Salt Water Flush
21 July 2023

How to do a Salt Water Flush

I love to recommend simple yet powerful detox protocols. This is one I get great feedback on each time, it's cheap to do, works incredibly well and is easy. A Salt Water Flush, also known as a "Salt Water Cleanse" or "Master Cleanse," is a method designed to cleanse your colon and digestive system by inducing a bowel movement. It is a safe and effective way to detoxify the body and purify the colon. I should mention, the only restriction of this detox is you must do it at home. By consuming real sea salt, that is Ancient Purity Celtic Sea Salt, dissolved in pure water, possibly with a touch of lemon juice, you can facilitate the elimination of waste, release toxins, and improve digestion. This technique has been used for many years and is considered safer than commercial colon-cleansing medications, laxative teas, or diuretics.

The vital component of a Salt Water Flush is the salt itself, which plays a crucial role in various biochemical processes in the body. Over the past decade, the Salt Water Flush has gained popularity as a digestion and cleansing method, particularly when combined with a "master cleanse" program. Drinking a salt mixture triggers the body's natural detoxification and waste elimination mechanisms, promoting proper functioning of the digestive system. This process can leave you feeling lighter, more energetic, and less weighed down by sluggishness. It's crucial to recognise that individuals, can accumulate toxins, it can be unhealthy eating habits, heavy metals exposure, and waste in their colon over time due to infrequent and inadequate bowel movements. This build-up can result in digestive problems, inflammation, decreased energy levels, and potentially even the development of diseases. The point is, unless you live deep in the jungle away from everything, you need to detox.


The master cleanse is a type of juice fast that only allows for the consumption of liquids. However, this diet lacks dietary fibre, which is essential for healthy digestion. Without consuming fibre-rich foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, or beans, people on the master cleanse may experience difficulty in bowel movements. To replace solid food, people on the master cleanse consume a daily detox drink consisting of water, fresh lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. This type of juice fast can lead to constipation, low energy levels, and a bloated stomach. Additionally, there may be complications due to insufficient intake of nutrients and calories. Fibre plays a crucial role in initiating peristalsis, the muscular contractions in our digestive system that facilitate bowel movements. Consequently, individuals who follow low-fibre, highly processed diets often suffer from constipation. Regrettably, this contradicts the desired outcomes that most people hope to achieve when they undertake a "detox" program. This is where the saltwater flush comes into play. The saltwater flush effectively stimulates the release of stored waste and toxins within the digestive system, regardless of the quantity. Contrary to popular belief, salt can also help alleviate fluid retention. Genuine Sea Salt, which retains its mineral content, assists in balancing electrolyte and mineral levels in the body. This process, in turn, helps eliminate retained water that cells hold onto, resulting in the loss of excess fluid weight.

Ancient Purity Celtic Sea Salt, unlike regular iodinated table salt, contains numerous minerals that are essential for a healthy diet. Excessive consumption of processed salts, found in sodium-rich foods such as packaged or fast foods, often leads to health risks such as high blood pressure. Saltwater offers various uses and benefits. It can alleviate sore throats, cleanse wounds, reduce inflammation in muscles (which explains its use in detox bath recipes), and provide essential trace minerals. Our micro-plastics-free Celtic Sea Salt also has an impact on muscle and nerve functions. It aids in the contraction of muscles in the digestive tract, facilitating the elimination of waste through the colon. Consequently, salt helps flush out toxins that contribute to sluggishness and constipation. While Celtic Sea Salt does contain a significant amount of sodium, it is balanced by other minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, and over 60 other trace minerals. Salt plays a vital role in activating enzymes necessary for proper digestion, and it is crucial for the parietal cells in the stomach wall to produce hydrochloric acid. Additionally, salt helps regulate hormones, assists in metabolic processes, and establishes an optimal pH level within the body. This is because stomach acid is naturally highly acidic, and salt (sodium chloride) counteracts some of its acidic effects. Salt promotes "hyperosmolarity" of extracellular fluids, which has a positive impact on metabolism as it aids in the breakdown of proteins and glucose. Furthermore, animal research has shown that a diet low in salt leads to increased synthesis of aldosterone, which can subsequently decrease potassium and magnesium levels in the body. This is contrary to the needs of most persons.


How to perform the Sea Salt Water Flush

  • Perform the Salt Water in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Heat a litre of pure, clean water, I personally use Distilled Water but filtered water is fine.
  • The water should be warm but not boiling like a Tea or Coffee. Put into a jar or bottle with a lid.
  • Add 2 heaped teaspoons of Ancient Purity Celtic Sea Salt.
  • Optional - Add fresh lemon juice, to ease the highly salty taste.
  • Shake the mix hard until the Celtic Sea Salt (and Lemon Juice) have totally dissolved.

Drink the Salt Water Flush Mix straight away. My tactic is to simply down it in one, by the time you register the taste it's over.

  • Go flat on the floor on your side.
  • Massage one side of your stomach.
  • Switch and massage the other side.
  • Hold the mixture in for 45 minutes (You can do longer).

After around this time if not before, you will feel a real urge to go to the bathroom. But hold on, as long as can but don't strain. When you feel you can no longer hold it, then it's time. Please don't worry if you don't make it to 45 minutes, it will still help and you can try again anytime.

It's likely you'll need to go to the bathroom multiple times until your colon is fully “cleansed” cleared, emptied. I would also recommend using a high quality Probiotic after a Sea Salt Water Flush. When you eat again make sure it's whole, organic food. This along with the probiotic with support healthy gut bacteria and your internal gut flora (microbiome) and also supply your body vital electrolytes and nutrients.

Ancient Purity Celtic Sea Salt

Proceed with Caution - Possible side effects

Although there is a possibility of experiencing symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or weakness when using Salt Water Flushes, most of the time they are considered safe. However, if you have a history of serious digestive issues or high blood pressure, it is advisable to consult with your doctor before attempting a Salt Flush as a precautionary measure, even though salt itself does not directly raise blood pressure. While very low-calorie detoxes like the master cleanse can be potentially harmful and not recommended for everyone, using a Celtic Sea Salt Water Flush can be a safe option for occasional constipation relief, especially if you are not on a diet. If you choose to incorporate a Salt Water Flush into a juicing or cleansing program, it is important to listen to your body's signals and ensure you are providing enough rest and nutrients during the process.

Many people use warm Salt Water Flushes to effectively address digestive issues like constipation, bloating, and gas without experiencing common side effects associated with laxative teas or cleansing pills, such as dependency or electrolyte imbalances. Additionally, a Celtic Sea Salt colon cleanse is less likely to interfere with normal eating habits or cause water retention. It is worth noting that certain detox programs, including the master cleanse, may recommend both Sea Salt Water Flushes and potentially dangerous laxative teas without providing sufficient warnings about potential complications. If you struggle with bowel movements, Sea Salt Flushes are a gentler and safer alternative for long-term use.

When performing a Sea Salt Water Flush correctly, it is important to thoroughly blend warm water and only Celtic Sea Salt to ensure proper absorption of the salt's minerals by your body. A well-prepared mixture should not contain visible granules of salt, but rather a cloudy and consistent blend. This is crucial because fully dissolved Celtic Sea Salt enables your digestive organs to process the mixture effectively and safely. Proper preparation prevents excessive salt from entering your bloodstream, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure, while also ensuring that your kidneys do not extract only salt, leaving the water behind.

In terms of safety and effectiveness, Salt Water Flushes appear to be comparable to other colon cleansing methods, including those prescribed by doctors prior to colonoscopies. Studies investigating the effects of salt water on the digestive tract have shown that oral sodium mixtures are well-tolerated and can even be more effective than certain colon-cleansing blends. For example, a study conducted at the Department of Colorectal Surgery at Royal Melbourne Hospital in Australia found that salt mixtures produced similar side effects as other colon cleansers but were successful for 91% of participants who reported willingness to use them again. Then think of all the people who have done one themselves, it's been a real trend many times over the years and in my opinion one of the safest detox protocols.


Closing Thoughts

I highly recommend a Sea Salt Water Flush, but remember it has to be Celtic Sea Salt only. I wouldn't even bother with Himalayan salt, frankly it's inferior. There are numerous biochemical processes that rely on salt, such as the functioning of the adrenal and thyroid glands, maintaining the stability of cell walls, facilitating muscle contractions, aiding in nutrient absorption, stimulating nerves, and regulating pH and water balance. Real salt supports all that.

We need real salt in our diets. I use Celtic Sea Salt every day but... Don't drink salt water all day. At Ancient Purity we've had customers who made Mineral water but used it as their only water. That is too much, you'll actually end up dehydrated. Actually if someone drank a strong concentrate of Salt Water all the time it would be fatal. Your kidneys and bladder would cause you to lose more water than you drank. I'm not trying to put you off at all, this is fantastic and it works. Just follow the instructions and consider a probiotic and even a multi along with a good clean, diet. Which I'm sure you all have. Enjoy your Detox and remember on this rare occasion it's actually good to Stay Home ; ).