Crafting a Ceremonial Cacao Elixir
8 August 2023

Crafting a Ceremonial Cacao Elixir with Celtic Sea Salt and Saffron

I'd like to reveal a secret that the universe holds. It was delivered to my mind one rainy evening this summer. A mystical connection, the ancient art of crafting another of my Ceremonial Cacao Elixirs. Now, I always use Celtic Sea Salt, well not always but quite a bit, you must know Chocolate and Celtic Sea Salt works. But it has to be functional Sea Salt, such as our Celtic Sea Salt, that actually enhances health and well-being. On that particular rainy evening I felt like delving into the supernatural and the realms of higher consciousness, so a big pinch of expensive Saffron was put in. This article explores the enchanting journey of making and experiencing this sacred concoction. It covers why Celtic Sea Salt has always been in, what Saffron and Chocolate do. Oh! There's so much to say, just read on...

Do you know about the Spirit of Cacao, some say a "Gateway to the Soul" or "the Food of the Gods,". It has been revered for centuries by various civilisations for its ability to open the heart and connect the spirit to the cosmic energies. According to Mayan and Aztec traditions, cacao ceremonies were considered sacred events, serving as a bridge between the physical and spiritual planes. The presence of theobromine and anandamide in Cacao is said to facilitate a euphoric state, allowing participants to experience profound emotional release and spiritual awakening. Now let's back up a bit here and add in... It has to be real Ceremonial Cacao, and don't bother with all the ones now on the market claiming to be Ceremonial Cacao, they're not Keith's is. I honestly think Keith's Ceremonial Cacao is the only one. So, just get that and if you are on a budget or want ease we have Criollo Cacao. This is powdered and still effective, it's a 3rd of the price. Just try both at some point and see what kind of journey you go on. Bon Voyage my friend, ride the Cacao highway west with a bag of our Celtic Sea Salt and a pinch of our Iranian Saffron.

Elemental Connection

Celtic Sea Salt: The Elemental Connection

Incorporating Celtic Sea Salt into the Ceremonial Cacao Elixir brings an elemental connection that grounds the experience and enhances the spiritual connection. Celtic Sea Salt, sourced from pristine coastal regions, retains its natural minerals and trace elements, making it a powerful conduit for energy flow. As the body assimilates these minerals, the elixir works synergistically to balance the body's energy centres, or chakras, further harmonising the physical and ethereal aspects. Celtic Sea Salt and Chocolate together creates a mix of sweet and salty flavours that delights the senses. Celtic Sea Salt's unique mineral content and trace elements infuse the Chocolate with a subtle brininess, elevating the overall taste profile. I should mention I use Organic, Barista Oat Milk with the Cacao, brining together a rich sweetness with the Celtic Sea Salt's delicate salinity taste, and its varying crystal sizes and shapes, it adds a delightful crunch and texture variation to the smoothness of Cacao. This textural contrast further enhances the overall sensory experience, engaging multiple senses simultaneously.

One of the reasons why the combination of Celtic Sea Salt and chocolate is so captivating is the complexity it introduces to the palate. But remember, we are looking at creating things that not only taste amazing but bring health. Enhance your mind, body and spirit, that's the goal at Ancient Purity, can we have stuff that is delicious and is giving us regeneration and life extension. Ok I still struggle with MSM Organic Sulphur, even with the Grapefruit in the mix. Anyway if you don't know why Celtic Sea Salt is also the healthiest hack around let me tell you quickly before I proceed with this incredible drink I've made. Celtic Sea Salt is harvested from the pristine waters of coastal regions of France and retains a high mineral content including essential minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium. The presence of electrolytes like potassium and magnesium mean it can help maintain proper fluid balance and support nerve and muscle function in the body. The trace amounts of beneficial elements like iodine, are essential for thyroid health. Most of all it's unprocessed preserving its natural living composition.

A Golden Thread of Transcendence

Saffron: A Golden Thread of Transcendence

Saffron, the precious golden spice revered by ancient civilisations, holds a significant place in mystical practices. Known for its antidepressant and mood-enhancing properties, Saffron supports emotional well-being during ceremonial experiences. Beyond its therapeutic benefits, the radiant hue of Saffron is believed to resonate with the solar plexus chakra, enabling a deeper connection to one's inner power and spiritual essence. I was just drawn to put Saffron in, I knew so much about it, why it's so good. Preliminary studies have indicated that Saffron may have neuroprotective effects and could potentially support cognitive function, but way before these studies, a lot more has been said and experienced on this, so don't wait for science to catch up! It might also help enhance memory and protect against age-related cognitive decline. Saffron contains compounds like crocin and safranal that are thought to have protective effects on the eyes. Some research suggests that Saffron might help prevent age-related macular degeneration and improve overall eye health. Then there are cardiovascular benefits, including helping to regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Its antioxidant properties could contribute to reducing the risk of heart disease. Some studies suggest that Saffron has anti-inflammatory properties, which could be beneficial in managing conditions characterised by inflammation, such as arthritis. Saffron may aid in weight management by reducing appetite and curbing cravings, I find Cacao does this also so this amazing drink can really be a meal. In traditional medicine, Saffron has been used as an aphrodisiac. While research is limited, some studies suggest that Saffron might have potential effects on sexual function and desire.

So this is what I did with my simple, powerful ingredients...

  • The Cacao I grate off around 30g. I take a pinch of Ancient Purity Celtic Sea Salt.
  • Pour in the desired amount of a decent milk, you can use filtered water, but I haven't used it for this craft.
  • Heat in a pot and stir regularly, I like to stir fast.
  • When it's all melted and looking great, add a pinch of Ancient Purity Saffron, and just let it all infuse.

Embarking on the ceremonial journey of any sort, even alone with your mug of this blend, should have some intention. So, I just said, peace, serenity and easy motion, cool thoughts and feel the float of the ocean. With each stir and addition of Celtic Sea Salt and Saffron, the energies of the natural elements blend, creating a powerful synergy that amplifies the Cacao's spiritual potency. Theobromine and anandamide work their magic, enhancing the senses and elevating the spirit. Celtic Sea Salt's grounding properties enable a balanced and stable energy flow, ensuring a smooth navigation through the depths of consciousness. Simultaneously, Saffron's golden touch encourages a profound connection with the self and the universe.

Within this altered state of consciousness, participants may embark on inner journeys, experiencing visions, and profound insights. Some may encounter spirit guides or ancestral energies, while others might find solace in healing unresolved emotions. The ceremony acts as a portal, guiding seekers to explore their inner landscapes, fostering self-discovery, and encouraging spiritual growth. Expressing gratitude for the Cacao, Celtic Sea Salt, Saffron, and all elements involved deepens the connection to the natural world and its mysterious ways. I find this with each sip, each sip can last a life time and reveal many, if you tune in.

In the ethereal union of the supernatural and consciousness, the Ceremonial Cacao Elixir with Celtic Sea Salt and Saffron unveils a gateway to the soul. Rooted in ancient traditions and embraced by modern seekers, this mystical blend allows us to delve into the realms beyond our material existence. So, set sail on this trip and take a sip! You can find Saffron, Celtic Sea Salt and of course Keith's Ceremonial Cacao here. Or make some in a flask and bring it to me at Ancient Purity. I'll sit upstairs there. After having a few sips, I'll try to give you some wisdom. Enjoy the journey!