As December rolls around, a familiar sight in many Western homes is the flickering glow of aromatic candles, adding a touch of cosy Christmas magic to the air. However, here in Thailand, a different tradition takes centre stage as incense sticks are lit and placed in ghost houses to invite good luck and appease the spirits. The scent of burning (low-quality) incense wafts through the air, sometimes affecting my breathing as I work.
Posts tagged 'Air Quality'
B Vitamins & Other Supplements to Protect Against Air Pollution
1 July 2024

In our increasingly polluted world, safeguarding our health against the harmful effects of air pollution has never been more crucial. We often overlook the silent but significant impact of pollutants on our bodies, leading to various health issues over time. I would say toxins be it from processed garbage food and from the pollutants of the air are our worst enemy, well along with excessive stress.