Stretching for Circulation
16 May 2023

Stretching for Circulation

Stretching is essential, I'm sure you know this. It's a simple part of a healthy lifestyle, I go through phases where I miss the gym and do no Yoga, but I always keep stretching. It really can be used to improve circulation, in fact I'd say along with Nitric Oxide and Cacao it's incredible, you get focus on certain areas and improve circulation all over. By stretching regularly (I like to stretch daily) you can increase blood flow to the muscles, reduce muscle tension, and improve overall circulation. When we stretch, we are stimulating the muscles, and this stimulation sends a signal to the brain to increase blood flow to the area. The increased blood flow delivers oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, which can help to reduce inflammation, increase flexibility, and improve circulation. There are several types of stretching exercises that can be used to improve circulation. One of the most popular types of stretching is static stretching, which involves holding a stretch for a prolonged period. This type of stretching can be done either before / after a workout or like I do sometimes just simply as a daily stretch, I'm repeating myself but there's reason, I really believe keeping supple through stretching could be more important than many of the other regular mainstream movements. Anyway another type of stretching exercise that can be used to improve circulation is dynamic stretching. Dynamic stretching involves moving through a range of motions to warm up the muscles before a workout. This type of stretching can help to increase blood flow to the muscles and reduce the risk of injury.

Yoga like exercise is another excellent way to improve circulation. Yoga involves a series of stretches and poses that help to increase flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and improve overall circulation. Yoga will also help to reduce stress, which is a significant contributor to poor circulation. Maybe you'd never thought that, but yes, stress really effects everything, I just feel it would be boring if I opened every article I write with... Be happy, relaxed and free etc. So let's assume you are on the path to emotional well-being or you're already feeling happy and full of light. It is essential to stretch regularly to improve circulation. Ideally, you should aim to stretch for at least 10 minutes per day, now I don't always do this in one bout, so go easy on yourself. Sometimes I say to people just do 1 minute of stretching a day, often they then do more, so much of this is in the mind. You can also add in additional stretching during your workout routine, or do 10 lots of 1 minute stretches through the day. If you are looking to improve your circulation, health and wellness, consider incorporating stretching into your daily routine. It helps improve flexibility, mobility, and joint function. Not only does it prevent injuries and improve performance, but stretching also clears your mind and helps relieve stress. So, if you are stressed and circulation is down, it's the perfect addition!

Stretching Routine

Here is a holistic guide to help you achieve the most out of your stretching routine...

Warm-up: Before stretching, make sure to warm up. This can include a light jog, jumping jacks, or a few minutes on the stationary bike. Warming up increases blood flow, raises body temperature, and loosens up muscles.

Stretching Types: There are different types of stretches you can do, and each one targets different muscle groups. Static stretching involves holding a position for a set amount of time, while dynamic stretching involves performing movements that mimic your exercise or sport.

Proper Technique: When stretching, it is important to maintain proper technique. Avoid bouncing or over-stretching, as this can cause injury. Instead, hold each position for 15 to 30 seconds and gradually increase the intensity.

Focus on Major Muscle Groups: Focus on stretching major muscle groups, such as your hamstrings, quads, hips, back, and shoulders. These muscles are prone to tightness and perform many activities throughout the day.

Stretching Routine: Establish a stretching routine and stick to it. You can do it before or after your workout, or at any time during the day. Make sure to stretch each muscle group evenly and take your time.

Breath: I now feel I should of put this first as it's so important but its done throughout. So while stretching, breathe deeply and slowly. This helps relax your body and mind and improves the effectiveness of the stretch.

Cool Down: After your workout, don't forget to cool down. Spend a few minutes stretching and gradually bring your heart rate down to pre-workout levels. This can help prevent muscle stiffness and soreness. If it's summer I like to stretch before a cold shower. If it's winter no chance.

In conclusion, stretching is an essential component of any fitness routine. By incorporating these tips into your stretching routine, you can improve your movement and health. If you want to get things moving quickly and feel you're behind with circulation, consider a mug of Ceremonial Cacao, or one of our new in 2023 (As it might be 2525 when you're reading this) Nitric Oxide Boost, a nice fizzy drink you can make that's natural. Goji Berries make a great snack for this too, but seriously, always stretch. It's so good and with age and amazing movement you'll be glad you took just a little time daily.