The Potion of Life
4 July 2023

Fulvic Acid Minerals – The Potion of Life

It has been scientifically established that individuals require a minimum of 90 essential nutrients for their well-being. These essential nutrients comprise 17 vitamins, 59 minerals, 12 amino acids and 3 essential fatty acids. Though nature has endowed us with all these nutrients to lead a healthy and long life, our bodies suffer from nutrient deficiency due to food processing and depletion of nutrients in our soil. Fortunately, researchers have found that Fulvic Acid, a component found in soil, enhances nutrient availability from the food we consume, thus promptly and securely rectifying these deficiencies.

Humus, the nutrient-rich layer of the earth, contains Fulvic Acid, which is produced by beneficial microbes that break down plant matter. This compound combines with minerals to create a complex molecular compound that activates nutrients in the soil for plants to thrive. Sadly, modern farming has depleted the soil of minerals, which disrupts the proliferation of Fulvic Acid, impacting vegetation, animals, and our food. Fulvic Acid is also found in Fulvic Acid Shilajit, a tar-like substance in the Himalayas that acts as a carrier for essential vitamins and nutrients in the body. With its ability to transport over 65 minerals and trace elements to cells, Fulvic Acid has powerful properties that can have a dramatic effect on various diseases and concerns.

Fulvic Acid Benefits

Fulvic Acid Benefits

For several years, the potential benefits of Fulvic Acid have remained unnoticed as a supplement. However, recent research has uncovered various advantages which I will outline here. Fulvic Acid is known as a Super Cell Conductor because it has the vital ability to unlock the full potential of all the nutrients that we consume. When minerals and trace elements encounter it, they dissolve into a form that makes them more active and available to the body. Since it has the molecular size to fuse with these nutrients and transport them into the cells of our bodies, Fulvic Acid can make the cells more permeable and receptive to these nutrients. Essentially, it turns food into medicine by mobilising it. A mineral-rich tide continuously flows through the body in the form of water, which is a universal solvent that nourishes and carries waste away. Within cells, our DNA receives instructions through bio-available minerals that are the size of angstroms (1/1000 micron). Hydrogen present in water pulls these minerals through the cell walls.

Most mineral supplements are larger than these bio-available minerals, which can be transported in the bloodstream but cannot be accessed by the cells. However, Fulvic Acid carries these minerals into the cells, making them more permeable and enabling the minerals to penetrate cells where they can be utilised for a multitude of processes. Dr. Linus Pauling, who won two Nobel Prizes, said that every sickness, disease, and ailment can ultimately be traced back to a mineral deficiency. Apart from enhancing the absorption of vitamins and minerals in our body, Fulvic Acid acts as a catalyst that facilitates chemical reactions. It also neutralises free radicals, harmful, highly reactive compounds that destroy soft tissues, encouraging cell mutations, altering genes, disrupting chemical and hormonal reactions, destroying optimal glandular functions, and making us more vulnerable to disease.

Fulvic Acid Keeps Giving

Fulvic Acid Keeps Giving

When we ingest food, digestive enzymes break down food efficiently, release its nutrients into the body, and prevent it from stagnating in the stomach and gut, which would eventually lead to toxin build-up and death. Fulvic Acid activates these digestive enzymes, which are the life force of our bodies. Additionally, Fulvic Acid is highly effective at neutralising and detoxifying harmful toxins and pollutants, including heavy metals, such as lead and mercury. It chelates with heavy metals and converts them into inactive compounds that can be eliminated through normal excretory processes. Fulvic Acid can increase the oxygenation of all the soft tissues in the body, enhance energy production, and counteract numerous concerns related to cell mutation caused by oxygen deprivation. Iron deficiency, the second most prevalent deficiency in the world, can be addressed quickly with Fulvic Acid, which primes the iron within our food so that it can be easily utilised by the body, corrects deficiencies quickly and safely, and helps to correct numerous mineral deficiencies, including magnesium, which plays a crucial role in over 300 biochemical reactions in our bodies.

Fulvic Acid is also considered to be one of the safest and most potent anti-viral substances available today, and it can be used continuously for long periods without creating resistance. When used externally, Fulvic Acid can treat abrasions, open cuts, wounds, leg ulcers, insect bites, and various skin complaints. Additionally, Fulvic Acid displays powerful fungicidal properties, which can help avoid athlete's foot and treat fungal toenails that are often difficult to eradicate using conventional drugs. Numerous reports relate the positive benefits of Fulvic Acid on the cardiovascular system, with many reporting control of elevated blood pressure within a few weeks of using Fulvic Acid. It reduces the inflammatory enzymes produced by the liver, enhances immunity, and restores electrolyte balance in the body. When the body's cells are sufficiently nourished and free from toxins and free radicals, they can regenerate efficiently and undergo detoxification and repair quickly. Those taking Fulvic Acid reported feeling more vitality, improved energy, a stronger immune system, and a higher tolerance to stress.

Ancient Purity Fulvic Acid Minerals

Ancient Purity Fulvic Acid Minerals

Fulvic Acid Minerals have been an integral part of Ancient Purity's journey since its inception in the U.K. back in 2008 under the domain It is their flagship product and it continues to be one of their best-sellers and is, by far, the most crucial natural health supplement on offer. During the mid-2010s, after extensive research, Ancient Purity collaborated with a laboratory that devised an exclusive extraction technique, elevating their product to a whole new level.

Today, their smartly created supplement boasts a liquid content with nearly double the amount of Fulvic Acid Minerals, setting an unmatched standard in the industry. In addition, Ancient Purity Fulvic Acid Minerals come in Miron Glass which enhances the liquid, maximum freshness and looks incredibly cool. Fulvic Acid helps the body heal, renew, and restore itself. Go for it! You won’t regret it!