How & Why to Use
14 October 2024

How & Why to Use Bentonite Clay & Psyllium Husk Together

I still believe that Bentonite Clay and Psyllium Husk are around and popular as unlike all the products that came and went over the years, they really work. We have to detox, there's no way to live in the modern world without doing a detox a few times a year. Bentonite Clay and Psyllium Husk offer a natural and effective way to detoxify the body and promote digestive health. It was my uncle that told me to use these together in the early 2000's, I don't know how he knew about it, must of been a book or a practitioner. Anyway I never had it explained to me exactly why or how they really worked together and all these years I've known they do, because I used it myself. Now over the years of Ancient Purity I've thought hang on I recommend this still to people and don't really know the exact mechanism, so over the past 6 weeks I've been ask people I knew, looked at some forums and asked. Everyone wants to tell me it works haha I know it works, I want to know exactly how and why it works. It doesn't really matter but some people including me want to really know.

The next thing is I really want to make it more clear exactly how to use them both together, I've heard multiple different takes on that. Many different from the method I'd been using and recommending all these years. So I'm going to present a scientific explanation of how they work individually and synergistically, how they react, and their effects on the human body. Then I'm really going to precisely explain how to use them together. So if you have come here first, please don't go look at any other sites guidelines, I've been to them all, I have asked practitioners I respect and I've used and recommended the method. However as this is always learning I've now upgraded the method of use. I have used the new way myself I find it easier. So as always with this research I've learned something more and I can pass that on for everyone who uses this, hopefully you're reading this in 2525 and maybe I'm still around. Either way here's the guide.


Psyllium Husk & Bentonite Clay

These two powerhouses work together to rehydrate and eliminate waste. We believe in keeping things simple yet effective, which is why I recommend Psyllium Husk and Bentonite Clay. Together they're rejuvenating and give your colon a cleansing. Psyllium Husk is not just your average source of fibre. It's famous for saving you from the dreaded C-word - constipation - but it has so much more to offer for your wellbeing. When mixed with filtered water, it transforms into a slippery, gel-like substance that plays the role of a gentle but effective custodian in your bowels. This gel magically softens your stool and acts as a lubricant for a smoother, more comfortable elimination process. But it can do more! The Psyllium Husk doesn't stop there, it's also a master of creating bulk in your intestines, which in turn gets those intestinal muscles to put in some extra effort. This muscle movement, also known as peristalsis, is like having your own personal workout session for your gut, ensuring that everything keeps moving along smoothly. Learn More About Psyllium Husk Here.

Bentonite Clay is a highly absorbent powerhouse doesn't get absorbed by the body, but instead works like a magnet to latch onto toxins in the gut and escort them out with the rest of the trash. When Bentonite Clay comes into contact with liquids, it's like a sponge on steroids, expanding and extracting toxins like a pro. And if that wasn't impressive enough, it also packs a punch with its antibacterial properties, giving those vicious bacteria a run for their money. In fact, a 2009 study found that Bentonite Clay is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to kicking Candida to the curb. So, whether you're looking to detoxify your insides or give those bacteria a swift kick in the pants, Bentonite Clay is here to save your gut and leave you feeling like a million bucks. (Applied Clay Science Vol33 Issues 3-4 March 2009). Imagine your body being a high-performance vehicle, with each cell functioning like a well-oiled machine. But like any machine, it needs a thorough detox every now and then to keep running smoothly. Bentonite Clay is the superhero of detoxification. This magical substance is like a magnet for excessive acids, heavy metals, and toxic waste, drawing them out of your body with the precision of a skilled surgeon. One of the first things that amazed me about Bentonite Clay was learning it could purify a whole 20 litres of biochemical ??? that surrounds every single cell in your body. With the right grade of Bentonite Clay you can get outstanding results. Learn More About Bentonite Clay Here.

Using Together

Using Bentonite Clay & Psyllium Husk Together

Ok so only do this in the morning or night and fast before, you'll find some places saying just empty stomach. Make this work the very best for you get the real results. So take the Bentonite Clay and Psyllium Husk mixture once daily on an empty stomach in the morning. Fast for as safely as you can before and after. Remember hunger is only a feeling and actually the Psyllium Husk will make you feel full. Now you could also fast during the day from lunch time and take the blend before going to sleep. There is also an argument that the body rests and repairs during sleep and this is a good time for the blend to work. If you choose at night go at least 6 hours without food before taking. Use this regimen daily for the best results, typically for a period of 1-2 weeks. You may want to do longer, I honestly did it for 4 weeks once, but I'm extreme. Ok so that clear, fast the evening before and in the morning this is what you need and what to do.

Materials Needed:

  • Bentonite Clay & Psyllium Husk, Fresh, clean water
  • A glass container & non-metallic spoon or stirrer


  • Bentonite Clay: 1 teaspoon (approximately 5 grams)
  • Psyllium Husk: 1 teaspoon (approximately 5 grams) for powder form, or 1 tablespoon for whole husk form


  • In a glass, add 1 teaspoon of Bentonite Clay.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of Psyllium Husk.

Step 2: Adding Water

  • Add 250 millilitre's of fresh, clean water to the glass.
  • Using a stirrer, mix the ingredients thoroughly until they are well combined. This may take a few moments, especially for the Psyllium Husk to start absorbing the water and forming a gel-like consistency.

Taking the Blend

  • Drink immediately after preparing it. The Psyllium Husk will continue to thicken if left standing, making it more difficult to drink.
  • After consuming the mixture, drink an additional 250 millilitres of pure water. This ensures adequate hydration and helps the Psyllium Husk to expand and function effectively in your digestive tract.
  • It is crucial to drink plenty of water throughout the day when using Psyllium Husk and Bentonite Clay.
Why this works so well

Why this works so well

Ok so now you're ready for your first drink and prepared for the detox journey. Let me reinforce why this is such a brilliant regime and why at Ancient Purity it is still our general clearance go-to. Bentonite Clay is primarily composed of montmorillonite, a type of mineral. It has a negative charge and a large surface area, which allows it to attract and bind positively charged toxins and impurities. Bentonite Clay adsorbs toxins, heavy metals, and other impurities from the gastrointestinal tract. Its negatively charged particles bind with positively charged toxins, preventing their reabsorption and facilitating their excretion. When hydrated, Bentonite Clay swells, increasing its surface area and enhancing its ability to adsorb toxins.

Psyllium husk is derived from the seeds of the Plantago ovata plant. It is a soluble fibre that forms a gel-like substance when mixed with water. Psyllium Husk absorbs water and swells, forming a bulky gel. This increases stool volume and promotes bowel movements, helping to relieve constipation. Psyllium can act as a prebiotic, feeding beneficial gut bacteria, which can improve overall gut health. The gel created by Psyllium Husk can trap and encapsulate toxins and waste products, aiding in their elimination from the digestive tract.

Synergistic Effects

Combined Mechanism of Action:

  1. Enhanced Detoxification: When taken together, Bentonite Clay adsorbs and binds toxins, while Psyllium Huskk swells and traps these bound toxins in its gel-like structure. This combined action enhances the removal of toxins from the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Improved Gut Health: The combination of bentonite’s adsorption properties and psyllium’s bulking and prebiotic effects can help improve gut health. Bentonite Clay removes harmful substances, while Psyllium Husk promotes healthy bowel movements and supports beneficial gut bacteria.
  3. Mucosal Protection: The gel formed by Psyllium Husk can coat the gastrointestinal lining, providing a protective barrier against irritants and supporting the healing of the mucosal lining.

Reactions and Effects in the Body:

  • Adsorption and Elimination: Bentonite clay binds toxins, heavy metals, and other impurities. Psyllium Husk then encapsulates these bound substances in its gel-like matrix, aiding in their transport through the intestines and eventual excretion.
  • Regularity and Relief: The combined bulk-forming action of psyllium husk can help alleviate constipation and promote regular bowel movements, reducing the transit time of waste and preventing reabsorption of toxins.
  • Gut Health Promotion: Psyllium Husk’s prebiotic properties support a healthy microbiome, which is crucial for overall digestive health and immune function.
Reactions and Effects

Closing thoughts on this

I wanted to give you a simple, powerfully effective program here. It is simple and it works, Bentonite Clay and Psyllium Husk work together to detoxify the body by adsorbing and binding toxins, improving bowel movements, and supporting gut health. This synergistic action can help promote overall digestive health and well-being. But I do think it's really worth using Fulvic Acid during the day in a glass of water while doing this regime. So take 15 drops a day in water if you want the extra hit.

With food keep it simple, whole foods, organic. Avoid any processed crap, you know what it is, if unsure look on our blog we have this article on toxic ingredients and their affects. Eat clean doesn't mean only celery juice in the morning and organic rice cakes with vegan cheese. It means real food, untouched, food. I am currently eating meat myself at the moment, sometimes I go months of being vegan/vegetarian but the rule is always real food. Don't let my current dietary choices influence you at all but... Do be influenced by what I say here... Do not put processed factory made edible products in your body. You will be healthier, happier and younger if you don't. Also limit your sugar consumption and use Apple Cider Vinegar before meals. Anyway get Bentonite Clay here & Psyllium Husk here and if you want to but I must stress you don't have to, get Fulvic Acid Minerals here. You'll get a lot of benefit from this detox, if you've never done one before be ready for some big changes, I think you'll do great. Enjoy and be well, Tom.