A few months ago, my beloved feline companion, Felix, fell victim to a vicious attack by another cat, resulting in a painful wound on his ear. To help my furry friend, I rushed him to the veterinarian, hoping for a solution to his suffering. To my surprise, the vet handed me a small bottle of Colloidal Silver Spray, recommending that I apply it to Felix's wound three times a day. Sceptical yet willing to try anything to alleviate Snow's pain, I diligently followed the vet's instructions.
Healthy House
Home Fragrances & Indoor Air Quality
18 December 2024
As December rolls around, a familiar sight in many Western homes is the flickering glow of aromatic candles, adding a touch of cosy Christmas magic to the air. However, here in Thailand, a different tradition takes centre stage as incense sticks are lit and placed in ghost houses to invite good luck and appease the spirits. The scent of burning (low-quality) incense wafts through the air, sometimes affecting my breathing as I work.
The 10 Most Effective Air Purifying Plants for a Healthy House
10 December 2024
My passion for plants runs deep; there’s an undeniable joy that springs from simply gazing at their vibrant greens and intricate shapes. It’s no wonder, then, that my home is a lush sanctuary filled with an array of tropical flora. But these plants serve a purpose beyond mere aesthetics. As we all know, clean air is essential for our well-being, regardless of where we are.
Bee Populations & Land Management
22 November 2024
As I reflect on the complex web of life that sustains our planet, it becomes painfully clear to me just how vital Bees are to our environmental health and food security. These small yet mighty creatures play an indispensable role in pollination, a process that not only supports the growth of a vast array of flowering plants but also directly contributes to the agricultural bounty we often take for granted.
MSG is Bad for You & How to Detox from MSG
27 August 2024
Earlier this morning I got into a conversation with someone about how toxic MSG is. I thought ok easy I'll tell them then open up a search engine and show them all the sites showing information about how toxic it is. I even use a non Google "freedom" search engine for it. What did I see? websites, mainstream news sites, the usual controlled health sites always at the top of searches, all saying the same garbage.