Swimming in the oceans, swimming in the seven seas, the blazing sun's kiss, the salt water bliss, whenever I'm in those sparkling blue waters it's simply freedom and bliss. I've swam in a lot of seas, my favourite being in Raja Ampat Indonesia, all about that destination another time. For now I'm going to share why I think Sea Swimming is so good and use my old notes on the many benefits.
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No Theory - Social Media Harms us (Studies Reveal)
27 June 2023

This isn't another article or someone going on about how much Social Media is ruining everything, you can go out and talk to most people and they'll usually agree. A lot of the people even using it daily would agree the same. I was reluctant to write one as Ancient Purity is on them, there's links to Instagram and Facebook in this Blog. But even as business people have always told me I'm not using it enough, I've just gone another month without a post on instagram, I go weeks a fair bit.
Forest Bathing & Grounding, Eudaimonic Wellbeing, Sit Spot & Digital Detox
3 June 2023

Forest Bathing, also known as Shinrin-Yoku, is a practice originating from Japan that involves walking slowly and leisurely through the woods or forest, immersing oneself in the natural environment and mindfully using all five senses. The term "grounding" is often associated with Forest Bathing and Forest Therapy, but its meaning depends on the context used.
Live & Breathe
22 May 2023

"The Truly Healthy environment is not merely safe but stimulating."
- William H. Stewart, Environmental Science and Technology, February 1968
Ah breath and air are my world, sunshine and waves. This collection comes from around 2006, I had lot's of notes in books and on my old computer, saved in drafts. I can update it all now.
The Sun – Provider of Life
22 May 2023

Throughout history and across various cultures and religions, Sun worship has taken many forms, including sacrificial practices and architectural constructions. Deities associated with the Sun have frequently been central to their respective belief systems. Notable examples of prominent Sun worship include the Inti God of the Incas in Peru, the Nabateans' Dushara in Jordan's Petra city, and Shintoism's Amaterasu in Japan.