Every morning I have an uplifting ritual of enhancing my drinking water with a splash of fresh Kaffir Lime juice. This invigorating addition not only elevates the flavour but also infuses my hydration routine with a burst of health benefits. Here in Thailand these fruits are widely used in Thai cuisine and traditional medicine. The primary season for harvesting Kaffir Limes in Thailand typically runs from late spring to early autumn, around May to September.
Posts tagged 'Bergamot'
Bergamot: A Multi-Faceted Miracle Cure
8 December 2023

Alright, folks, get ready for some plant power! This article is all about how chemicals found in plants are like the superheroes of medicine. They're the ones that lay the groundwork for all those life-saving drugs we rely on. Let's dive into the world of medicine and take a special trip to Italy, where a bunch of smart scientists did a study on this very topic. Now, don't worry, I know scientific stuff can put you to sleep faster than a lullaby.