Support your Kidney Health
2 August 2023

Support your Kidney Health

The kidneys perform as extremely efficient filters for ridding our bodies of toxic substances, extra fluids and waste, and restoring amino acids, vitamins, glucose, hormones and other crucial substances into our bloodstreams. They also rid the body of acid that is made by our cells, maintaining a balance of salts, water and minerals such as sodium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium in your blood. When it comes to your kidney's well-being, opt for nutrient-rich foods, particularly those abundant in antioxidants, electrolytes, and nutrients that nourish the organs. Prioritise foods high in electrolytes and antioxidants to facilitate kidney healing.

A kidney cleanse can also prove beneficial for individuals dealing with kidney stone symptoms. A kidney cleanse becomes crucial if you've experienced infections, fluid retention, or urinary tract issues, including kidney stone symptoms. To perform a kidney cleanse properly, you should incorporate the finest herbs, fruits, and vegetables that promote kidney health. Let's explore supporting your Kidney Health, restoring health, the supplement options and the correct, safe, and effective way to do a kidney cleanse.

Food & Drinks

Starting with Food & Drinks

First on the list is Cranberries, followed by Black Cherries and Blueberries. These dark and nutrient-dense "Superfruits" are abundant in antioxidants. Cranberries are an excellent choice because they have demonstrated the ability to prevent and treat urinary tract infections (UTIs), which can significantly impact kidney health. Studies have shown that women who consumed 1.7 ounces of cranberry-lingonberry juice concentrate daily for 6 months reduced their UTI risk by 20% compared to those without intervention. Another study revealed that older adults who consumed cranberry products were approximately half as likely to have bacteria and white blood cells in their urine, indicating a reduced risk of UTIs. In a separate study involving 20 women with recurrent UTIs, the daily consumption of sweetened and dried cranberries for two weeks resulted in more than half of the patients experiencing no UTIs within 6 months. The overall UTI rate per 6 months significantly decreased, suggesting the beneficial impact of cranberries in reducing UTIs among susceptible women. Incorporating cranberry juice into your daily routine, such as in morning smoothies or as a standalone drink, is an excellent way to kickstart your kidney cleanse. You can obtain cranberries from your local health food store and create a kidney cleanse juice. Alongside cranberry juice, drinking Celery juice is highly recommended during a kidney cleanse. Both celery and cranberry juice are incredibly effective for kidney health, particularly in preventing UTIs. On the other hand, blueberries and black cherries contain resveratrol, a specific type of antioxidant that is beneficial for addressing gout and eliminating uric acid. Resveratrol plays a vital role in kidney health, as it has been shown to slow down the progression of polycystic kidney disease, restore kidney mitochondrial function after hemorrhagic shock, and show promise as a therapy for chronic kidney disease.

Beets, are rich in nitric oxide (NO2), a crucial component for naturally purifying the blood. Notably, nitric oxide plays a vital role in kidney function, and studies published in the Indian Journal of Nephrology have linked reduced NO2 production to kidney damage. Due to their high NO2 content, beets serve as excellent blood cleansers, making them perfect for a kidney cleanse. Seaweed is another incredible addition to your diet as it ranks among the most nutrient-dense foods available. You can incorporate a tablespoon of spirulina, chlorella, or even just a teaspoon of green superfood powder into your morning smoothie to enjoy its benefits. These seaweed derivatives have been shown to aid in detoxifying heavy metals from the body, which in turn benefits the kidneys. Additionally, brown seaweed has demonstrated its ability to cleanse both the liver and kidneys. To further support your kidney cleanse, consider starting your day with a glass of fresh-squeezed lemon water. Lemon Water aids in digestion and detoxification, and it is even recommended for preventing kidney stones due to its positive impact on kidney health. Among the essential vegetables for a kidney cleanse, Spinach is a must-have. With its abundant B vitamins and specific antioxidants, spinach is a powerhouse food that promotes overall body cleansing, particularly for the kidneys. Remember to consume beets and spinach in appropriate portions to avoid overconsumption, as excessive intake can lead to kidney stone formation. When consumed correctly, both beets and spinach contribute to the overall detoxification of the body, including the kidneys. With Water we are going down the endless rabbit hole, is Distilled Water the secret to eternal life, is it harmful long term. I would suggest you choose the water, on the safe side go for Gravity Filtered and consider a carafe to structure it. But research and choose the water you drink, as that's a whole other article to go into. So is hydration, I find each article I write could lead into another 20, so I'll say, use filtered water and hydrate. As for main meals, I'll mention food below in the plan.



Supplements play a crucial role in maintaining overall health and supporting vital organ functions, including the kidneys. The kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products from the blood, balancing fluids and electrolytes, and producing hormones important for regulating blood pressure. Optimal kidney health is vital for the proper functioning of the entire body. While a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are the foundation for kidney health, certain supplements can provide additional support. In this article, we will explore some of the best supplements for kidney health.

I'm only writing brief summaries on each supplement, you'd be surprised how much more could be said on each. So, please do go forth and research more on each. As always each natural element I list here has side effects, massive side effects... meaning they help loads of other things too! Just remember to cycle all supplements, see my article on How to use Supplements Correctly here.

Stinging Nettle - The plant's leaves, roots, and stems contain bioactive compounds that may positively impact the kidneys. With diuretic action it helps to flush out toxins, waste products, and excess fluids from the body. By promoting increased urine output, Stinging Nettle may assist in preventing water retention and reducing oedema, a condition where the body retains excessive fluid. It can help reduce inflammation in the kidneys and other parts of the body. Stinging nettle has been suggested to help reduce uric acid levels, which may aid in preventing kidney stone formation and related kidney problems.

Vitamin D3 - Vitamin D is essential for healthy kidneys as it helps regulate calcium and phosphorus levels in the body. It also aids in the absorption of calcium, which is crucial for maintaining strong bones. Individuals with kidney disease often have low vitamin D levels, so supplementation can be beneficial. However, it is important to consult a healthcare provider before taking vitamin D supplements, as excessive amounts can be harmful.

MSM Organic Sulphur - MSM improves Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR): Glomerular filtration rate measures how efficiently the kidneys filter waste from the blood. Studies have suggested that MSM supplementation may help improve GFR, indicating enhanced kidney filtration and function. It contributes to the formation of collagen, an essential protein that makes up the structural framework of the kidneys. MSM has been shown to support healthy blood circulation, which can enhance kidney function and reduce the risk of water retention problems. I know you're on Ancient Purity's website reading this and it may seem bias but please trust me, 99% of the MSM supplements don't do enough, I'm not saying they're useless, but the reason we provide ours is... It works, I use it, it truly works, other ones barely do.

Krill Oil - Omega-3 fatty acids, specifically EPA and DHA, have anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce inflammation in the kidneys. They also support cardiovascular health and can aid in maintaining kidney function. Omega-3 supplements can be sourced from fish oil or algae and are generally safe for most people. However, those on blood-thinning medications should exercise caution and consult with their healthcare provider.

CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) - CoQ10 is an antioxidant that helps protect the kidneys from damage caused by oxidative stress. It also supports cardiovascular health, which is of utmost importance for optimal kidney function. CoQ10 levels naturally decline with age, so supplementation can be beneficial for older adults. However, individuals on certain medications, such as blood thinners or blood pressure medications, should consult their healthcare provider before starting CoQ10 supplements.

R-Lipoic Acid - A powerful antioxidant that helps neutralise harmful free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress. It may protect against kidney damage caused by diabetes and other conditions. It can be found in small amounts in some foods, but supplementation can provide higher doses. R-lipoic acid is the natural, biologically active form of lipoic acid, alpha-lipoic acid is a synthetic form. Studies showed that R-lipoic acid is more effective than alpha-lipoic acid at protecting cells against oxidative stress and supporting various aspects of health, including nerve health, heart health, and insulin sensitivity.

NAC (N-acetylcysteine) - NAC is a potent antioxidant that supports healthy kidney function by reducing oxidative stress and preventing kidney injury. It also has detoxification properties and aids in the maintenance of glutathione levels, an essential antioxidant for kidney health. NAC is generally safe to use but should be taken under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

He Shou Wu - When faced with exhaustion and depletion of the Kidneys and adrenals, our ultimate source of balance and rejuvenation lies in the primary Yin Jing herb known as He Shou Wu. This revered restorative herb is an essential component of the tonic system, as it has the remarkable ability to elevate core energy levels, thus restoring function and reviving vitality. It holds a prominent position as the Orient's great adrenal and Kidney-healing herb, praised by Taoists for its life-extending properties. By promoting harmony and rejuvenation of the Jing essence, which represents our core energy, this ancient herb becomes a favoured choice for replenishing depleted vitality and revitalising the fundamental energy within the body, leading to ultimate vigour. Its beneficial effects extend to the Liver channel, making it a valuable aid for individuals experiencing Blood deficiency or requiring support for their Kidney and Liver functions.

Kidney Complex - We also created a Multi for Kidneys. Its got Horsetail, Corn Silk, Goldenrod, Stinging Nettle, Cranberry and Uva-Ursi in it. The plant-based components have a long history of traditional safe use. This article would go on forever if I listed why each ingredient works but please do research.

Cleansing the Kidneys

Cleansing the Kidneys

Let's delve into the comprehensive approach for a highly effective kidney cleanse program. I recommend a 3-day cleanse that focuses on a nourishing veggie juice or smoothie made from a blend of celery, cranberries, blueberries, and a touch of collagen protein powder. This regimen sets the foundation for a nutritional kidney cleanse diet that will leave you feeling energised and revitalised.

Eating in general should always follow a few simple things. Eat whole foods, eat organic, don't over eat. Avoid processed foods, tinned food, if it has ingredients avoid it. Since 2010 I've been doing this and I have vowed never to again discuss Vegan / Keto / Vegetarian / Fruitarian diets, just not diets. Instead eat what is right for you, but follow the guide above. Number one is to avoid toxins of any kind. Your food can be what you want, what suits you as long as it's whole food. Carrots have no ingredients, a Chicken has no ingredients, if you get tinned carrots there will be something else in it, if you get packet chicken there will be a load of crap added. Whole foods, organic, avoid any artificial sounding ingredients.

Add these in for a Kidney Cleanse:

Morning: Fruit Green & Protein - Make a smoothie with half a cup of Blueberries, and half a cup of Cranberries. Take a heaped teaspoon of Spirulina. Add some protein powder (either Collagen or other plant-based options) and a milk of your choice. I make my own Hemp or Sandalwood Nut milk.

Mid day: Indulge in another invigorating smoothie or juice, but this time add in some He Shou Wu and Nettle Leaf Powders, you can pick Nettles and add to your diet but usually I hear that most people don't do it. Perhaps they don't have the time to do it. So, my advice is to get a clean powder.

Evening: Eat a whole food meal, less in the evening is better, if you are choosing the MSM then take the evenings serving of that.

This program goes beyond being solely beneficial for the kidneys; it also serves as an excellent adrenal fatigue diet, helping to reset your adrenal glands and combat fatigue effectively. Adhering to this well-rounded approach will leave you feeling rejuvenated, revitalised, and ready to embrace a healthier and more vibrant life. Trust in the power of this kidney cleanse program, and the incredible benefits it offers will become apparent as you experience a renewed sense of well-being.