The Superfood Algae
29 May 2024

Chlorella & Spirulina - The Superfood Algae that Keep Giving

Are you looking to supercharge your health and well-being? Look no further than Spirulina & Chlorella Powder, the dynamic duo of super-foods known for their incredible nutritional benefits. Packed with protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, this powerhouse blend offers a natural boost of energy, detoxification, and immune support. Whether you're looking to enhance your smoothies, juices, or simply incorporate more nutrients into your daily routine, Spirulina & Chlorella Powder is the perfect addition to a healthy lifestyle.

You can experience increased vitality with this potent green powder! Often associated with slime and stagnant water, algae may not seem like the most appetising plant. However, Chlorella & Spirulina are two forms of algae that are consumed by people all over the world. They can be found in convenient capsule or powder form, making it easy to incorporate their many health benefits into your daily routine. Let's take a closer look at these powerhouse algae.

What Is Chlorella

What Is Chlorella?

Get your daily dose of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients with Chlorella, a nutrient-packed unicellular green algae. Chlorella Powder provides the following nutrition:

  • Zinc
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B12
  • Calcium
  • Folic Acid
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Health-Improving Properties of Chlorella

Blood Pressure Health… High blood pressure, I describe it as the silent but deadly saboteur of our cardiovascular health. Leading the charge in heart attacks, kidney disease, and strokes, this sneaky culprit can wreak havoc on our bodies without warning. While the tried and true methods of diet and exercise can certainly help keep it in check, some of us prefer a little extra boost in our battle against the pressure. Enter Chlorella - the not-so-secret weapon in the fight against high blood pressure. This super supplement has been making waves since 1978, showing off its blood-pressure-lowering prowess in various studies along the way. And let's not forget about our rat friends, who also gave Chlorella the seal of approval in a 2006 study. But hey, we get it - some of us like to keep things au naturel. If you're one of those people, Chlorella might just be the answer you've been looking for. A 2018 study in Clinical Nutrition even confirmed its blood-pressure-lowering abilities in test subjects. Of course, it goes without saying - always consult with your physician before tinkering with your medications. After all, you wouldn't want to mess with a good thing, especially when it comes to your heart. So go ahead, give Chlorella a try.

Antioxidant Effect

Antioxidant Effect… Oxidation is the process that ages us faster than a bad haircut. Who knew that kicking back with a cigarette or a few too many cocktails could send our bodies into overdrive with excess oxidation? Fortunately there is hope yet. By slowing down this ageing accelerator, we can reap all sorts of health benefits. Enter the hero of the story: a healthy diet. Providing our bodies with the necessary resources to combat oxidation is key. And let's not forget about Chlorella as a 2010 study in Nutrition sang its praises, confirming its antioxidant properties and crowning it as a necessary addition to any well-rounded diet. And let's not overlook the 1995 study that also gave Chlorella a gold star for its antioxidant status. So go on, add a dash of Chlorella to your daily routine.

Cholesterol Health… Are you tired of feeling like a ticking time bomb for a heart attack? Well, the good news is that there's a secret weapon in the battle against high cholesterol - Chlorella! This powerful little green algae has been scientifically proven to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels, making it a must-have in your health arsenal. Say goodbye to prescription medications and hello to nature's remedy for optimal cholesterol levels. With studies showing that Chlorella can lower both total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, why not give it a shot?

Removing Toxins from our Bodies… In the battle against toxic buildup, dodging dodgy food and drink is key. But let's not forget the crucial role our bodies play in detoxing too. Back in 1984, savvy researchers started pondering whether Chlorella could be the secret weapon against toxins. And hello, a High Quality NAC Supplement can also lend a hand in keeping those toxins in check.

Blood Sugar Health… As our waistlines expand, so does the prevalence of prediabetes and diabetes - a not-so-sweet reality of modern living. But there is hope in the form of Chlorella! In a study from 2015, this powerful supplement was found to work wonders in lowering glucose levels in test subjects. So, keep an eye on your diet, cut back on the sugar, and maybe throw in some Chlorella for good measure. Your heart, brain, and overall well-being will thank you.

What Is Spirulina

What Is Spirulina?

Introducing the almighty Spirulina — the master of the super-food world! This easily digestible gem, a proud member of the blue-green algae squad, is here to save the day with its array of health benefits. Rumour has it even the Aztecs were fans, growing it in their own backyard and giving it the cool nickname tecuilati. So why not join the likes of these ancient health aficionados and sprinkle some Spirulina magic into your daily routine? Who knows — you might just become a modern-day wellness warrior, ready to conquer any health challenge that comes your way.

Health-Improving Properties of Spirulina

Blood Pressure & Cholesterol Health… Move over statins, there's a new sheriff in town and its name is Spirulina. This powerhouse algae is not just for smoothie bowls anymore - it's now a key player in the fight against high cholesterol. So, if you're looking to lower your cholesterol levels and avoid the dreaded heart disease diagnosis, maybe it's time to add some Spirulina to your daily routine. After all, who knew that a little green algae could pack such a punch? In the fascinating world of nutritional studies, one particularly fabulous finding from 2014 revealed that just one tiny gram of Spirulina every day could work wonders for your cholesterol levels. Say goodbye to that high cholesterol level with a 16% drop in just 4 months! This wonder algae also kicks those troublesome triglycerides and pesky LDL cholesterol to the curb. And if you needed more proof (because who doesn't love a good backup plan), a 2015 study swooped in to confirm Spirulina's magical powers in the cholesterol-lowering department. So go ahead, add a dash of Spirulina to your daily routine and let those lipids tremble in fear!

Antioxidant Power… Spirulina, the antioxidant hero! Packed with a powerhouse of compounds like chlorophyll and beta carotene, this dynamic green algae is here to save the day by neutralising free radicals that love to wreak havoc on our bodies. With Spirulina by your side, you can get the help to combat chronic disease and say hello to a healthier you. So, why wait? Let Spirulina be your trusty sidekick in the battle for a disease-free life!

Cognitive Health… As we all collectively reach our golden years, our brains seem to be feeling the effects of ageing just as much as our bodies – not very kind, is it? However, there are ways to keep our brains sharp and spry as we gracefully stumble through the years. Take note, the trifecta of brain health: a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and brain teasers to keep those neurons firing on all cylinders. And let's not forget about Spirulina, that funky green super-food rumoured to have some serious brain-boosting powers. A study from a decade ago in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease suggested that Spirulina, along with a dash of Curcumin and a sprinkle of other supplements, might just fend off those amyloid plaques that could lead to the dreaded Alzheimer's disease. So, let's grab our Spirulina & Chlorella smoothies, lace up those sneakers, and sharpen our pencils for a crossword puzzle or two. Because who said getting older had to be synonymous with losing our marbles?

Body Detox

Body Detox… Unleash the power of Spirulina to rid your body of heavy metals! Say goodbye to arsenic and reduce your risk of neurological disease and diabetes with this natural detoxifier. A study from India, where arsenic-contaminated water is all too common, proves the efficacy of Spirulina in cleansing your system. Embrace the green goodness of Spirulina for a healthier you!

Anti-Inflammation Aid for Arthritis… Arthritis, a fancy term meaning "ouchie joint", is a common ailment that likes to make itself at home as we age. It's like that annoying relative who overstays their welcome at Thanksgiving dinner. Fortunately science has found a super-food to come to the rescue - Spirulina! This blue-green algae doesn't just make for a trendy smoothie bowl ingredient, it's also a natural anti-inflammatory powerhouse. In fact, a study from 2006 found that Spirulina can help ease arthritis pain by fighting inflammation. And a more recent study in 2015 confirmed these findings, showing that Spirulina is like the Wonder Woman of the arthritis world, taking down inflammation levels like a boss and giving those pesky COX-2 enzymes (the ones targeted by NSAIDs) a run for their money. Plus, Spirulina does all this without the unpleasant side effects that often come with popping those pill bottles.

Diabetes… Type 2 diabetes is the newest heartthrob in town, wreaking havoc on hearts, brains, and kidneys everywhere. With a dash of diet, a sprinkle of exercise, and a pinch of oral medications, those glucose levels can be tamed. And for an extra punch, why not add some Spirulina to the mix? It's like the secret weapon against diabetes, keeping blood sugar in check and warding off complications like diabetic kidney disease. Plus, rumour has it, it's the must-have treatment for diabetic wounds too. Just remember, more research is needed before Spirulina becomes the next big thing in diabetes management. Stay tuned, people!"

Fibromyalgia… Fibromyalgia, dubbed the mysterious pain-in-the-neck disease, has a knack for targeting women more than men. When you can't pinpoint the cause of that annoying full-body ache and those tender muscles, chances are fibromyalgia is the culprit. But fear not, dear sufferers, for a recent study found that Spirulina might just be the miracle worker you've been waiting for. With its prebiotic powers and detoxifying abilities, this super-food could be the key to kicking fibromyalgia symptoms to the curb. So, next time your body is feeling like a battleground, maybe give Spirulina a shot.

Cataract Prevention… As the years pile on, so does the risk of developing cataracts - a little clouding of the eye lens caused by oxidation. Recent studies have found that phycocyanin, found in the algae powerhouse Spirulina, can be your secret weapon in keeping those cataracts at bay. Remember people, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Spirulina & Chlorella - A Dynamic Duo

Spirulina and Chlorella powder combined offer a powerhouse of health benefits that can revolutionise your overall well-being. This dynamic duo is packed with nutrients, antioxidants, and detoxifying properties that work synergistically to enhance your immune system, boost energy levels, improve digestion, and support detoxification processes in the body. Spirulina, a blue-green algae, is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids, making it a complete super-food that can help regulate blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, and promote cardiovascular health.

Chlorella, on the other hand, is a green algae that is renowned for its detoxifying abilities, aiding in heavy metal removal, supporting liver health, and boosting the production of healthy gut bacteria. Together, Spirulina & Chlorella Powder provide a nutrient-dense powerhouse that can improve vitality, enhance mental clarity, and protect against chronic diseases. Incorporating this potent blend into your daily routine is a simple yet powerful way to supercharge your health and elevate your overall quality of life. Order your Spirulina & Chlorella Powder today!

''With its rich nutritional composition, good shelf life and ease of including in powdered form into supplements, it is not surprising that NASA considers spirulina to be an ideal food supplement for their astronauts.''