End the Year Mindfully Today
31 December 2023

End the Year Mindfully Today

Want to kick off your last morning of the year like a boss? Well, it's time to wave goodbye to those snooze button marathons and stop zooming around like a hyperactive race car. That's not how you set yourself up for success. Instead, you've got to take charge of your own "energy boost" and decide how you want to handle the chaos that inevitably comes your way. Now, I'm about to spill my secrets for starting the day on a mindful and productive note. So buckle up, folks. First things first, you gotta move that incredible body of yours. I mean, seriously, our bodies were built for action, not to be couch potatoes. It's like leaving a fancy sports car gathering dust in a garage, the gaskets and seals get all crusty, and the fuel turns into a sticky mess. Well, the same thing happens to your cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems if you don't get off your butt.

Personally, I like to kick-start my day with a relaxing 10-minute yoga session. It's the perfect way to stretch out any mental stress and tell my to-do list to take a chill pill for a little while. Plus, it does wonders for those aching joints that tend to seize up overnight, especially if you're dealing with the arthritis gods. And hey, depending on the time of year, I might even throw in a heart-pumping run or brisk walk. Seriously, it gets my blood flowing to the brain and wakes up my neurons like a thousand cups of coffee. No offense to the magical bean, of course. So, let's make a pact. Let's ditch the snooze button confessions and the frantic racing around. Instead, let's take control of our mornings and set ourselves up for success. You won't regret it. Now go out there, move that body, and conquer the day like the badass you are!

Meditate on Thankfulness

Meditate on Thankfulness… Your attitude and behaviour have the power to shape your entire existence. It's like a magical aura that dances around you, affecting everything from how people treat you to the wacky rollercoaster of your career. Now, let me tell you, nobody wants to spend their precious time at the office with Negative Nancy. Her gloomy vibes are not the sought-after flavour in the workplace smoothie. But here's the thing. When you let yourself drown in an abyss of negativity, it's like inviting a raincloud to pour all over your work reviews, and trust me, that won't do your mood any favours. So, what's a person to do? Well, let me share my little secret with you. I've discovered the incredible power of positive vibes. Oh yes, my friend, it's like a secret weapon against the darkest of days. Gratitude is the key to unlocking the treasure chest of positivity. No matter how tumultuous your world may seem, there's always a tiny glimmer of joy hidden amongst the chaos. It could be as simple as waking up to your adorably fluffy feline friend purring right beside your sleepy head. Ah, can you feel the warmth of that moment? Take a moment to let that wonderful feeling wash over you. Feel it in every fibre of your being and let it fill your soul with knowingness that life isn't all bad.

Now, I must admit, sometimes life throws some curveballs that make it harder to stay on this gratitude train. When those pesky ongoing issues start testing your positive resolve, fear not! There's a virtual guru waiting for you on YouTube. Yes, my dear reader, a free-guided version of positive thinking is just a click away. Let that smooth-talking voice lead your thoughts away from the negative abyss and towards the shining beacon of goodness. So, remember this wisdom I've bestowed upon you. Let your attitude be a sparkling force that repels the Negative Nancys of the world. Embrace gratitude, even in the darkest of times, and when the going gets tough, let YouTube be your guiding light. Now go forth and spread the magic of positive vibes wherever you go!

Nourish Yourself

Nourish Yourself… Okay, so you've probably heard all the fuss about breakfast being the holy grail of meals. The truth is, getting yourself the right morning fuel is like putting rocket fuel in your tank as it keeps you soaring until lunchtime without any annoying hunger pangs to slow you down. But what exactly is the perfect morning feast? Well, you don't want to chow down on anything too heavy, because let's face it, your poor body needs to conserve energy for things other than digestion. We've all been there, feeling like a sloth after a massive Christmas feast, am I right? So, what's the secret? It's all about finding that sweet spot between fibre and protein to keep your blood glucose levels in check and your energy levels on point. Think of it as a delicate dance between your taste buds and your metabolism. One frolicking couple that comes to mind is the mighty hard-boiled egg paired with some non-dairy Greek yogurt. It's like a power couple that keeps you balanced and satisfied. Well, perhaps that doesn't tickle your fancy, how about a delightful cup of oatmeal? It's like a warm, cosy hug for your stomach, keeping you fuelled and ready for whatever challenges the morning throws at you. So, don't settle for a lacklustre start to your day. Go ahead and choose a morning meal that's as witty and energetic as you are. Your taste buds will thank you, and your productivity will soar to new heights!

Make Grooming Enjoyable… Once upon a time, there was a bitter soul (me) who dreaded the agonisingly long process of getting ready for the dreaded office. Who in the world cares about the impeccable "suit" and its silly variations like the dreaded "business casual"? I mean, seriously, did my salary depend on my wardrobe choices? No way! My comfort-level appeared to be inversely proportional to the level of corporate attire. So, you can imagine the shivers down my spine.

But lo and behold, out of sheer irony, I found solace in working from home. Who would have thought? This mundane task of getting ready for work transformed into a delightful pleasure. Talk about turning the tables! And I even use this newfound joy as an integral part of my gratitude practice.

Take, for instance, those shrewd insurance companies. They seem yet to catch up with the wonders of science and acknowledge that dental issues can lead to more serious ailments like heart disease and Alzheimer's. What a blunder! Countless people are forced to avoid much-needed dental care. So, every time I brush my teeth with my magical Bio-Gum Tooth Powder (a must-have, by the way), I indulge in a wave of thankfulness for still having all my pearly whites intact. After all, oral health care is the key to overall well-being. But that's not all! This daily ritual of mine also doubles as a moment for some internal check-in. If, by chance, I wake up grumpy (it happens to the best of us), investing some extra time in making myself presentable actually boosts my confidence and lifts my spirits. It's like a nurturing act of self-care, if you will. So, there you have it, a morning routine packed with gratitude, tooth powder, and a splash of self-love. Who said getting ready for the office couldn't be a charm?

Make Grooming Enjoyable

Tell your Loved Ones you Care… Our relationships are the secret ingredient that adds zest and meaning to this crazy thing called life! Imagine that you've got all the dough and accolades in the world, but with no one to share them with, it's like swimming in a bowl of soup without a spoon, simply pointless. Personally, I don't make a habit of slamming the door shut without letting my family know I give a hoot. It's a simple act that brightens up everyone's day. Life is like a mystery box and we'll never quite know what surprises are hidden inside. So, before venturing out into the great unknown, make sure to sprinkle some words of love and kindness at home. It's like adding a magical touch of joy to your outfit of the day. It'll make the world a whole lot brighter.

Breathe for Three Minutes… Who needs fancy schmancy meditation practices when we can get all Zen and stuff by simply focusing on our breath? Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for a daily meditation session, and I highly encourage everyone to hop on that bandwagon. But let's not undermine the mind-blowing power of dedicating a measly minute or three to just breathing. Imagine that you wake up in the morning, feeling all groggy and disoriented. Instead of launching yourself out of bed like a spring-loaded maniac, you decide to embrace the art of tranquillity. So, you plop yourself down on your back and get comfy, ready to take on the world with the power of your breath. You start off with some deep inhales and exhales, not just one or two, mind you, but a solid three cycles of breathing. Feel that breath swirling inside you like a magical dance of life. Notice how it feels, notice the sensations in your body, and don't forget to keep an eye on those mischievous thoughts of yours. Now, here's the tricky part – no judging, no categorising, none of that "good" or "bad" label nonsense. Just be an attentive observer. Take it all in and then gracefully let it go, like releasing a balloon into the sky. This simple act will kick-start your day in the most suave and intentional way, with no need for bed-leaping and rat-racing from one task to another. So, let's remember that life doesn't always have to be fancy or complicated. Sometimes, all it takes is a few moments in the morning to be still, to breathe, and to embrace the serenity that lies within us all. Now, go forth and conquer your day with the stealthy grace of a ninja on a quest for contentment!

Energise Your Mornings with the Power of Presence… Okay, listen up! It's time to debunk the myth that multitasking is the key to a successful life. So, picture this: you're standing under that glorious waterfall we call a shower. Now, instead of mentally plotting your next move at work like some kind of productivity ninja, focus on the task at hand. Let the warm water cascade over you like a symphony of relaxation. Save the corporate conundrums for later. Now, let's talk about breakfast. You've made it to the kitchen, armed with pots, pans, and ingredients galore. But hold on a second - why rush through this beautiful ritual? The purpose of this meal goes way beyond filling your belly. It's about nourishing your soul and giving your loved ones a tasty start to their day. So don't just slap some butter on toast and call it a morning, my dear pal. Infuse that breakfast with an extra pinch of love, sprinkle in joy, and serve up a side of gratitude.

Ah, our beloved companions. Whether they're fluffy fur balls or sassy siblings, they deserve just as much attention before we head out the door. Make it a point to say a proper farewell, my dear acquaintance. Look into those precious eyes, connect with their soul, and bid them adieu with genuine intention. Let them know they matter, because in this world of hustle and bustle, human or otherwise, everyone needs a heartfelt goodbye. So, let's make a pact. Embrace the present moment like it's a gift from the universe. When you're in that shower, let go of your work dilemmas. During breakfast, infuse it with love and care. And when you bid adieu to your furry friends or human loved ones, do so with intention and eye contact. Because let's face it, life is too short for half-hearted showers, uninspired breakfasts, and lousy goodbyes. Let's live in the now and squeeze every drop of joy and connection out of each and every moment. Carpe diem!

Red Light Practice

Red Light Practice… As you embark on your daily journey to the land of work, let us behold the marvellous phenomenon of the red light. Yup, these moments of stationary stillness present us with a golden opportunity to ditch the stresses of traffic-induced frenzy and hit that enchanting reset button. Take a deep breath for the red light becomes your sanctuary of serenity, where all worry dissipates and you can focus on what truly matters. Drivers, fear not! The red light is not your nemesis, but rather a chance to indulge in your auditory desires. Choose the harmonies that make your heart flutter and turn your mundane drive into a boogie-fuelled escapade. (I always whistle along with the song: ''Don’t Worry Be Happy'') Sing along at the top of your lungs and unleash the power of your dulcet tones upon the unsuspecting vehicles around you! For the cunning strategists among us, the red light becomes your mental battleground. Seize this fleeting moment to meticulously plan your day within the arena of your mind. Visualise triumphs and conquer obstacles before they even cross your path. Let the red light elevate your tactical prowess as you navigate the treacherous waters of your daily duties.

But wait, even those who partake in the noble art of telecommuting can benefit from this crimson phenomenon. Before engaging the digital world, take a moment to indulge in this glorious pause. Consider it your pre-computer warm-up routine, a chance to mould your mind-set and prepare for the challenges ahead. For in these golden moments at the red light, we expose ourselves to a vast array of choices. Oh, the thrill of it all! By consciously selecting our response to each situation, we awaken a sense of empowerment within. Feel the rush as you realise that the power to shape your day lies solely in your hands! And so, I beseech you to embark upon this magnificent experiment each morning. Witness how your life transforms before your very eyes! Embrace the red light, for it holds the key to unveiling a world where choice reigns supreme. Let us embark on this journey of self-discovery and bask in the radiant glow of possibility that awaits us.

“Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.” - Thich Nhat Hanh