I will definitely be amongst many when I confess I absolutely never heard of Methylated Folate during pregnancy, because all you’re ever recommended and hear about is Folic Acid. So when I heard a friend mention Methylated Folate during her pregnancy I had to find out more about it and understand it better. I wanted to increase my awareness as I didn’t feel there was enough awareness at all on Methylated Folate, so that here is my intention today; by the end of this article I hope you will be familiar with Methylated Folate, what it’s health benefits are and how we can use it in our lives not just for pregnancy, but for many other health related reasons also.
The Healing Tremella Mushroom
25 November 2024

Twice a week, I indulge in the delightful freshness of Tremella Mushrooms, a culinary treasure that has become an inevitable part of my routine. Here in Thailand, these exquisite fungi are a vibrant addition to Yum Woonsen, the beloved Thai glass noodle salad. This dish holds a special place in my heart, intertwining my appreciation for fresh ingredients with a symphony of flavours that dance on the palate.
Tai Chi & Qi Gong – Holistic Healing
12 November 2024

Each Sunday, I eagerly anticipate my visit to the city’s newly unveiled public park, a vibrant oasis that offers a wealth of activities for visitors. Here, one can indulge in a relaxing massage, feed colourful fish in serene ponds, or capture stunning photographs of exotic flowers in bloom. The allure of savouring a spicy papaya salad while soaking in the lively atmosphere is simply irresistible.
Shamanism - One of the World’s Oldest Spiritual Practices
8 November 2024

Ever since I first heard Jim Morrison speak and sing about Shamanism, I have been entranced by this ancient spiritual practice. His passionate words about connecting with the natural world, digging deep into the depths of the subconscious mind, and channelling the energy of the universe resonated deeply with me. Jim Morrison fearlessly embraced shamanism in his lyrics, vividly portraying altered states of awareness and making explicit connections to shamans and ancient indigenous spirituality.
Camu Camu Berry – Amazonian Fruit with Bio-Functional Properties
4 November 2024

As I’m always busy finding ‘new’ holistic health and wellness products, I continually seek out natural super-foods that can enhance my well-being. One of the standout discoveries on this path has been Camu Camu Powder. This vibrant, nutrient-rich powder has woven itself into my daily routine, and I cannot help but share my love for it. Here’s why I hold Camu Camu powder in such high regard.