Doctors cured thousands
10 July 2023

Doctors cured thousands of patients with Vitamin E since 1950

Vitamin E should not be thought of as just another Vitamin, that some might need and that it sits way down on the bench of a Multi Vitamin Supplement. Then it's occasionally mentioned as being good for eyes, good for skin. This super power Vitamin needs to put back to the top and recognised for all the incredible things it can do. Back in the 1950's Drs. Wilfrid & Evan Shute cured thousands with Vitamin E. About 20 years ago after a hair mineral analysis, I was recommended Vitamin E. I wanted to know why so I began researching it, then as I formed Ancient Purity over years, I began selling it. So i'm going to share some truly mind-blowing information on Vitamin E. During my research, I came across numerous articles that delved into a highly contentious controversy surrounding the use of Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) for treating cardiovascular disease in the 1950s. Then all the other not only benefits games in, I should say, all the evidence of cures came in.

At the forefront of this information were Drs. Wilfrid and Evan Shute, who conducted their groundbreaking work in Ontario, Canada. These doctors were among the pioneers in utilising high doses of Vitamin E as an alternative to conventional drug therapies. Interestingly, most of the positive articles I encountered were based on individual case studies and were published in popular media outlets. Conversely, the criticisms predominantly originated from medical literature, which appeared to be adamantly opposed to even considering the Shute brothers' approach, let alone endorsing it. Nevertheless, it was perplexing to see their unwillingness to test the Shute's high-dosage, natural Vitamin E protocol while simultaneously dismissing it. At the time, Canada was a hub for advanced nutritional research. In Saskatchewan during the same period, Dr. Abram Hoffer and Dr. Humphrey Osmond had found that Niacin (Vitamin B3) was an effective treatment for psychosis. Similarly, the Shutes discovered that Vitamin E was a powerful means of combatting heart disease. Given the significance of these findings, one would expect the medical community to respond with gratitude, acceptance, and widespread publication of their results. The opposite happened, but now let's dive into it's history.

Natural Cure

As you're here, reading about a natural cure, I'm sure you would agree, that the pharmaceutical industry has little interest in a cost-effective vitamin cure that cannot be patented and used for high-profit purposes. Those who have observed medical doctors transitioning to drugless healing have noted that while they gain a significant number of grateful patients, they also lose out on research funding. It is rare for pharmaceutical companies to voluntarily contribute to such competition. Recognising this, the Shutes foresaw the challenges they would face and decided to finance their own endeavours. They established their own research foundation and treatment facility, known as the Shute Institute, and started their own journal called the Summary. These actions, some might argue, brought about their own set of problems. Interestingly, in 1948, they even proposed that vitamin E should be available only by prescription. This stance could be understood considering the remarkable recoveries they had witnessed from their patients, resembling the effects of a miraculous drug, by the middle of the century.

Check out this incredible news story. Titled "The Fight Over Vitamin E" from Maclean's Magazine, June 15,1953. Where it lists testimonials from and photos of people who used it.

Now lets look at the 1936 - 1956 Timeline of Drs. Wilfrid and Evan Shute's research on Vitamin E

  • 1936: Vitamin E-rich wheat germ oil cures angina.
  • 1940: Vitamin E suspected as preventive of fibroids and endometriosis, and curative of atherosclerosis.
  • 1945: Vitamin E shown to cure haemorrhages in skin and mucous membranes, and to decrease the diabetic's need for insulin.
  • 1946: Vitamin E greatly improves wound healing, including skin ulcers. Also demonstrated effective in cases of claudication, acute nephritis, thrombosis, cirrhosis and phlebitis. Vitamin E strengthens and regulates heartbeat.
  • 1947: Vitamin E successfully used as therapy for gangrene, inflammation of blood vessels (Buerger's disease), retinitis and choroiditis.
  • 1948: Vitamin E helps lupus erythematous and shortness of breath.
  • 1950: Vitamin E shown to be effective treatment for varicose veins, and in cases of severe body burns.
  • 1954: The Shutes' medical textbook, Alpha Tocopherol in Cardiovascular Disease, is published.
  • 1956: The Heart and Vitamin E is published.

Vitamin E Story

Dr. Evan Shute's book - The Vitamin E Story

The potential of such promise being overlooked for an extended period of time is not readily apparent. However, that was the case. Dr. Evan Shute's exasperation with the persistently resistant medical field is clearly evident in his book The Vitamin E Story: "It was nearly impossible now for anyone who valued his future in Academe to espouse Vitamin E, prescribe it or advise its use. That would make a man a "quack" at once. This situation lasted for many years. In the United States, of course, the closure of the J.A.M.A. pages against us and tocopherol meant that it did not exist. It was either in the U.S. medical bible or it was nought. No amount of documentation could budge medical men from this stance. Literature in the positive was ignored and left unread. Individual doctors often said: "If it is as good as you say, we would all be using it." But nothing could induce them as persons of scientific background to make the simplest trial on a burn or coronary." (P 146). The American Medical Association even refused to let the Shute's present their findings at national medical conventions. (p 148-9) In the early 1960's, the United States Post Office successfully prevented even the mailing of vitamin E. (P 166)

Linus Pauling wrote, in the book's 1985 forward:
"The failure of the medical establishment during the last forty years to recognize the value of Vitamin E in controlling heart disease is responsible for a tremendous amount of unnecessary suffering and for many early deaths. The interesting story of the efforts to suppress the Shute discoveries about Vitamin E illustrates the shocking bias of organized medicine against nutritional measures for achieving improved health." (vii). You'd think that things were truly better today, but they are not. Yes, the American public can and does buy vitamin E (even by mail) without a prescription. Still, I am unaware of any burn clinic using topical vitamin E as their primary treatment. I am yet to see "megadose Vitamin E cures cardiovascular disease" commercials on TV. I have never seen a bottle of Vitamin E in an intensive care unit. It has now been nearly 80 years since Vitamin E was seen to greatly help diabetics and cardiovascular patients and only recently has medical research "discovered" a glimmer of the value of this Vitamin. Yet for three-quarters of a century, Vitamin E has been an available specific for intermittent claudication, angina, prevention of and recovery from heart attack, thrombophlebitis, and a wide variety of other serious conditions.

So Vitamin E has been widely regarded as highly beneficial for various purposes. However, Consumer Reports trashed it back in 1972, and this negative perception has persisted. Adding to the scepticism, the fact that its original advocate, Evan Shute, was an obstetrician rather than a specialist in the field, was not helpful. Nevertheless, Shute was recognised as a Fellow of the American Society of Angiology in 1969. Nowadays, the easy availability and exceptional safety of Vitamin E have made it less appealing for hospital use, despite its effectiveness as a remarkable therapy. Tocopherol, the scientific name for Vitamin E, has been known and researched since the 1920s, primarily in small doses to promote a successful pregnancy. It was thanks to the high-dosage clinical work conducted by the Shute brothers, particularly in the field of cardiology, that megadosing with Vitamin E has become a practice today. We should express gratitude to them for their contributions, as they have undoubtedly saved lives.

Utilising Vitamin E

Utilising Vitamin E Today

Most of us are unaware that "vitamin E" actually refers to eight compounds, consisting of four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. Vitamin E is exclusively found in plant-based foods, such as certain vegetable oils, nuts, grains, fruits, and wheat germ. It is also possible to obtain vitamin E through supplements for those who require higher levels. The positive effects of Vitamin E are numerous, as it aids in various bodily functions, enzymatic activities, and neurological processes. For instance, consuming sufficient amounts of this antioxidant vitamin, preferably from vitamin E-rich foods or supplements, can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer, coronary heart disease, and mild cognitive impairment. Sufficient intake of Vitamin E is particularly crucial for specific groups, including foetuses, infants, the elderly, and women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.

We encourage you to research Vitamin E further in the following areas of interest:

  • Heart Health / Cognitive Health / Hormone Balance.
  • Physical Endurance & Strength / Cholesterol Balance.
  • Pregnancy - Growth & Development / Eye Sight.
  • Hair Growth & Thickness / PMS Symptoms.
  • Burns & Damaged Skin / Immunity.

I'll be writing more about this wonder Vitamin, I have so many notes and draft emails with stuff on this. But why wait for me to get all these articles out. Try Vitamin E out now. We have a Full Spectrum Vitamin E (All 8 Components) Tocopherol & Tocotrienol Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma. This the only way you should consider taking Vitamin E. Other than that you could consume the following foods to get it. Sunflower Seeds and Wheat Germ being much richer than these... Almonds, Hazelnuts ,Mango, Avocado, Butternut Squash. For these I must say you need a fair bit, so maybe get a few of these in the blender / juicer. Sunflower seeds and Wheat Germ would give you enough. Remember that Vitamin E is fat-soluble, so when eating for it, make sure you do it with some healthy fats, Extra Virgin Olive Oil being a good option.

The majority of Vitamin E isomers found in the typical person's diet are gamma-tocopherol and alpha-tocopherol, with oils derived from crops like soybean, corn, cottonseed, and sesame seed being the main sources. These oils contain three to five times more gamma-tocopherol than alpha-tocopherol. Tocotrienols, on the other hand, are relatively rare in food sources and harder to obtain through diet. The Linus Pauling Institute suggests consuming around 140 milligrams/day of tocotrienol Vitamin E, with the average effective dose for immune protection and other benefits ranging from 200-400 milligrams/day. To find the best sources of tocotrienols, consider the following tips: While currently challenging to find, the seed of the annatto tree (Bixa orellana) is a tropical plant that contains high levels of tocotrienols, with 90 percent being delta-tocotrienol and 10 percent gamma-tocotrienol. Rice oil, palm oil, and rice bran oil are also good sources of tocotrienols. Peanuts, pecans, and walnuts are additional options. Common cereal grains like oats, rye, and barley can provide some tocotrienols. Another easy way to incorporate Vitamin E into your diet is by adding a tablespoon of wheat germ oil to any recipe. As I said we have a Full Spectrum Vitamin E, but food is medicine, oh our is food-based haha. Anyway that concludes another eye opener, I encourage you to share this article and try Vitamin E out for yourself. Be Well.