Live & Breathe
22 May 2023

Live & Breathe

"The Truly Healthy environment is not merely safe but stimulating."
- William H. Stewart, Environmental Science and Technology, February 1968

Ah! Breath and air are my world as are sunshine and waves. This collection comes from around 2006, I had lot's of notes in books and on my old computer plenty of saved drafts. I can update it all now.

The breath of fire, I had lied down on the floor and followed the panting technique I'd read it in I think Prometheus Rising - Robert Anton Wilson , a book I bought travelling because I liked the cover. I also had then borrowed The Book of Breath from my gran, a warn book that looked like it was from the 1930's. She had intended to open a holistic book library in the 1960's. A brilliant idea that I don't think anyone did, maybe somewhere who knows. Anyway it's now 2023 and all this was before the dawn of Ancient Purity. I just didn't like smoking Mary Jane, not that much at all, but I was very interested in ESP and even from the age of about 19 I was reading about Life Extension. I just always saw this huge world and knew, I'm gunna need a lot of time to cover this and I'll need to be fit. Now at 41 someone might think I'm trying anti-ageing methods... absolutely I am I have been for over 20 years. Breath is still a big part of it, our the past years Yoga boomed, quietened down a bit, then Wim Hoff turned up, then its breath work classes and breath work coaches and I say FANTASTIC, natural health isn't that cool music you don't want anyone else to hear it's for all, we must all grow and expand and ascend, that I think is the goal of this and if it's not, that's ok too. So let me share what I think about breathing currently.

Live & Breath

Breathing is the most essential bodily function that we overlook. In fact, we take it for granted, not realising its incredible capacity to extend our lives and promote longevity. Many experts argue that breathing properly could be the key to a long and healthy life. I'm no expert and I agree. Making pranayama illegal has yet to be accomplished haha. Learning the technique, as outlined in yoga literature, allows one to enter a different state of consciousness. This shift in awareness enables individuals to examine their nervous system and understand how it affects their perception of reality. As technology progresses and knowledge expands, scientists have begun to explore the possibility of increasing human lifespan. Successful experimentation on animals has shown that lifespans can be doubled, even tripled, but the potential human lifespan is still unknown. Scientists have suggested doubling lifespan to 140 years, which would grant individuals ample time to undergo extended scientific investigation into longevity. With age no longer being a limiting factor, many optimistic about what can be learned about increasing longevity. To achieve a different state of consciousness, all you need to do is read an old book on yoga and learn the technique of breathing through alternate nostrils (go to a class better). This can lead to a completely different state of mind. By experiencing this altered state of consciousness, you can switch back to your regular consciousness and reflect upon your experience. This allows you to alternate between the two states of consciousness, essentially becoming a higher level of intelligence that studies itself. I tattooed the air symbol on my finger because I wanted to be drawn back to drawing breath more, to make it part of my hour.

The technique of proper breathing has been in existence for centuries in traditional practices, yes as I said new things have come up and they're fantastic. But this is the message of this article and the message of my last 20 plus years is just turn your attention to breathing. Nevermind the endless techniques, don't worry about the methods, no need to allocate 10 minutes, don't worry about going to a class, all that can come later. I'm saying just turning your attention to breath more often to enhance, extend and enrich your life. So to clarify what does turn your attention to breath mean, if you're unsure, and I know and I'm so happy to have readers from non English speaking countries, thanks so much for reading...

Breath in but just be aware you are breathing in, let it all be comfortable and relaxed, be aware you are brining in breath and filling your body then releasing it out, acknowledge this is not some magic technique, not an experts guide, not an ancient secret. It's simply you bringing a little more attention to your breathing, you're improving, now is a new moment and the only important one, so the fact you are doing some breathing now is perfect, you missed the breath work masterclass retreat, your Wim Hoff subscription expired, you forgot to buy Ancient Purity's healing incense, you didn't finish the Yogic Breathing book, breath all that out and let it go, breath in, however you like, it's your breath, your body your moment and it's all that matters.

I hope we shared a moment and now maybe I can help you feel your way into regular moments like that. Studies reveal that oxygen is the life force, and efficient breathing plays a very important role in maximising the oxygen input our body requires. As we age, the amount of oxygen intake decreases approximately, which contributes to various age-related health problems. However, conscious breathing can help perk up cellular-level functions in the human body even at an advanced stage of 80 years. It assists in proper digestion, proper stress management, relaxation, and energy flow that ones need to stay younger & healthier in mind and body. So incorporating certain breathing techniques into our daily routine can prevent the risk of various chronic diseases like cancer, heart problems, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes, and much more, slows down signs of ageing, and improves overall well-being. Choose any or just repeat what we did a moment ago. I like Pranayama, the form of yogic breathing, I mentioned earlier. It emphasises mindful concentration on inhalations and exhalations for lengthening our intake of breath and boosting the oxygen content in our bloodstream. Additionally, adopting breathing exercises like slow, deep-breathing, paused breathing, etc. can often trigger heightened longevity factors positively in an individual.

Live & Breath

These things are so obvious but maybe you need a "real" booster shot that actually helps you, remembering why breathing is so powerful. Deep breathing eases stress, anxiety and works as an antidepressant for a better mental and emotional state. In comparison, rhythmic, slower delayed breathing transitions to a meditative state, lowering heart rate, induces better mental agility, reinforces your parasympathetic nervous system, and more. Naturally, controlled breathing benefits individuals experiencing age-related health issues that baffle with their quality of life such as poor sleep at night, reduced flexibility or mobility, or muscular hypotrophy. It can improve their overall health, immune system function, and helps recuperate physical active abilities in no time. I really still think breathing exercises are underutilised for longevity purposes, the biohackers the longevity gurus, those who are doing so much, rarely add breathing into it, and the Breath Work Teachers don't always know about Fulvic Acid, Spermidine and NMN. They play an important role in keeping our body fresh and strong to battle ageing damages. Whatever your age you should integrate incorporating them into their fitness routines for the benefits and life-changing results it offers. Nevertheless, everyone regardless their age can aim for the elusive target of an extended healthier life.

Allow yourself to be mindful of every movement you make - be fully engaged in every step you take, even take note of your breathing. The same goes for washing your hands - pay attention to every sensory experience such as the sound and feel of the water, movement of your hands, or the scent of the soap. Next time you enter your car, take a few seconds to feel your breath and immerse yourself in the serene presence around you. Pay attention to the flow of your breath and become aware of the life force within your body. Accept all that is happening both inside and outside of you. Embrace everything in its pure existence and completely immerse yourself in the present moment. Focus on your breath and the energy within you. The only thing you truly need to confront is the present moment. Don't worry about what problems may come in the future. Is there anything bothering you right now? Deal with the present moment because you can always handle it. The future can't be dealt with until it becomes the present. Trust that you will have the tools to handle any situations as they arise.

Allow the breath to guide you into the present moment. If you're struggling to connect with your inner self, start by giving attention to your breath. Through conscious breathing, you can access a powerful state of meditation that will help you feel more connected with your body. Monitor your breath carefully, both as it enters and leaves your body. Follow each inhale and exhale with your awareness, feeling your abdomen expand and contract with each breath. If visualisation comes naturally to you, imagine yourself immersed in a radiant light or a sea of consciousness. Allow yourself to breathe in that light, letting the luminous substance fill your body as it becomes more radiant.

However, try not to get too attached to any specific visualisation or mental image. Instead, pay attention to the sensations that arise - feel yourself becoming more present with the feeling of your breath and body. As you continue to be present with your breath and body, know that you are experiencing and accessing the timeless, endless, eternal.

Live & Breath

In closing these ancient notes, I will add that forgiveness, whether for yourself or others, cannot truly be achieved if you continue to derive your sense of self solely from past experiences. True forgiveness can only be attained by accessing the present moment, which is ultimately your own power. Once you let go of the past, it becomes powerless, and you realise that nothing that has ever happened to you could ever diminish who you truly are. I can say there are certain books I read at the time, teacher I listened to, but all were trying to explain the joy was in the moment, the end of suffering was in the moment, breathing into that. At Ancient Purity we had an awful experience with this shipping company that let's just say, didn't perform up to our expectations. It cost a lot of money, time, and was stressful, I had to keep going ok, can you walk the walk Tom? In the moment everything was actually ok, everything else was story, It wasn't fun but through process sorted the problem out and gave away lots of money. But here I am finishing up a load of notes over 15 years ago, I'm happy, I feel comfortable, happy and well, what can I say. Let's just breath again in this moment.

By completely surrendering to the present moment and becoming fully present, the past can no longer hold any weight over you. The key is to simply be present. This will allow you to relinquish any resistance that may surface naturally in your mind, ultimately leading you to the end of the mind as your master and guide, and allowing the realm of Being to become illuminated. As you let go of negativity and judgment, an indescribable sense of stillness, peace, and joy will arise within you. This newfound sense of wonder and happiness is rooted in love, and ultimately connected to something sacred at the core of being- something intangible, yet infinitely vast- something that is unnameable, yet undeniably powerful. I look forward to writing and one day talking in video all about Letting Go. For now let's go, go do something or nothing, just be. Come back to this article anytime, it won't be old or out dated, it'll just be the now again. I wish you all the best.