Embracing the Divine
7 July 2023

Embracing the Divine: Spirituality in Everyday Life

Spirituality encompasses the understanding that there is something greater than ourselves, beyond our sensory experiences. It involves recognising that we are part of a cosmic or divine whole and that our lives have meaning beyond mundane existence driven by selfishness and aggression. Spirituality explores universal concepts such as love, compassion, altruism, life after death, wisdom, and truth, acknowledging that certain individuals, like saints or enlightened beings, have achieved higher levels of development. Many spiritually inclined persons aspire to embody these qualities in their own lives.

The spiritual journey begins by healing and affirming the ego, allowing for positive experiences. With a secure sense of self-worth and the ability to love and be generous, we are less constrained by ego defences. Opening one's heart is a crucial aspect of true spirituality. However, it is important to question religious practices rooted in masochism, like self-flagellation, as they demonstrate a lack of compassion for the body. Religion does not always contribute to spiritual growth but can lead to feelings of superiority, unworthiness, guilt, and shame.

Awakening the Spirit

Awakening the Spirit: Unleashing the Potential within You

Spiritual development often requires discipline and practice to make progress. Contemplative activities, such as prayer and meditation, are foundational to spirituality across different religions. These practices facilitate personal growth and development. It is recommended to have a teacher or mentor to guide you on your spiritual journey. Spiritual development may involve unexplainable occurrences that can be attributed to external forces like grace or divine intervention. The conversion of Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus is an example of this. Spiritual development can be both instantaneous and gradual, such as during severe illness or when facing a terminal diagnosis that prompts individuals to re-evaluate the meaning of their lives.

The objective reality of spiritual beliefs is a topic of debate and controversy, often discussed within the realm of philosophy. Research often focuses on external behaviours, which may not provide meaningful insights into the inner experiences of spiritual individuals. Belief in God or the existence of moral laws extends beyond personal experiences and can shape an individual's role in society. Religion typically manifests as a collective practice and is involved in community-building.

The debate between mature spiritual seekers and sceptics often reaches an impasse. The spiritual person understands that there is more to understanding than logic and reason, while the sceptic relies solely on rational inquiry. Both sides struggle to comprehend each other's perspectives, resulting in an on-going debate. It is unclear why some people have a spiritual dimension to their lives while others do not. Spirituality is not solely based on cognitive belief systems but rather on a core experience of connectedness to something greater, whether it is a higher self, higher beings, or God. Spiritual or transcendent beliefs can encompass benevolent or indifferent forces.

Beyond Religion

Beyond Religion: A Journey into the Essence of Spirituality

The Christian belief system emphasises the benevolence of God, but it fails to explain the presence of suffering. The existence of innocent suffering contradicts the concept of an all-powerful, wise, and benevolent God. The debate surrounding these issues may challenge the internal consistency of religious faith. The spiritual seeker often appreciates the ultimate mystery of life, the universe, and everything in it. The spiritual person recognises that true understanding surpasses logic and reason and embraces the deeper truth of not knowing.

Buddhism offers insight into transcending suffering and achieving wisdom, serenity, and acceptance. The Eightfold Path guides individuals in consciously dropping unhelpful patterns of resistance and attachment, leading to happiness. Skilful actions are an integral part of the spiritual journey, enabling individuals to mature and rise above unconscious instincts and conditioning. Buddhism encourages accepting reality as it is to alleviate suffering.

In mental healthcare, individuals consumed by anxiety or depression have limited capacity to explore spirituality due to distorted thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy helps patients realise that thoughts and emotions are transient mental phenomena, facilitating spiritual development and relieving anxiety and depression. Neuroscientific research suggests that mindfulness practices can physically change the brain, potentially leading to spiritual growth becoming the norm rather than the exception.

Inner Peace

Finding Inner Peace amidst Chaos

In today's hectic and uncertain world, finding inner peace may seem like an insurmountable challenge. With constant distractions, overwhelming responsibilities, and never-ending to-do lists, maintaining a sense of calm can feel like a distant dream. However, amidst the chaos, finding inner peace is not only possible but essential for our overall well-being. Inner peace refers to a state of tranquillity and harmony within oneself, regardless of external circumstances. It is not about escaping reality or avoiding challenges but rather cultivating a mindset that allows us to navigate life's ups and downs with grace and equanimity. Here are some strategies to help you find inner peace amidst the chaos:

Mindfulness & Meditation: Engaging in mindfulness practices, such as meditation, is a powerful way to cultivate inner peace. By focusing on the present moment and observing our thoughts without judgment, we can learn to detach ourselves from the chaos around us. Regular meditation allows us to cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and develop a sense of inner calm.

Prioritise Self-Care: In the midst of chaos, self-care often takes a backseat. However, taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being is crucial for finding inner peace. Make time for activities that bring you joy and rejuvenate your spirit, whether it's practicing yoga, taking nature walks, indulging in a hobby, or simply spending quality time with loved ones.

Simplify & De-clutter: In a chaotic world, simplifying your life can bring immense peace. Take stock of your commitments, physical possessions, and daily routines. Identify areas where you can streamline and let go of unnecessary clutter, both in your physical space and your mental space. Creating space for what truly matters allows you to focus on what brings you joy and peace.

Disconnect from Technology: Constant connectivity to technology can exacerbate feelings of chaos and overwhelm. Dedicate regular tech-free periods in your day to unplug and recharge. Engage in activities that do not involve screens, such as reading a book, practicing a hobby, or spending time in nature. Disconnecting from technology helps you reconnect with yourself and your surroundings, nurturing a sense of calm and clarity. Learn more about this here.

Practice Gratitude: Cultivating an attitude of gratitude can shift your perspective and bring a sense of peace even amidst chaos. Take a few moments each day to reflect on the things you are grateful for, however small they may seem. Focusing on the positives in your life helps to bring a sense of contentment and peace, regardless of the chaos that may surround you.

Embrace Impermanence: Chaos often arises from our resistance to change and our attachment to outcomes. Embracing the concept of impermanence reminds us that everything is constantly changing and evolving. By accepting this truth and letting go of our need for control, we can find peace in the midst of chaos. Embrace the idea that change is inevitable and learn to adapt and flow with life's uncertainties.

Finding inner peace amidst chaos is a journey that requires consistent effort and self-reflection. It is not a destination but rather a way of being. By incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you can gradually cultivate a sense of inner calm and balance, enabling you to navigate the chaos with clarity and grace. Remember, inner peace is not something external that we need to seek; it is within us all along, waiting to be discovered and nurtured. According to Oxford, spirituality is the “quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul, as opposed to material physical things.” But while this may be the standard definition, at Ancient Purity we are convinced that being spiritual can mean a lot of things to different persons.

“The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit and that its center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.” – Black Elk