As the signs of ageing began to creep in, I couldn't help but notice the alarming amount of hair that clung to my brush after a simple grooming session. Panic set in as I feared the worst - the dreaded realisation that I may be losing my hair. As my salt-and-pepper locks began to mature, I didn't mind the subtle greying one bit. But about the thought of losing my precious strands? Absolutely not!