Three years ago, I delved into the world of tap water and realised the necessity of distilling it to remove toxins. However, in my quest to purify my water, I discovered that along with toxins, essential nutrients were also being stripped away. This led me to explore different ways to replenish these vital nutrients in my water. What I found was a treasure trove of possibilities as there are countless ingredients we can add to our water to enhance our overall well-being. By incorporating these habits of adding nutrients to our water, we are cultivating a positive and beneficial practice for our daily lives.
Posts tagged 'Habits'
Eating Cleaner: A Guide to Nourishing Your Body Naturally
17 September 2024

Following on a little from Tom’s latest article on MSG, it inspired me to provide a bit more information because if you’re anything like me, I need more information! Such as HOW do I clean up my eating habits, WHERE do I start? WHAT on earth do I do to start living a cleaner lifestyle? I need personally to have a bit of a plan and some inspiration so that’s what I am aiming to do here for you today.
Breaking the Cycle: Understanding Self-Sabotage, Old Habits & How to Heal
8 May 2024

Self-sabotage is a common yet often overlooked phenomenon that can hinder our personal and professional growth. Whether it's procrastination, negative self-talk, or fear of success, self-sabotaging behaviours can prevent us from reaching our full potential and living fulfilling lives. In this article, we'll explore the various ways in which we self-sabotage and provide practical strategies for healing and breaking free from these destructive patterns.
Expectations – The Limitations of Living with Preconceived Notions
16 January 2024

Life is an unpredictable journey filled with twists, turns, and unforeseen challenges. In our quest for happiness and success, we often create expectations – a set of predefined notions about how our lives should unfold. New Year (January) is generally the time of year when we reflect on the year just past and the year going forward, however it also seems to be the time when we can put an immense amount of pressure on ourselves under the illusion of “New Year’s Resolutions” and it’s considered ‘normal’ to participate in.