Health & Our Stuff

Zeolite Health Benefits & Application

26 July 2023
Zeolite Health Benefits
Zeolite is often referred to as the "Magic Mineral," is a naturally occurring volcanic rock renowned for its exceptional properties and wide-ranging applications. This article aims to shed light on why Zeolite is popular as an essential ingredient in various industries, including health, agriculture, water treatment, air purification, and more. From its unique molecular structure to its contributions to environmental sustainability, Zeolite Powder stands as a remarkable substance deserving of our attention and appreciation.

The Most Nutritious Nut on Earth

24 July 2023
Most Nutritious Nut
In the world of natural health we are all used to consuming nuts for health. You have probably eaten many different types of nuts. But there’s one extremely delicious and healthy nut that is still widely unknown. Did you ever hear about Sandalwood Nuts? Yes! Nuts, not the oil. Well, let me tell you. The Indigenous Australians have a long history of using Sandalwood Nuts, particularly among the Noongar people of Western Australia.

How to do a Salt Water Flush

21 July 2023
Salt Water Flush
I love to recommend simple yet powerful detox protocols. This is one I get great feedback on each time, it's cheap to do, works incredibly well and is easy. A Salt Water Flush, also known as a "Salt Water Cleanse" or "Master Cleanse," is a method designed to cleanse your colon and digestive system by inducing a bowel movement. It is a safe and effective way to detoxify the body and purify the colon.

Durian Fruit: Exotic Aromas & Unique Flavour Profile

19 July 2023
Durian Fruit
Durian is a highly controversial and unique fruit that is native to Southeast Asia. Known as the "King of Fruits," it stands out for its unmistakable odour, thorny exterior, and creamy, custard-like flesh. Loved by some and loathed by others, Durian is a fruit that evokes strong emotions. In this article I aim to explore the characteristics, health benefits, culinary uses, and cultural significance of durian fruit.

Buchu South Africa's Miracle Tea

17 July 2023
Buchu South Africa's Miracle Tea

I want to tell you about South Africa's Miracle Herb. Buchu is an evergreen, flowering shrub. It forms part of the Capes fynbos plant kingdom. The use of Buchu was first documented by the Dutch colonists in Cape Town as far back as 1652, and prior to that, the indigenous Khoisan people used it for its medicinal and anti-ageing properties. Buchu was even used during the Crimean and First World Wars as an antiseptic to clean battlefield wounds.