
The Numerous Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Ginger Unveiled

6 September 2024
Benefits of Ginger Unveiled
I have an insatiable passion for Ginger! It can be found abundantly at the local fresh food markets in Chiang Mai, and I always opt for the fresh variety for its intense spiciness. As a lover of all things spicy, the more heat, the better! Luckily, my wife is a whiz with fresh Ginger in her repertoire of recipes. Not only is Ginger a culinary delight, but its remarkable health benefits are truly astounding. Studies have shown that Ginger is more powerful in fighting staph infections than antibiotics, and all without the unwanted side effects.

Natural Remedies for Vaginal Health

19 August 2024
Vaginal Health
Many women are all too familiar with the discomfort that comes from these annoying infections. Characterised by itching and thick discharge, vaginal yeast infections, known medically as vulvovaginal candidiasis, are surprisingly common. In fact, they stand as the second most prevalent type of vaginal infection, following bacterial vaginosis.

Peace over Anger - Study Finds Venting Doesn't Alleviate Anger, But What's the Answer?

17 August 2024
Peace over Anger
We've all experienced that intense surge of anger that makes you feel like you could explode. It's a feeling so powerful that it often drives us to think that screaming might offer some relief, a cathartic release of pent-up frustration. I certainly believed that hopeful notion too. I still vividly remember my time as a student visiting a Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh community in Holland.

Sleep Deeply Live Completely - A Complete Guide to Healthy Sleep

13 August 2024
Sleep Deeply
High-quality sleep has truly transformed my life. Running Ancient Purity, I've had the privilege of exploring all the supplements and foods that can help. I've had the connections and wisdom of many to share their habits and systems that culminated in improve sleep. As far as I'm aware, this is unparalleled globally. Now, I’m eager to share these invaluable sleep habits with you. This article is zero filler, it's one of my most import posts.

Exploring Freedom from Parkinson's Disease Naturally.

24 June 2024
Freedom from Parkinson's Disease
I always get so bored of articles that spend the first 5 mins telling you what the disease is and loads of other facts. I doubt anyone reading this, needs to know about PD. If you haven't experienced it personally or had a loved one affected by it, you probably don't even care to know more about it. I assume you're here because, like me, you have had a loved one impacted by the disease. Perhaps you have experienced symptoms or even received a diagnosis yourself.