Health & Our Stuff

Ashwagandha & Sleep – An Experiment

5 April 2023
There is a ton of information available on the internet about virtually every supplement known to man. Just one Google search and you’ll be overloaded with benefits, side effects and how to use it. The problem is often that it’s just literature or the same websites repeating similar information without analysing it. General information is fine. But before you begin, it is also helpful to read about some personal experiences. At least, for me that is often what the deciding factor is. It is most-likely less scientific, but if 1 person had a great experience that is important for me and often it’s enough convincing me giving it a try.

A Spiritually Activating Ancient Herb for Super-Charging Health & Expanding Consciousness

6 July 2022
Reishi Mushroom
Since ancient times, natural medicinal plants and herbs have been utilised to heal and powering the body and mind. Actually, they’ve been used so much throughout history by many different cultures meaning that these herbs do provide goodness.