Health & Our Stuff

Shower Filters: Cleaning Your Life

18 August 2023
Cleaning Your Life
Oh! The joys of being exposed to contaminated water every day! It's like having a personal water park that's hell-bent on destroying our well-being. Our bodies go on a rollercoaster ride of misery, courtesy of these invisible contaminants. From the moment we take that first sip, we unwittingly invite a troupe of stomach bugs, bacteria, and all sorts of nasty stuff to party in our digestive system.

Ancient Egyptian Secret Fat for Health: Black Seed Oil!

16 August 2023
Ancient Egyptian Secret
In the year 1923, a clever British archaeologist stumbled upon the magnificent burial site of the legendary Egyptian pharaoh, Tutankhamun (aka the one and only King Tut). And oh boy, did he uncover some jaw-dropping treasures! Picture this: shimmering golden shrines, dazzling jewellery, majestic statues, fearsome weapons, and even fashionable ancient Egyptian attire. But amidst all these riches, there was one peculiar item that caught everyone's attention...

Jackfruit: The Juicy Giant of the Fruit Kingdom

15 August 2023
The Juicy Giant
Welcome to the kingdom of fruits, where a certain superstar takes the stage, the mighty Jackfruit! Hailing from tropical regions, this behemoth of a fruit demands attention with its grand size, unique flavour and incredible versatility. Join us as we explore the wonderful world of Jackfruit, discovering its fascinating attributes and uncovering its delicious secrets.

Celtic Sea Salt - The Danger of a Low "Real" Salt Diet

4 August 2023
Celtic Sea Salt
In really rebalancing your health, there must be an intricate dance of Salt and Potassium. For years, salt has been condemned as a major culprit behind heart disease, kidney issues, and other chronic conditions. The prevailing medical advice advocates for reducing salt intake to safeguard health, but the truth is far from straightforward. Not all salts are created equal, and the body requires healthy salt for optimal functioning.

Maca Root – A Legacy of Strength & Courage

3 August 2023
Maca Root
I’ve always been fascinated by the mighty Incas. There’s some kind of connection between the Inca worriers and Ancient Purity as this reputable natural health company supplies 100% Peruvian Maca Root. The Inca Empire was known for its formidable warriors who conquered vast territories with their strategic brilliance and physical prowess.