Health Guides

Comfort and Freedom over Pins & Needles and Peripheral neuropathy

16 October 2024
Comfort and Freedom
Commonly described as a "pins and needles" sensation, paresthesia can affect various parts of the body. A lot of people brush it off and think it's just part of being alive, well yes but if it's happening too often it could be a sign you need to make some changes. As I said the actual official name is Paresthesia, and technically it is classified as a tingling sensation in the feet and other extremities, is closely associated with peripheral neuropathy, which involves weakness and pain resulting from nerve damage.

Freedom from Epilepsy... Ancient Remedies & Modern Developments

4 October 2024
Freedom from Epilepsy
Here we are in a deep dive guide, I'm apprehensive to write articles / guides on subjects that are quite serious health issues. It's my mission to get people to help themselves naturally but big Pharma and its power is scary, but the information must be shared. Ultimately it's for the reader to decide what they make of it and any action they take.

Essential Nutrients for Optimal Thyroid Function

18 September 2024
Optimal Thyroid Function
OK, let me come straight to the point first. Here are some key points that might explain why I think thyroid health is extremely significant: Growth & Development, Mental Health, Heart Health, Hormone Production, Autoimmune Conditions and Metabolic Regulation. That sounds impressive, right? Your endocrine system is a remarkable web of glands and organs that orchestrate the release of hormones, which are powerful chemical messengers essential for maintaining the delicate balance of countless bodily functions.

Natural Remedies for Vaginal Health

19 August 2024
Vaginal Health
Many women are all too familiar with the discomfort that comes from these annoying infections. Characterised by itching and thick discharge, vaginal yeast infections, known medically as vulvovaginal candidiasis, are surprisingly common. In fact, they stand as the second most prevalent type of vaginal infection, following bacterial vaginosis.

Peace over Anger - Study Finds Venting Doesn't Alleviate Anger, But What's the Answer?

17 August 2024
Peace over Anger
We've all experienced that intense surge of anger that makes you feel like you could explode. It's a feeling so powerful that it often drives us to think that screaming might offer some relief, a cathartic release of pent-up frustration. I certainly believed that hopeful notion too. I still vividly remember my time as a student visiting a Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh community in Holland.