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Harnessing 4 Elements: A Guide to Balance & Harmony

12 November 2023
Harnessing 4 Elements
The ancient concept of the four elements—Earth, Water, Fire, and Air—has been a fundamental part of human understanding for centuries. Originating in various cultures and belief systems, these elements represent not only physical substances but also powerful symbolic forces that can be harnessed to enhance our lives and promote balance and harmony. Without realising I recognised recently how much I need these elements in my day to day life, and the significant role that they play.

Fulvic Acid VS Shilajit - There's a Big Difference

20 October 2023
Fulvic Acid VS Shilajit
In the realm of natural supplements, Fulvic Acid and Shilajit have surged as prominent contenders due to their proven health benefits. Both compounds are derived from organic matter and share similar origins, often leading to confusion among consumers. However, upon closer inspection, we discover that Fulvic Acid stands out as a superior choice for several reasons.

Embrace the Great Outdoors: The Power of Fresh Air

27 September 2023
The Power of Fresh Air
Ahhhh Air. The very source of what keeps us all alive. It’s the first thing I personally think of when I am stressed or overwhelmed, “I need fresh air”. Many of us spend the majority of our time indoors, surrounded by artificial lighting and controlled environments. While this lifestyle offers comfort and convenience, it often means we miss out on the numerous benefits of Outdoor Air.

Rain: Delving into the Mystical Downpour of Spiritual Significance

8 September 2023
Spiritual Significance
Earlier Tom wrote an article about the healing properties and goodness of fire, which was necessary as most people think only about war and destruction when hearing the word fire. However, today it is my goal to explore the spiritual meaning of rain throughout history. Yes, that enchanting dance of rain that stirs the heart and drenches our souls with its appearance.

The Health Benefits of Fire

28 August 2023
The Health Benefits of Fire
I've had this article in my mind for years, parts of the story would come, I'd think of new things. Decided I'll just release this and write some more on fire down the line. I remember a bus trip in Burma, watching the fires lit on the mountains, This technique is known as stubble burning, the farmers use the method as its cost-effective compared to alternative methods of clearing fields.