Elemental Healer
26 September 2024

Lithium & Mental Health: Nature’s Elemental Healer

I get asked in the store, via email and instagram by so many people... what have you got to help with depression, anxiety. Oh wow it's a big question with no simple answer. I can make a whole section just on the spiritual practices alone, from David Hawkins to Lester Levensons "Letting Go" Method to Eckhart Tolles Power of Now, the ancient gurus of the past to modern day hacks. I could overload someone in minutes with all the things that could use. Guess what they all work, the solution is there for all of you. If you need it. But often a real simple little thing I like to suggest to people is, well why not try Lithium first? A simple, affordable supplement, totally natural and could make a huge difference. Let us always try to keep this simple. Lithium is no newcomer to the world of health and wellness. Ancient civilisations were unknowingly tapping into Lithium's calming properties when they sought out mineral springs for their therapeutic effects. Greek and Roman cultures prised these springs for their ability to soothe body and mind. Many of these springs, it turns out, were rich in lithium salts.

So yes, always have a practice that works for you, don't mask feelings, take something natural to feel better and continue to find peace with whatever you are drawn to. Anyway let me explain in some serious depth here why Lithium and particularly Lithium Orotate could be a really simple solution. Lithium is a soft, silver-white metal found in the Earth’s crust. While you might associate it with batteries or tech gadgets, it has a long and fascinating history as a mental health treatment, particularly for conditions such as bipolar disorder. This naturally occurring element help give you freedom over other complex mental health conditions too. In the 19th century, Lithium became a popular treatment for gout, but medical professionals soon noted its mood-stabilising properties. Then in the 1940s that English/Australian psychiatrist John Cade discovered Lithium's potential for managing what we now know as bipolar disorder, marking the beginning of its formal use in psychiatry. Feedback and the sharing of information has quantum leaped since the internet and info and results on Lithium with it. I'm going to try to summarise a lot of it and delve into the benefits of Lithium, its effectiveness as a natural alternative to medications and most importantly... How to use it.

How Does Lithium Work

How Does Lithium Work?
Lithium, an element found naturally in soil, water, and even our food, works on a molecular level to stabilise mood and emotions. It affects the brain by altering the flow of ions across cell membranes, which is thought to regulate neurotransmitters – the brain’s chemical messengers – like dopamine and serotonin. The exact mechanism of lithium’s effects on the brain remains a bit of a mystery (much like many other psychiatric treatments), but the element appears to strengthen connections between neurons in areas of the brain that regulate mood, behaviour, and cognitive function. Moreover, it boosts the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein essential for brain plasticity, which supports the brain's ability to adapt and recover from stress or trauma. In simpler terms, lithium acts like a gentle yet persistent hand, steadying the seesaw of mood swings and emotional instability.

Lithium & Bipolar Disorder: The Gold Standard of Treatment
Bipolar disorder, characterised by extreme mood swings from manic highs to depressive lows, is where lithium has made its greatest impact. In fact, lithium is often considered the "gold standard" treatment for bipolar disorder due to its effectiveness in reducing both manic and depressive episodes. Several studies have shown just how powerful lithium can be:

  1. The Lithium Legacy: A pivotal long-term study published in The Lancet in 2003 followed patients with bipolar disorder over a 20-year period. Those on lithium treatment experienced significantly fewer episodes of mania and depression compared to those on other mood stabilisers or antipsychotic medications.
  2. Suicide Prevention: Lithium has been shown to reduce the risk of suicide in individuals with bipolar disorder. A meta-analysis published in The British Journal of Psychiatry in 2006 found that lithium reduced suicidal behaviours by as much as 60%. This is particularly noteworthy given the elevated suicide risk associated with untreated bipolar disorder.
  3. Neuroprotective Effects: Interestingly, lithium may even have neuroprotective effects, meaning it can protect the brain from damage. Studies suggest that lithium promotes the growth of grey matter in the brain, which is often reduced in people with bipolar disorder and other mood disorders. Research published in The American Journal of Psychiatry in 2011 found that long-term lithium treatment was associated with an increase in grey matter volume, effectively countering brain shrinkage linked to mood instability.
Lithium Orotate

Lithium Orotate... A More Gentle and Natural Option
While lithium carbonate is the traditional prescription form used in higher doses for treating severe bipolar disorder, Lithium Orotate is an over-the-counter, natural supplement that has been gaining popularity for mental health support at much lower, safer doses. Unlike lithium carbonate, Lithium Orotate delivers lithium bound to orotic acid, a naturally occurring compound, which some proponents argue allows for better absorption into cells at lower doses. Lithium Orotate provides a gentler, more holistic alternative for individuals seeking to improve mood stability, reduce anxiety, or boost brain health without the need for heavy pharmaceuticals.

Advantages of Lithium Orotate:

Lower Doses, Lower Risks: Lithium orotate can be taken in smaller doses compared to Lithium Carbonate, which means there’s less risk of side effects like weight gain, tremors, or kidney damage. This makes it ideal for those not requiring high therapeutic doses but still seeking the mental health benefits lithium provides.
Better Absorption: Some studies suggest that lithium orotate may cross the blood-brain barrier more efficiently than lithium carbonate, which could make it more effective at lower doses.
Holistic and Natural: Lithium Orotate is seen as a more natural option because it doesn't require the high dosages of its pharmaceutical counterparts and aligns better with the body's natural biochemistry.

Lithium is more than just a mental health treatment – it’s a testament to the power of nature in healing the human mind. This naturally occurring element has transformed the lives of countless individuals with bipolar disorder, providing balance where there was once chaos. Moreover, for those looking for a natural, gentler intervention for general mood instability or mental health support, lithium orotate offers a compelling alternative. While Lithium can be life-changing, it’s important to approach it with respect. Microdosing with Lithium Orotate can offer benefits without the risks of toxicity, but for those with more severe mental health conditions, careful medical oversight with therapeutic doses is essential. I'm going to go into detail about this next.

Using Lithium

Using Lithium... Preventative & Therapeutic Dosing
One of the key questions surrounding lithium use is dosage. How much is enough to benefit mental health, and how can you balance its therapeutic effects with safety? While the Preventative dose is gentle, it provides enough Lithium to deliver its benefits for mental health and cognition without the higher risks associated with therapeutic doses, so I wanted to start by saying (as always at Ancient Purity) Start low and see how you go. But maybe for some the change will happen at the larger amount. Don't leap, start small, you might only need a little support from Lithium to experience a big change.

Preventative (Microdosing) Lithium Orotate
For those not diagnosed with bipolar disorder but who may experience general anxiety, mild depression, or mood swings, Lithium Orotate can be taken in small, preventative doses. Preventative use of lithium orotate is sometimes referred to as "microdosing" because of how low the doses are compared to therapeutic levels for bipolar disorder. A typical preventative dose of Lithium Orotate is 1-5 mg of elemental Lithium per day. These small doses can help regulate mood and protect the brain without the need for regular blood monitoring.

In these microdoses, Lithium can:

  • Act as a subtle mood stabiliser
  • Help alleviate mild anxiety and irritability
  • Promote neuroprotection, potentially preventing cognitive decline with age
  • Support brain function in handling stress and trauma

Therapeutic Doses for Bipolar Disorder and Severe Mental Health Conditions
When it comes to treating severe mental health conditions like bipolar disorder, therapeutic doses of lithium tend to be much higher and typically come in the form of lithium carbonate under medical supervision. The usual therapeutic dose of lithium carbonate varies but is generally between 600mg to 1,200mg per day, providing between 300mg to 600mg of elemental Lithium. At these higher doses, regular blood tests are required to ensure that lithium levels remain within the therapeutic window (usually 0.6 to 1.2 mEq/L), as too much Lithium can lead to toxicity, causing side effects such as tremors, nausea, kidney damage, and thyroid dysfunction. Lithium Orotate can also be used in therapeutic doses but at lower levels. For more severe mental health issues, a higher dose of Lithium Orotate, such as 10-20 mg of elemental lithium per day, can still offer some of the benefits of Lithium carbonate, though it may not be enough for acute bipolar disorder management. I'm just giving information here, in no way is this medical advice and you should seek guidance from your Doctor on using Lithium at anything over the recommended daily intake.

As much as we might want to embrace Lithium as a flawless natural remedy, it’s important to acknowledge that it’s not without its downsides. Lithium comes with potential side effects, and for some, these can be significant. Common side effects include increased thirst, weight gain, and fine tremors. In higher doses, lithium can cause more serious issues, including kidney damage and thyroid problems. This is why regular blood tests are necessary for anyone on lithium – to ensure that the dosage is both effective and safe. Additionally, while Lithium can be life-changing for individuals with bipolar disorder, its effectiveness in treating other mental health conditions, such as major depression or anxiety, is less well-established. For these conditions, Lithium may not be the miracle solution that it is for bipolar disorder.

Holistic Appeal of Lithium

The Holistic Appeal of Lithium - A Hope for Now & The Future
In a world where pharmaceutical companies churn out new synthetic drugs at a dizzying pace, lithium’s natural origins set it apart. Lithium isn't an artificial compound cooked up in a lab – it’s part of the Earth’s natural chemical makeup. The lithium found in our medications is the same lithium that exists in nature, extracted and refined from mineral deposits in the ground. This connection to nature offers a holistic appeal for those who seek treatments that are more in line with the body’s natural rhythms. Unlike many synthetic psychiatric drugs, which can come with a litany of side effects (weight gain, sexual dysfunction, cognitive dulling – to name a few), lithium’s side effects, while not non-existent, tend to be more manageable when monitored correctly. With regular blood tests to ensure proper dosing, many patients report that lithium gives them the balance they seek without making them feel ‘numbed out’ – a common complaint with other psychiatric medications. Moreover, Lithium’s history as a natural treatment adds to its allure. The knowledge that this humble mineral was once enjoyed in ancient springs – long before big pharma entered the scene – offers a sense of timelessness. It’s as if nature itself had been offering us a remedy all along, we just had to discover it.

The Future of Lithium in Mental Health
In recent years, researchers have begun exploring lithium’s potential for other neurological conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s. While these investigations are still in early stages, there’s hope that lithium’s neuroprotective properties could help slow the progression of these diseases. A 2017 study published in Translational Psychiatry suggested that low-dose lithium might help protect against cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s patients, though more research is needed before lithium becomes a standard treatment for these conditions. Additionally, as the global mental health crisis deepens, especially post-pandemic, the holistic appeal of natural, non-synthetic treatments like lithium could see a resurgence. With its long-standing reputation as a stabiliser of mood and protector of the brain, lithium remains a cornerstone of psychiatric care, all while reminding us that some of the best treatments for our mental health might just come from the Earth itself.

Reaching Nirvana

Reaching Nirvana with Lithium
Lithium didn't only make waves in the medical community; it’s also made its way into music. Nirvana fans might recall the song Lithium, which captures the volatile emotional states that Lithium helps to balance. While Kurt Cobain wasn’t exactly prescribing Lithium with his lyrics, the song title serves as a nod to the drug’s reputation as a stabiliser of emotional extremes. And then there’s the oft-cited quip that maybe the world would be a better place if we all had a bit of Lithium in our water supply. In fact, some regions naturally have lithium-rich water, and studies have found that these areas have lower rates of suicide and mental health issues. A study published in 2009 in The British Journal of Psychiatry discovered that communities in Japan with higher levels of naturally occurring Lithium in drinking water had lower suicide rates. It seems there might just be something to that line.

Lithium stands as one of nature’s most fascinating and potent treatments for mental health. From ancient mineral springs to modern psychiatric medicine, this elemental metal has been a constant, steadying hand in the battle against mood disorders. Whether in small doses for preventative support or therapeutic levels for treating serious conditions like bipolar disorder, Lithium’s natural origins and profound impact on brain function make it an invaluable resource. So, the next time you find yourself overwhelmed by the pace of life or caught in the whirlwinds of emotion, remember that beneath our feet, in the rocks and soil of the Earth, lies a natural element that has been quietly supporting mental health for millennia – Lithium, nature’s own mental health remedy. Whether you’re microdosing Lithium Orotate for preventative care or relying on a therapeutic dose for more serious conditions, this elemental healer offers hope and stability in a world that sometimes feels anything but. I always have to stop myself going off on a tangent into a million other articles and subjects when I touch on one. So here is the link to Lithium Orotate Get your sleep consistently good, come to peace with life, avoid all processed food and keep sugar consumption low, be in the moment, have a look at David Hawkins "Letting Go" book and Eckhart Tolles The Power of Now, Blessed Be, Tom