Articles by Tom Stavely

Articles by Tom Stavely

I started Ancient Purity in 2011 and have been advising customers, clients, friends and companies on health and ascension. I have a life long interest in all things holistic coming from my Grandma and uncle. I love the great outdoors, travel and adventure, searching all the lost cures and secrets of health and longevity. I'm sharing all of my notes and stories here so check back regularly as I add them.

What Lugol's Iodine can do

3 July 2023
What Lugols Iodine can do

When it comes to supplements, one stands out as something that's borderline medicine. But it's natural, it just needs to be in your medicine cupboard, maybe that needs a new name now to. Lugol's iodine is an essential element that supports proper thyroid function, overall metabolism, and healthy immune system. Lugol's iodine, named after the French physician J.G.A. Lugol, is a solution of elemental iodine and potassium iodide in distilled water.

Psychic Surgery - Mind, Body & Spirit

30 June 2023
Psychic Surgery

Psychic surgery - the art of healing the mind, body, and soul through telepathic surgery has been completely disregarded, especially in the west for many years. It has always fascinated me and I tried it for myself probably back in 2007. It also continues to fascinate those with minds that are tending towards the existence of the psychic powers.

No Theory - Social Media Harms us (Studies Reveal)

27 June 2023
Social Media Harms us
This isn't another article or someone going on about how much Social Media is ruining everything, you can go out and talk to most people and they'll usually agree. A lot of the people even using it daily would agree the same. I was reluctant to write one as Ancient Purity is on them, there's links to Instagram and Facebook in this Blog. But even as business people have always told me I'm not using it enough, I've just gone another month without a post on instagram, I go weeks a fair bit.

What is Megahydrate?

25 June 2023
What is Megahydrate?

Megahydrate is a revolutionary supplement that has taken and continues to take the health and wellness industry by storm. This supplement boasts of providing users with numerous benefits, ranging from improved vitality and energy levels to reducing the effects of toxins on the body. But it's rare, still most people, even in this industry, won't have any idea about it. I first came across it in 2010, I used it on long-haul flights.

How to use NAC - Benefits & Safety

23 June 2023
How to use NAC
Jump into the world of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) a supplement popularly used for its potential benefits to liver function, respiratory health, fertility, mental health, and support for exercising. NAC is an oxidised form of an amino acid, cysteine, but when consumed enters the body and gets converted to cysteine, where it performs some of its known functions.