Revamping Relationships - 5 Powerful Stoic Habits for Lasting Harmony
10 January 2024

Revamping Relationships - 5 Powerful Stoic Habits for Lasting Harmony

Looking to level up your relationships? Look no further than Stoicism, the OG Greek philosophy that's been dropping truth bombs since 300 BC. Yep, that's right, these ancient dudes knew a thing or two about improving your bonds – whether it's with your family, your significant other, or even your annoying co-worker. So, what's the secret sauce? Well, it all comes down to embracing the Stoic way of life. By following these five epic practices, you'll be well on your way to relationship bliss. First up, ditch those destructive emotions. No more flying off the handle or letting jealousy ruin your day. Stoics preach emotional control, so reign in those wild mood swings and be a cool cucumber.

Next, kick volatile passion to the curb and let reason take the wheel. Instead of having screaming matches, use your noggin to have calm, logical discussions. It is way more satisfying to win an argument with a sound argument than a loud voice. Plus, it'll save your vocal cords. Oh, and don't forget to keep tabs on the fragile nature of life. Stoics are all about reminding themselves that time is ticking away, so make every moment count. Live in the present, cherish the people around you, and embrace that FOMO-free life. Now, moderation may not sound sexy, but it's key to fostering healthy relationships. Avoid excessive behaviour and find that sweet spot where you enjoy life without going overboard. Remember, too much of a good thing can quickly turn into a not-so-good thing.

Ancient Philosophy

Last but not least, fulfil your duties like a boss. Whether it's as a friend, partner, sibling, or colleague, Stoicism teaches us to honour our obligations and be mindful in our roles. So, stop flaking on plans, be reliable, and watch those connections strengthen like never before. By incorporating these Stoic practices into your life, you'll be a relationship guru before you know it. Say goodbye to toxic attachments, hello to being present, and get ready to tap into that wisdom that'll make your social life flourish. So, what are you waiting for? It's time to bring some ancient wisdom into the 21st century and slay those relationships like a true Stoic boss.

Conquering Destructive Emotions

The Stoics have this nifty concept called "apatheia," where they advocate for a cool and calm attitude by not getting too hooked on specific folks, outcomes, or situations. This kind of Jedi-like mental control helps us rein in those knee-jerk emotions, so we can have more level-headed convos when things get sticky. When we master our anger, resentment and other heavy emotions, it's like putting on a pair of super-clear glasses – suddenly we see things in a whole new light, making it easier to communicate in a healthy way. For instance, if a buddy bails on plans we were stoked about, instead of blowing up or feeling sorry for ourselves, we can just shrug it off. There might be totally legit reasons behind the change of plans that have nada to do with our friendship or their eagerness to hang out. By keeping a lid on our disappointment, we can have more chill chats, tackle problems with logic, and even strengthen our connections by showing some grown-up understanding of others' needs.

Use Logic, Not Emotion

Picture this: you've had a long and gruelling day at work, and all you want to do is unwind and relax. But alas, when you step foot in your humble abode, you're hit with a tsunami of tension and discord. Your partner is fuming over a decision you made without consulting them, and soon enough, the atmosphere becomes as frosty as the Arctic. Now, you have two options. Option 1: let your emotions run rampant like a bunch of wild horses, hurling accusations and insults left and right. Option 2: channel your inner Stoic, embracing reason and logic like a boss. And trust me, there's nothing cooler than a boss who can keep their cool. The Stoics, those ancient Greek sages, understood the power of reason – or as they called it, "logos." They knew that unchecked emotions could be as destructive as a bull in a China shop, leaving behind a trail of broken relationships and shattered dreams. So instead of giving in to the fiery allure of anger or sadness, they paused, took a deep breath, and engaged their brain power. They analysed the situation, dissecting it piece by piece with a surgical precision that would make any scientist proud. They asked themselves, "What are the facts? What are the potential solutions? Is this argument really worth jeopardising our relationship over?" And you know what? More often than not, those Stoics found a way to bridge the gap, to build bridges instead of burning them. They realized that a calm and logical approach could lead to better negotiations, to finding compromises that satisfied both parties. Now, let's zip back to the reality of your once blissful home turned war zone. Instead of allowing your anger to morph you into the Incredible Hulk, take a moment to collect your thoughts. Sip some metaphorical chamomile tea and let reason herald the way. Don't berate your partner; instead, take a step back and evaluate the situation from multiple angles.

Put yourself in their shoes, and see if you can identify the root cause of their frustration. Is it a communication breakdown? A clash of values? Or simply a case of two people with different visions for the future? Once you have a clearer understanding of the issues at hand, try engaging your partner in a calm and rational conversation. Leave your egos at the door, for they have no place in productive discussions. Instead, focus on finding common ground, on searching for solutions that honour both your needs and desires. In doing so, you'll not only be embracing the stoic way of life, but you'll also be paving the path to a healthier and more harmonious relationship. You'll be the Sherlock Holmes of love, deducing your way through the myriad of obstacles that come your way. So, the next time you find yourself caught in the crossfire of a heated disagreement, remember the wise words of the Stoics. Choose reason over passion, logic over impulse. And who knows, you might just be the hero of your own romantic saga, living happily ever after with a partner who cherishes your ability to think before you speak.

Collective Mortality

Reflect on Our Collective Mortality

Stoicism is like a philosophical gravy train that takes us on a wild ride through the ephemeral nature of existence. It's like a rollercoaster of morbid thoughts, but hang on tight, for it has an uplifting purpose in our relationships. You see, Stoicism tells us that old age, disease and death are not mere figments of our imagination. No, no, they come for us all, my fellow mortal beings. Now hold on a moment before you grab a box of tissues, for this is not meant to send you spiralling into a pit of despair. Nope, quite the opposite! By bravely confronting our mortality, we start to realise that time on this wacky planet is not guaranteed. None of us are exempt from the ticking clock of life. And what does this realisation do? It ignites a fire within us to savour every precious moment with our loved ones. Because hey, who wants to take people for granted when they could be snatched away from us in the blink of an eye? The impermanence of all things! It's like a wake-up call from the universe itself. Suddenly, the trivial squabbles and petty arguments just don't seem like big deals anymore. They become mere dust particles floating in the breeze of our shared mortality.

So, let us bask in this wisdom and cherish our connections with an air of profound gratitude. We shall prioritise quality time with friends, family members and partners. We'll express our undying feelings (well, figuratively undying, of course) and forgive those minor faults that no longer seem like a big deal in the grand scheme of our fleeting existence. For you see, we won't have endless days together. Nope, the clock keeps ticking reminding us that time is a fickle mistress. And that is exactly what inspires us to make the most of the present. To live with vitality and to bond deeply with those who matter most. Because we refuse to let the sands of time wash away our chance for love, connection, and unforgettable memories. So, embrace the ephemeral nature of our journey. Choose to live and love fiercely, as if each day were the last dance of existence. Because, when it comes down to it, there's nothing more beautiful than a life lived in Stoic awareness and an appreciation of the fleeting moments we are lucky enough to share.

Refrain from Indulgence

Refrain from Indulgence & Longing

The Stoics have a bone to pick with our greedy, power-hungry, pleasure-seeking, materialistic tendencies. They're like a nagging mother, warning us about the perils of these excesses that can leave our relationships in ruins and our well-being in shambles. But let's be real, who has time for meaningful connections when we're too busy chasing status, wealth, and accolades? We're practically begging for a lifetime of emotional and social bankruptcy. But here's the twist - if we have the guts to resist the siren call of never-ending desires for bigger houses and flashy cars, we're in for a treat. Like soaring free birds, we'll gain an unimaginable sense of freedom by telling society's superficial symbols to take a hike. Instead, we embrace the wisdom of the Stoics and find sustainable satisfaction. And guess what? Our friendships, romantic relationships, and family ties start pumping iron and growing Hulk-like. We begin to cherish our loved ones with eyes wide open, no longer taking them for granted like some entitled brat. So, let's ditch the empty pursuit of materialistic nonsense and start nurturing what truly matters. It's time to show those Stoics some love and watch our connections thrive like never before.

Relational Duties

Fulfil Our Relational Duties

Living a Stoic lifestyle means embracing the fact that we have certain duties to ourselves and our fellow human beings. These duties are rooted in principles of justice and are crucial for maintaining a harmonious collective society. So, let's get our duty hats on! First and foremost, we must fulfil our relational obligations in all areas of our lives. Whether it's being a good friend, a supportive parent, a caring partner, a wise mentor, or a responsible community member, we owe it to ourselves and others to play our part. It's like a game of cooperative teamwork, but with a lot more philosophical depth. Now, when it comes to treating those closest to us, the golden rule comes into play. We should give them the same care, rights, and respect that we desire for ourselves. This not only establishes a strong foundation for our relationships but also leads to long-term flourishing. Stoicism believes that friendships require trust, honesty, reliability, generosity and counsel. So, be the best friend possible by embodying loyalty, prudence, humour, understanding, forgiveness, and compassion. By doing so, your bonds will become tighter than a corset at a Victorian tea party.

But it doesn't stop there! This idea of proactive service and responsibility applies to romantic relationships and family units as well. Each member must embrace the principles of justice, support, and growth, rather than selfish egoism. By doing their part and contributing to the greater good, sustainable joy will follow. Who knew that ancient wisdom could be so modern and relevant? So, here's a tip from the Stoic playbook: practice indifference (not the kind where you ignore people, please), cool-headed logic, present-moment gratitude, moderation (because too much of a good thing can be bad), and responsible roles. These habits will help you forge improved connections with those around you while adding a touch of sophistication to your relationships. In a nutshell, Stoicism offers profound wisdom that can transform your relationships into blissful havens. Just imagine a world where everyone followed these principles - it would be like living in a rom-com set in ancient Greece. So, let's embrace our Stoic duties and create a society that thrives on love, understanding, and profound philosophical musings. Together, we can rewrite the rulebook of relationships and live happily ever after.

“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.” - Marcus Aurelius