Health & Our Stuff

Fulvic Acid – The Miracle Molecule

7 June 2023
The Miracle Molecule
Fulvic Acid is a yellow to dark brown coloured substance that is derived from humus, which is the organic component of soil, sediment, and other natural sources such as peat and coal. It is a natural compound that is known for its ability to improve nutrient uptake in plants and help them grow and develop optimally. Fulvic Acid is also used in dietary supplements and other health products due to its purported health benefits, which include enhanced energy levels, improved immune function, and reduced inflammation among others. It is a highly complex and versatile compound that contains a variety of organic acids, minerals, and other nutrients that are essential for healthy soil and plant growth. Fulvic Acid is present sand, clay, mud and mountain rocks. It can have different qualities depending on where it is sourced from. Fulvic Acid from Israeli sand may have different qualities than Canadian peat moss or mountain rock in the state of Colorado, for example.

Celtic Sea Salt for Hair (Saltwater & Healthy Hair)

4 June 2023
Celtic Sea Salt for Hair
The benefits of using sea salt in hair care go beyond its association with texturising sprays. Celtic Sea Salt is the purest Salt, totally unprocessed, full of minerals, it's the one to choose. So we will explain why introducing sea salt into regular scalp care, such as through the use of a scrub, can be incredibly beneficial. The rich natural, grey salt particles act as a gentle exfoliant, removing excess oils and build-up from the roots. By its absorbent nature, it also effectively controls excess oil production as a weekly detox. Regular use can improve scalp health, allowing hair to reach full potential. Additionally, massaging sea salt into the roots stimulates blood flow and encourages necessary nutrients and hormones for healthy growth. Enriched with magnesium, potassium, and selenium, sea salt aids in promoting strong and healthy hair growth and clarifying the scalp.

Celtic Sea Salt for Skin & Beauty

3 June 2023
Celtic Sea Salt for Skin & Beauty
Have you ever come back from a beach vacation with radiant skin and hair, wondering if you could recreate the same effect at home using salt water? TikTok videos suggest that using sea salt water to wash your face could cure acne and give you that fresh-off-the-beach look. However, you may be questioning if salt is safe for your skin and hair. Before you swap your regular face wash for Celtic Sea Salt water, drop your anchor and read on to learn about using salt water on your face and what it can and cannot do. Salt water has been recognised since ancient Egypt for its ability to disinfect and cleanse skin. It can make skin feel smoother and drier, and it can act as a mechanical exfoliant, scrubbing away dead skin cells and absorbing toxins and dirt. Salt water can even improve the appearance of pore size.

Celtic Sea Salt - Hydration Hack!

2 June 2023
Hydration Hack
There's a hydration hack that's gaining popularity and it's utilising Celtic Sea Salt, a Mineral Rich, Magnesium abundant Superfood. Staying hydrated throughout the day can be challenging, even if you keep a water bottle on hand. By allowing a few crystals of Celtic sea salt to dissolve on your tongue before drinking water, you can improve water absorption in your body due to the magnesium content.

Celtic Sea Salt - A Superfood

27 May 2023
Celtic Sea Salt - A Superfood
Celtic Sea Salt is Superfood and we've been supplying it at Ancient Purity since we began. I learned about it in an old book my grandmother had I think called Salt & Your Health, sorry I can't remember the author but it was the first step in learning that Salt could actually be good for you, vital for you. I've been using it myself since and when we started in 2011 it was one of the first products I bought in. The sea minerals and clay found in salt flats give natural Celtic Sea Salt its light grey colour. This salt is particularly beneficial because the clay ionises the minerals present in it. It has a unique flavour that is highly regarded in the culinary world, making it the preferred option for many. Even when stored in a cool place for an extended period, the salt remains moist to the touch. Light grey Celtic sea salt is dried naturally using only the sun and wind, and it does not undergo any processing or refinement. This makes it the ideal coarse salt for cooking purposes.