
Psychic Surgery - Mind, Body & Spirit

30 June 2023
Psychic Surgery

Psychic surgery - the art of healing the mind, body, and soul through telepathic surgery has been completely disregarded, especially in the west for many years. It has always fascinated me and I tried it for myself probably back in 2007. It also continues to fascinate those with minds that are tending towards the existence of the psychic powers.

The Third Eye – A Mystical Concept

16 June 2023
The Third Eye
Yeah! Let’s talk about spirituality and Enlightenment. This article’s main topic is The Third Eye, which is a mystical concept that refers to an invisible eye located in the centre of your forehead, just above the eyebrows. It is often associated with spirituality, mysticism, and psychic abilities, and is believed to have the power to see beyond the physical world.

Obscure Healing Methods

8 June 2023
Obscure Healing Methods
When we think about Thailand, what comes to mind are probably beaches, exotic places, tropical fruit, sightseeing, and maybe even Thai massage but this healing miracle has nothing to do with any of the above. All cultures in the world have some system of healing. People have always had problems with their bodies due to disease, injuries or accidents, and that will never change. Healers of some kind have always been a necessity for any society. Such healing systems range from shamanic approaches to modern medicine with innumerable varieties in between. Even in western societies which have officially subscribed to modern medicine as the only healing system, there is a huge subculture of alternative approaches. Older traditional cultures have relied on such methods for thousands of years since there were no other means available. All of these methods have merit and work sometimes, but not all the time – just like modern medicine.

Ayurveda: A Holistic Approach to Wellness & Healing

2 June 2023
After some reflection and investigation, I discovered that Ayurveda is often presented in a rigid and unintuitive manner, which is a departure from its original purpose as a nurturing and health-promoting science. This made me consider my own experiences with Ayurveda. I learned intuitively through immersion, much like one acquires a first language effortlessly. This realisation led me to the conclusion that Ayurveda ought to be shared as a comprehensive set of principles that can be applied holistically, as opposed to a list of practices or prescriptions.

Thai Traditional Healing: A Way of Life for Body & Mind

29 May 2023
Thai Traditional Healing
When people hear of Thailand, they may immediately associate it with relaxing Thai massages at luxurious spas. Yet, the country's healthcare tradition extends far beyond this. In recent times, there has been a growing interest in natural and traditional healing methods, with people of all ages seeking holistic approaches to better their overall health. Thailand's centuries-old traditional healing system is gaining recognition among renowned healthcare institutions, including the World Health Organization. Anyone can learn more about and integrate Thai medicine into their lives as it is easily found in various forms in pharmacies and traditional health centres.