Posts tagged 'Electrolytes'

Coconut Water - Revitalise Your Diet with 7 Creative Uses

14 January 2024
Revitalise Your Diet
Believe me! Living in Thailand, and I live here since 2001, is like stepping into a vibrant kaleidoscope of awesomeness, where even the most discerning taste-buds are seduced by the enchanting elixir known as fresh Coconut Water. Picture this: as I wander through the bustling streets of this tropical wonderland, a dazzling parade of coconut vendors stands tall, their Coconuts beckoning me with a wink and a smile.

Fulvic Acid Minerals & Heavy Metals

1 September 2023
Fulvic Acid Minerals & Heavy Metals
Drop the beat, because we're about to dive into the world of heavy metals! These bad boys are like the rock stars of the periodic table, with their high atomic weights and notorious reputation. But hold on tight, because not all heavy metals are created equal. First up, we've got the essential heavy metals. They're on the A-list of the metal scene, including copper, cobalt, iron, and more.