Back Pain
14 December 2023

Can Repressed Emotions Lead to Back Pain?

Alright! Brace yourselves for some mind-blowing facts about that oh-so-popular topic: lower Back Pain. Did you know that a whopping 1 in 10 people worldwide suffer from this pesky ailment called Lumbago? It's no joke! And hold on to your seats, because it gets even worse. This back pain nonsense is actually the main culprit behind job disabilities. Yep, you heard that right. Your poor, defenceless lower back is wreaking havoc on your ability to punch that time clock. But wait, there's more! In the good old U.S. of A., they’re shelling out a staggering $90 billion annually to deal with this health issue. That's enough money to buy a lifetime supply of heated massage chairs and still have change left over for a tropical vacation. Now that's some serious dough.

Now, here comes the real shocker. Brace yourselves ladies and gents. Are you ready? Take a deep breath. Back Pain is so sneaky that it's become a leading cause of opioids use. That's right! It's outpacing those pesky traffic accidents when it comes to snatching our loved ones away. Who would've thought that our own spines could be such deadly weapons? But hey, let's not get too down in the dumps here. We've got some juicy evidence to spice things up. Research shows that when it comes to tackling pain and aches, we need to look at the whole shebang. That's right! We're talking about a bio-psychosocial perspective. And who better to shed light on this wacky concept than the late Dr. John Sarno. This guy was all about mind-body methods. He believed that your pain is nothing more than your brain's way of saying, "Hey, you've got some emotional baggage you're not dealing with." Talk about your heavy carry-on!

Back Ache

According to Dr. Sarno, that pain is just a clever distraction from all the anger, stress, and fear you've got lurking inside. It's like the bouncer at the club, keeping those unwelcome emotions from busting out onto the dance floor. Sneaky, sneaky! But here's the kicker. The majority of that pesky pain can actually be traced back to your psychological roots. Recent scientific research is even backing up Dr. John's wild ideas. They found that expression therapy and emotion awareness can decrease chronic musculoskeletal pain by a whopping 30%. That's right, people. We've got some serious mind over matter action happening right here. Now, before you go running off to scream into the nearest pillow, don't forget that Back Pain can sometimes be a red flag for something more sinister. We're talking appendicitis, aortic aneurysm, gynecological conditions, kidney stones, osteoporosis, and arthritis. So, if you're experiencing back pain and it's not from a simple strain or injury, you might want to make a pit stop at the old healthcare practitioner's office. Better to be safe than sorry!

So, there you have it. You're not alone in this battle. If you're willing to dig deep, face those hidden emotions, and unleash your inner karate master of emotional awareness, that Back Pain might just pack its bags and hit the road. And hey, if all else fails, grab a heated massage chair and pretend you're on that tropical vacation. It's all about perspective, folks.

Lumbago - Is it all Psychological?

In the mystical realm of Back Pain treatment, there was a wizard by the name of Dr. Sarno. Armed with mind-body techniques, this professor of rehabilitation medicine dared to challenge the status quo and help those patients with the most stubborn low Back Pain. These were the ones who had already endured the surgeon's knife, only to find their pain laughing in the face of relief. Dr. Sarno possessed a magical success rate of over 80%. He waved his wand, which in this case was called Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and the pain fled in terror. A recent article in Vox captured the sparkling essence of Dr. Sarno's revolutionary approach, showering it with enthusiastic feedback from his grateful patients.

One such patient, Karen Karvonen, declared with unwavering conviction, "Dr. Sarno is the real deal! My hubby and I waved goodbye to our chronic back pain thanks to his methods." Steven Schroeder, another loyal follower of the Sarno creed, experienced a life-altering transformation. Whenever life chucked stress his way, his Back Pain would rise ominously like an ancient volcano. But lo and behold, Schroeder found solace in the doctor's techniques. Armed with mental focus, he banished his pain to the fiery depths from whence it came.

Dr. Sarno was more than just a mere Back Pain specialist; he was a legend. Sadly, he departed this mystical plane just before his 94th birthday, leaving behind a legacy of four spellbinding books and an army of adoring patients. These brave souls claimed to have been reborn under his care, forever cured of their back pain woes. Dr. Sarno was a firm believer that, most of the time the pain was not lurking in the bones, but rather in the mysterious depths of the mind. So, raise a wand to Dr. Sarno, the man who dared to challenge conventional wisdom and restore hope to the afflicted. May his teachings continue to ignite sparks of healing in the hearts and spines of all who seek his wizardry.

Roots of Pain

The Psychological Roots of Pain

Prepare to have your mind twisted and your beliefs challenged, because we're diving into the world of Dr. Sarno's controversial theory. Brace yourself, because this theory blows traditional medical wisdom out of the water, claiming that those vicious disc and spine abnormalities are as useful as a screen door on a submarine when it comes to causing pain. According to Sarno, these so-called "normal abnormalities" are about as relevant to your pain as that pointless extra shoelace hole on your sneakers. He insists that your pain is nothing more than a little brain game, a crafty response to all the anxiety, fear, stress, or anger you've been sweeping under the emotional rug. It's like your brain's own twisted episode of "Catch Me If You Can" where it redirects its emotional impulses to restrict blood flow to your poor, unsuspecting body parts. Talk about betrayal! In essence, your pain is the ultimate undercover operation, keeping those negative emotions from bubbling up to the surface. It's like a pain-powered lid, containing all that rage, fear, or anger you'd rather bury than deal with. Sure, you may curse your pain with the fire of a thousand suns, but deep down, you know it's just a clever diversion from admitting that you actually want to strangle your partner, yell at your child, or toss your best friend out the window. And let's not forget your job, that relentless struggle where you feel like a perpetually underappreciated doormat. No wonder your unconscious mind is simmering with rage!

Dr. Sarno, the founder of "tension myoneural syndrome," is adamant that most patients can bid farewell to their pain by simply acknowledging that its roots lie in the exciting world of psychology. It's like a magical therapy popping a pill that dissolves your physical affliction faster than a snowflake in the Sahara. Even if you're sceptical of this far-out theory, just wrapping your head around the idea might unleash some mystical therapeutic powers, allowing your pain to vanish into thin air. So, take a moment to ponder the enchanting notion that your backache is merely a messenger, dispatched by the stress monsters gnawing at your soul. Shrug off the shackles of physical limitations and embrace the power of your mind. And who knows, maybe, just maybe, you'll find yourself wishing those disc and spine abnormalities bon voyage as your pain evaporates like smoke on a windy day.

Your Brain Regulate all Pain

Let's dive into the fascinating realm of pain, where the mind and body collide like unruly bumper cars. Brace yourself for some mind-bending revelations! Picture this: you're experiencing an exquisite sensation known as pain. Bummer, yes, pain, that quintessential masterpiece concocted by your very own mind. It's like a twisted Picasso painting, except it's happening inside your skull. Mind blown? Dr. Pohl, the wisest of clinical assistant professors, paints us a vivid picture. Whether you have a real, physical injury (like that pesky nail poking your thumb) or a phantom pain from an ancient ailment that refuses to retire, it's the fault of those pesky nerve fibres. They're sending frenzied messages to your brain, like a pack of overly enthusiastic carrier pigeons, causing you to scream, "Ouch!" But wait, there's more! Sometimes, pain lingers like an unwanted guest who just won't take a hint. This is where things get emotional. When the sting of pain persists well after your wound has thrown a housewarming party for the healing process, emotions are sneaking onto the scene. They're like party crashers in the form of an emotional aspect that just won't leave. Oh, but that's not all. Pain is a skilled sculptor carving figurative grooves in your brain. It's moulding your nerve pathways, like a mischievous artist shaping Play-Doh. If you endure this symphony of suffering for an extended period of time, the neurotransmitters responsible for pain go into overdrive. Your nervous system becomes a pain-courier superhighway, and your pain threshold decides to take a break. It's like your body's personal Disneyland, except you can't escape the roller coasters of agony.

Now, if you thought emotions were mere spectators in this theatrical production of pain, think again! Brace yourself for a whopping revelation: according to Sarno, Dr. Pohl, and a chorus of experts, emotions are the puppet masters, pulling the strings behind approximately 80% of all pain. Cue dramatic gasps! So, it's time to embrace the enigmatic dance between mind and body. Remember, even though pain may be a product of your imagination, it hammers home the very essence of reality. Treat it with respect and a dash of quirkiness, and let your nerve fibres and neurotransmitters have their wild soirees. Pain, after all, is an artful reminder that you're oh-so-human.

Stay Active

Stay Active to Stay Pain-Free: Embrace the Power of Movement!

Listen up! It's time to get off your lazy butts and give your bodies the activity they crave. I'm talking about pain-free living here, people! Sitting around all day not only slows down your blood flow, but it can also be the culprit behind that nagging pain you can't seem to shake. Who knew that plopping yourself down for hours could actually mess with your precious quadratus lumborum, iliacus, and psoas muscles? These bad boys, connecting your lower back to your pelvis and femur, get all shortened up when you sit too much. And guess what? That's a recipe for some serious aches when you finally decide to stand up. But that's not all. If your thoracic spine and hip aren't getting their fair share of movement, your lower back ends up doing all the heavy lifting. And let me tell you, that's not a great burden for your poor lower back to bear. I get it, though. When pain strikes, all you want to do is curl up in your cosy corner and avoid any movement like the plague. But guess what? That's not going to do jack-squat for your pain relief. In fact, healthcare experts are screaming from the mountaintops that when the pain is at its worst, that's when you need to get your butt up and get moving!

I'm not just blowing hot air here, people. Science is backing me up on this one. A wicked review of 21 studies showed that physical exercise is the ultimate weapon against the dreaded lumbago. Not only can it prevent that pain from showing up in the first place, but it's also an ace at keeping those relapses at bay. So if you've had the misfortune of dealing with back pain before, listen up! Those lucky souls who stayed active had a 25% to 40% lower chance of experiencing another round of back torture within a year compared to those couch potatoes who skipped the exercise. Pumping iron, getting flexible, busting out some killer stretches, and even ditching some sweat through aerobics can all bring massive relief and keep those pesky relapses at bay. The message is loud and clear. Don't let pain dictate your life. Get off your tush, get active, and show pain who's boss. Trust me, your body will thank you for it!

Pain Relief Beyond Pills: Discover Non-Drug Remedies

Alright, let me drop some knowledge bombs on you about the importance of emotional wellbeing and stress management when it comes to your health. And I'm not just pulling this out of thin air; we've got scientists and doctors from all corners of the medical field backing up this truth. Sadly though, there are still plenty of sceptics out there who think these simple treatments couldn't possibly work. I mean, really? We've been brainwashed into believing that a hefty dose of painful medical procedures is the only way to get healthy, when in reality, the exact opposite is often true.

Now, let's talk about those sneaky little opioids. Sure, they might provide some relief from pain, but they also come with a dangerously addictive nature. It's time for patients to seriously consider if they really need those narcotic painkillers. There are plenty of other ways to kick pain in the butt. I've got some suggestions for you right here, so listen up! If your pain is just hanging out at a moderate level, start by trying these options. And if you absolutely must reach for a painkiller, why not give over-the-counter medication a shot? Research tells us that good old naproxen can provide similar pain relief without all the risks associated with those heavy-duty narcotics. Now, don't get me wrong, even this seemingly safer alternative comes with a laundry list of potential side effects. And the more you use it, the higher those risks become. But hey, it's still a step in the right direction, right? So, let's wise up and take control of our health. Emotional wellbeing and stress management are the keys to overcoming pain and living our best lives. And when it comes to painkillers, think twice before diving into the opioid abyss. There are always other options waiting to be explored. Stay savvy, stay healthy!

Cut Back on Sugars & Grains for a Healthier You

Ditch those grains and sugars if you don't want your leptin and insulin levels to dip lower than the stock market. Say goodbye to those inflammatory prostaglandins that you never wanted in the first place. And hey, if you want to control those aches and chronic sicknesses, just stop treating yourself with sweets and sugar. It's a pivotal move!

Take a Superior-Quality, Animal-Based Omega-3 Fat

Omega-3 fats, the cool kids of the fat world, actually serve as the rebellious precursors to inflammation's troublemaker mediators known as prostaglandins. And brace yourselves, folks, because that's exactly how those sneaky anti-inflammatory painkillers get their game on, by skillfully manipulating these prostaglandins. No worries, for the land of Alaskan salmon, sardines, and anchovies awaits, offering you a ticket to omega-3 heaven. These mighty fish are swimming with healthy omega-3s, while keeping their distance from unwanted party-crashers like mercury. Now, if you're the supplement-seeking type, let me introduce you to the superstar known as Krill Oil. This bad boy packs a punch, boasting benefits that will make you wave goodbye to fish oil with a sly smile. Learn more about Krill Oil Here.

Maximise Sunlight

Maximise Sunlight Absorption for Optimal Vitamin D Boost

Get your daily dose of sunshine and watch the pain wave goodbye! By optimising your vitamin D level with frequent, proper sun exposure, you'll be giving those annoying aches a solid one-two punch. But that's not all! Sunlight works its magic in mysterious ways, with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects that have nothing to do with vitamin D. And hey, if you really want to turn up the healing dial, why not invite some red, near-, mid-, and far-infrared light therapy to the party? These fancy photobiology techniques, along with a luxurious session in an infrared sauna, can get the tissues inside your body feeling brand-spanking-new. Learn More About Vitamin D Here.

Medical Marijuana

Medical cannabis has been relieving pain longer than anyone can remember, and now it's so legit that you can purchase it legally in 28 states. But if you're not into the green stuff, fear not! There's a medication-free alternative called EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) that can help you kick pain's booty. It's like acupuncture but without the needles - just some finger-tapping action on those all-important acupoints. EFT works its magic by diving deep into the hidden depths of your emotions banishing negativity and helping you find balance. It's like hitting the reset button on your energy system, which in turn gives pain a good old kick in the pants. So instead of relying on bud, why not give your fingertips a go and tap your way to a pain-free existence?

Meditation & Mindfulness Training

Meditation & Mindfulness Training

In the realm of pain relief, it seems the sceptics were in for quite the surprise. A group of volunteers, who up until that point had never dabbled in meditation, decided to take a plunge into the world of tranquillity. Four 20-minute sessions of the renowned focused attention method, these modern-day meditative warriors successfully battled their inner turmoil. It was quite the spectacle to witness the transformation. Pain, once an unruly beast gnawing away at their existence, suddenly found itself shackled by the soothing powers of mindfulness meditation. A 40% reduction in pain intensity left those sceptics scratching their heads in disbelief, as if their aches were given a magical ticket to tranquillity. But that wasn't all! Oh no, rest assured they didn't stop there. Pain unpleasantness, that formidable fiend that could turn even the cheeriest soul into a grumpy gnome, bowed down to the might of these focused attention maestros. A staggering 57% reduction in pain unpleasantness left the volunteers basking in the glory of their newfound serenity. The tale of how a group of unsuspecting individuals conquered their pain, armed with nothing but a few classes of focused attention meditation. It just goes to show that sometimes the most unlikely warriors are the ones who emerge victorious in the battle against discomfort.


Who needs expensive doctors and their wallet-draining treatments when you can turn to chiropractors? These miracle workers have been hailed as the safer and cheaper alternative to traditional medicine, especially when it comes to kicking pain to the curb. We're talking about low Back Pain relief without breaking the bank! But don't you worry, these chiropractors, osteopaths, and naturopaths aren't just anyone off the street. Oh no, they've undergone years of intense training, clocking in an impressive four to six years to become masters of musculoskeletal disorders. That's right! They're the true connoisseurs of cracking that spine into shape and managing your body's creaks and aches. So why bother with the mainstream when you can trust these musculoskeletal maestros? Say goodbye to pricey treatments and hello to chiropractic charm.


Guess what? Scientists have stumbled upon something pretty darn cool - turns out acupuncture is like a superhero when it comes to kicking back, neck, and shoulder pain, as well as giving osteoarthritis and headaches a solid smack-down. This discovery is so mind-blowing that they even used fancy words like "clear and robust" to describe just how amazing acupuncture is at getting rid of those mean aches and pains. It's like having a secret weapon up your sleeve for battling those troublesome ailments. So, next time you're feeling like a human knot, remember to call in the big guns - acupuncture!

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy has been shown to be as good as surgery for painful conditions such as torn cartilage and arthritis.

Foundation Training

Dr. Eric Goodman, the mastermind behind Foundation training, stumbled upon a brilliant breakthrough when he decided to take matters into his own hands and bid adieu to his nagging Back Pain. Goodbye painkillers, farewell surgeries- Foundation training is the hero we've been waiting for! This revolutionary method skips the band-aid fixes and dives straight into the root of the problem.



In a pain-staking study published in Pain Medicine, researchers got their hands on a whopping 60 top-notch studies and seven less impressive ones, all focused on the power of massage to tackle various types of pain. From achy muscles and bones to throbbing headaches and even deeper internal discomfort, massage managed to work its magic. It wasn't just fibromyalgia and spinal cord pain that met its match; oh no, these skilled hands were ready to take on any pain that dared to cross their path. And the results? Well, it turns out that massage therapy is more effective at relieving pain than doing absolutely squat. You heard it right – doing nothing is no match for the physical kneading and rubbing sensations that come with a good massage. But it doesn't stop there! Even when compared to other popular pain treatments like acupuncture and physical therapy, massage still came out on top, leaving its rivals in the dust. And if you thought that was impressive enough, get ready for this: massage therapy comes with minimal side effects. That's right, folks, you get all the benefits with none of the unwanted surprises. Learn More About Massage Tools Here.


Move over anti-inflammatory drugs, there's a new sheriff in town called astaxanthin! This fat-soluble antioxidant is like a superhero on a mission, fighting inflammation with unmatched potency. It's so good at its job that even the puny anti-inflammatory drugs are left in the dust. But beware, to tap into this remarkable power, you'll need to up your game and gulp down at least 8 milligrams of this stuff daily. Accept no imitations when it comes to fighting inflammation!


This herb has potent anti-inflammatory activity and offers pain relief and stomach-settling properties. Fresh ginger as well as the powdered form works well steeped in boiling water as a tea or grated into vegetable juice. Learn More About Pure Ginger Powder Here.



Turns out, adding a tiny dose of curcumin to the osteoarthritis treatment cocktail is like giving pain and immobility a swift kick in the rear. These patients who brought 200 mg of curcumin to the party experienced less pain and increased mobility. And guess what? A previous study found that this curcumin thingamajig, when extracted from turmeric and fused with other curcuminoids, puts a big fat stop sign in front of those inflammatory pathways. Those nasty buggers won't stand a chance, preventing the overproduction of a protein that's all about turning you into an angry balloon.


This herb, commonly hailed as boswellin or the "Indian frankincense," holds the secret sauce of active anti-inflammatory firepower! Learn More About Boswellia Here.


Forget about popping pills! Nature has got your back with a splendid little enzyme found in the delightful pineapples. Brace yourself for bromelain, a true anti-inflammatory superhero! You can gulp it down in the form of supplements, but why settle for that when you can munch on some fresh, juicy pineapples? Don't shy away from the stem either; that's where all the bromelain goodness hides. So, let's keep it funky and let pineapples be your tasty rescue squad! Learn More About Bromelain Here.

Cayenne Oil or Cream

Introducing capsaicin cream, the spicy superhero hailing from dried hot peppers! This fiery little remedy will have you saying "adiós" to pain by kicking substance P, the pain signal delivery guy in your nerve cells, right to the curb. So, brace yourself for a creamy capsaicin sensation that will make your pain run for the hills, faster than a chilli pepper sprinting through a salsa bowl!


If you think strutting barefoot on the earth is just a free massage for your feet, think again! Turns out, this rebellious act of nonconformity can actually do wonders for thwarting inflammation and providing some sweet relief from pain. Just another reason to let those toes wiggle free and stick it to those pointy shoes! You can learn more about grounding by reading the following article: Forest Bathing & Grounding, Eudaimonic Wellbeing, Sit Spot and Digital Detox

"Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world." - C.S. Lewis