From the shadowy depths of damp forests to the vibrant, sun-soaked patches of grand meadows, a hidden kingdom thrives, fascinating me with its complexities and wonders. This is the world of mycology. My obsession with fungi sparked when I was a teenager. Frequently I walked through a nearby forest and it was there where I stumbled upon a cluster of vibrant mushrooms that looked like they belonged in a fairy tale.
Turmeric... Simple Everyday Health
3 November 2024

I honestly couldn’t specify in my title to which specific target area Turmeric is best for, because there are SO many, and I didn’t want to focus on just one area in particular that Turmeric could aid you in, I want to show you as many as I could possibly find and the things I have experienced myself with this beautiful golden powerhouse. At Ancient Purity we call our Turmeric the Queen of the Spices! And for numerous reasons.
Pine Pollen... The Ancient Meta-Food
21 October 2024

It’s hard to comprehend sometimes that nature really does hold the answers to just about anything, if not, everything! Yes, I said it. Everything. And Pine Pollen is no exception. The health benefits from Pine pollen are so vast and incredible, it honestly blew me away with the amount there is, and what it is used for. So, as you will also see, this beautiful product is not one to skip past. It’s well worth noting these particular health benefits and its wide uses in your health and wellness practices.
Eating Cleaner: A Guide to Nourishing Your Body Naturally
17 September 2024

Following on a little from Tom’s latest article on MSG, it inspired me to provide a bit more information because if you’re anything like me, I need more information! Such as HOW do I clean up my eating habits, WHERE do I start? WHAT on earth do I do to start living a cleaner lifestyle? I need personally to have a bit of a plan and some inspiration so that’s what I am aiming to do here for you today.
Understanding Our Subjective Age - Implications for Healthy Ageing
20 August 2024

Your heart whispers the secrets of your youth, declaring that you’re still a vibrant 28, even while your birth certificate firmly states you are 45. This internal clash between how old we feel and how many candles are on our cake is a familiar struggle for many. It’s fascinating, isn’t it? There’s this disparity between our subjective age and the age that dances in the spirit of our minds, and the objective age marked by the relentless ticking of the clock.