Soothing Stress – Change your Mindset
Feeling more tightly wound than a coiled spring these days? Well, you're not alone. According to a riveting study by the American Psychological Association back in 2012, a whopping 7 out of every 10 Americans are feeling the pressure cooker of stress in their day-to-day lives. Talk about a stress epidemic! Now, let's talk about the unfortunate side effects of this stress circus. People in the study reported feeling ticked off, ready to blow their top, completely drained of energy, and experiencing more sleepless nights than a nocturnal squirrel. It's like a bad horror movie, except this terror is happening in real life. But here's the kicker. Despite stress becoming as trendy as avocado toast, our dear old health system is floundering like a fish out of water when it comes to helping us handle this hot mess. It's like trying to drive a manual car when you've only ever ridden a unicycle. In other words, it's not working.
Now, the big question is: where the heck does this stress monster come from? Well, according to the wise sages at WebMD, each person has their own unique triggers. It's like a twisted game of "What's stressing you out today?" The answers can range from personal issues like battling chronic illnesses, grappling with pent-up anger or sadness, or wrestling with self-esteem that's lower than a limbo competition. Major life changes are also a prime offender, like having to navigate a mid-life crisis or surviving a zombie apocalypse. But let's not forget about the social and job hurdles that can pile on the stress like a mountain of dirty dishes after a dinner party. If you're caught in the soul-sucking clutches of a job that brings you about as much joy as a root canal, or if your bank account resembles a desert wasteland, let's just say stress is about as welcome as a snarky comment from your Aunt Mildred at Thanksgiving dinner.

And here's a gem of wisdom from WebMD. Stress levels can even vary based on your personality type. Some people are chronic worrywarts, fretting like a Chihuahua on caffeine about every little trigger. Others see stress as mere mosquito bites, annoying but ultimately manageable. Yep, the quirks of the human psyche never cease to amaze. So, the next time you're feeling like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, know that you're far from alone. Stress is a sneaky beast that slithers into all of our lives at one point or another. Just remember to take a deep breath, grab hold of your resilience like a superhero cape, and tackle that stress with all the wit and charm you possess. You've got this!
A) Stress is Positive:
- Stress amplifies my capacity to learn, evolve, and deliver outstanding results.
- Embracing stress enhances my well-being and vitality.
- Harness the power of stress for a positive impact.
B) Stress is Negative:
- Stress obstructs my pursuit for knowledge, progress and productivity.
- Stress reduces my well-being and zest for life.
- The effects of stress have a negative impact so it should be avoided.
Alright, let's dive into the great debate: stress, is it a nasty villain or a sneaky hero? We all know that stress has a bad rap, but what if I told you that's just a bunch of hooey? Yup, that bleak mindset could be causing more harm than good. Brace yourselves, because having a "stress is helpful" mentality might just be the secret to unlocking some massive benefits. Now, let's be honest here, we've all been conditioned to think of stress as that annoying little pest that ruins our lives. And to be fair, it's had its fair share of misbehaviour. Stress can be a real troublemaker, wreaking havoc on our physical health, mental state, emotional well-being, social life, and even our spiritual mojo. Too much of it, known as distress or chronic stress, can unleash a storm of diseases and disorders, intensify existing pain, and lead to delightful problems like anxiety, depression, isolation, and burnout. Oh joy, what a party! But hold on a second all you stress sceptics out there. What if we dared to question the status quo? What if, amidst the chaos and turmoil stress can bring, we actually found a silver lining?

Get ready, because this is where things get interesting. Deep down, you have to admit that when stress comes a-knocking, it often brings a little motivation and productivity along for the ride. We've all experienced those moments when stress lit a fire under our behinds and pushed us to new heights. It's almost like stress is a tough-love personal trainer, whipping us into shape and forcing us to hustle our way to success. So, where do you stand? Which statement speaks to your very soul? Are you a "stress is harmful" fretter or a "stress is helpful" believer? It's time to ponder and make a choice, my fellow stress enthusiasts. Remember, stress may have a tarnished reputation, but what if there's more to the story? What if stress is a misunderstood superstar, waiting to be embraced for all its challenging glory? Choose wisely, for the battle between stress's harmful tendencies and its secret powers could shape your journey. Approach stress as your enemy, and it shall surely devour you. But embrace stress as your ally, and who knows? You might just find the key to unlocking a brave new world of resilience, growth, and success. The choice is yours...
If you're thinking stress is a one-way ticket to misery town, think again! The stress aficionados Alia Crum and Kelly McGonigal have been delving into the twisted world of stress and all its quirky mindsets at Stanford University. They've been dishing out statements to their guinea pigs, I mean research subjects, and putting them through the wringer of stress tests. But here's the kicker: those who actually believe stress is a helpful friend end up having the last laugh. These stress enthusiasts are not only strutting around with smiles on their faces, but they're also crushing it at work, feeling pumped with self-confidence, and finding hidden meaning in life's wildest roller coaster rides. So, maybe it's time we give stress a round of applause for being such an unexpected ally (McGonigal 2015).
Changing your Perspective on Stress
Probably very few people view all situations with the "stress is harmful" approach. At the same time, many people could benefit from improving their stress mindset. Research studies show that stress is most likely to be harmful if, because of stress, you feel inadequate, you feel out of control or a sense of meaninglessness, or you isolate from others (McGonigal 2015). I have framed these 3 categories as the “three H’s” of stress risk: Helplessness, Hopelessness, and Hiding. When you are overwhelmed with life stress, do you feel helpless, like there’s nothing you can do? Do you feel hopeless experiencing a sense that life will always be difficult for you? Do you want to avoid or hide from stressors by escaping into food, alcohol, work procrastination, neglecting daily chores, isolating from friends, or bottling up feelings? As a new strategy, why not get help from your most energising, core qualities that are already within you? Your character strengths!

Handling Concealment
Unleash the power of your inquisitive prowess and direct it towards a specific individual in your existence, daring to pose an unexplored query. Behold, for such a simple act may ignite a cascade of curiosity and inquiries, leading you down the thrilling path of a deeply significant conversation. And oh, what a perfect juncture it shall be to delve into the depths of your innermost emotions, specifically those intertwined with that relentless demon we call stress.
Handling Hopelessness
Tap into the hidden superpowers you possess! In those moments of despair, we tend to misplace our incredible abilities. It somehow slips our mind that these very strengths can rescue us from the darkest depths. It's time to unlock them and let them work their magic! Embrace one of your marvellous talents today and save another for tomorrow. Let's say you possess an extraordinary appreciation of beauty. Well, buckle up, because we're taking the scenic route home! Roll down the windows and let the wind rumble through your luscious locks as you cruise through the countryside. Immerse yourself in the symphony of breath-taking sights and fragrant air. Behold the majesty of the landscape, dazzling your senses with hues and hues of magnificence. Let the sheer beauty rejuvenate your weary soul, for it has the power to uplift even the gloomiest of spirits. Embrace the charm of nature as it dances before your eyes. Let its enchantment sweep you away from despair and remind you of the wondrous world we inhabit.
Manage Helplessness
Embrace your own badassery and focus on what makes you shine. May it be your indomitable perseverance, dazzling prudence, or your awe-inspiring leadership skills. It's time to take the reins and assert your dominance over the chaotic mess that's been trying to mess with your Zen. Channel your inner commander-in-chief and lead yourself out of the swamp of helpless thoughts and onto the gloriously empowering path of self-empowerment. Your natural-born leadership skills are the secret weapon that'll blast those destructive thoughts into oblivion. Take charge and charge forward like a majestic superhero! Don't underestimate that cunning prudence of yours. Let it gracefully dance through your mind, crafting a master plan to vanquish that overwhelming feeling. Picture yourself mentally mapping out just one thing you can do to seize control. Let your prudence guide you towards a brilliant solution that'll make Einstein look like an amateur. Let's not forget that mighty perseverance of yours. Fuelled by pure determination, it's time to unleash it upon that chosen task. It might be minuscule, but remember - even the tiniest act can set off a colossal wave of change. Don't doubt the power of your inner warrior! With each triumphant action, you'll create an awe-inspiring ripple that'll send shockwaves of control pulsating through your universe. Take that, chaos!

Natural Stress Relievers
In a world where stress is an unwelcome guest at the daily party of our lives, it's only fitting to turn to Mother Nature's pantry for some much-needed relief. For those needing a little help changing their mindset, enter Ancient Purity Californian Poppy, a charming little flower with a power-packed punch of tranquillity. With petals as vibrant as a Californian sunset, this floral genius gently taps on the doors of our stressed-out minds, coaxing them open to release the worries that plague our thoughts. And if you thought that poppy couldn't get any cooler, let me introduce you to its sidekick, Ashwagandha Extract, the superhero of serenity. Ashwagandha marches onto the stage with clenched fists and a calm demeanour, ready to take down stress like it's a villain threatening to overthrow our mental equilibrium. Together, these botanical warriors form an unbeatable team, ensuring that stress doesn't stand a chance against their soothing powers. So, next time life throws you a curveball, give those harbingers of tranquillity their well-deserved spotlight and watch as stress takes its final bow.
Last Words
Don't be a doubt-full doubter for the wise researchers have delved deep into this notion. They've scrutinised the notion that those who find stress strangely helpful have somehow managed to dodge the gripping claws of stress in their own existence. But alas, no! The clever researchers have proven that both the stress-averse and the stress-champions experience the same agonising pangs of suffering and stress. Ah, stress, that sneaky companion, it lurks around every corner of this wondrous existence, refusing to be shunned by even a single soul. So, we all dance a merry jig with stress, yet it is the wide array of mindsets we hold about this mischievous fellow that sets us apart.
''Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.'' - Steve Maraboli