Articles by Tom Stavely

Articles by Tom Stavely

I started Ancient Purity in 2011 and have been advising customers, clients, friends and companies on health and ascension. I have a life long interest in all things holistic coming from my Grandma and uncle. I love the great outdoors, travel and adventure, searching all the lost cures and secrets of health and longevity. I'm sharing all of my notes and stories here so check back regularly as I add them.

Celtic Sea Salt & Weight Loss

31 August 2023
Celtic Sea Salt & Weight Loss
The ancient gift of the oceans... Celtic Sea Salt emerges as a potent ally in the pursuit of weight loss. Unlike its processed counterparts, this natural treasure from the pristine coastal regions of France carries within it a symphony of essential minerals and trace elements that harmonise with our body's intricate systems. Celtic Sea Salt's remarkable mineral composition, enriched with magnesium, potassium, and calcium, presents a multi-faceted approach to weight management.

The Health Benefits of Fire

28 August 2023
The Health Benefits of Fire
I've had this article in my mind for years, parts of the story would come, I'd think of new things. Decided I'll just release this and write some more on fire down the line. I remember a bus trip in Burma, watching the fires lit on the mountains, This technique is known as stubble burning, the farmers use the method as its cost-effective compared to alternative methods of clearing fields.

Celtic Sea Salt: Journey into Holistic Wellness & The Sea's Bounty

19 August 2023
Journey into Holistic Wellness
In the realm of holistic wellness, there exists a hidden treasure that has traversed through the tides of time and tide, carrying with it the profound essence of the sea's vitality - Celtic Sea Salt. Imagine, if you will, embarking on a journey that delves deep into the mystical embrace of the ocean, unlocking the secrets it holds for our well-being.

Red Kite's Spirit Animals at Ancient Purity

17 August 2023
Red Kite's Spirit Animals
Red Kites fly above Ancient Purity, and all around our local area. I've never been good with remembering birds names but this particular one always swoops about our place so I got to know it. I also got to know a whole lot more over the years, sometimes things visitors would tell me. In the realm of Ancient Purity's marvels, the Red Kite bird stands as a captivating and symbolic creature that transcends the boundaries of the physical world, offering a profound connection to the spiritual realm.

Crafting a Ceremonial Cacao Elixir with Celtic Sea Salt and Saffron

8 August 2023
Crafting a Ceremonial Cacao Elixir

I'd like to reveal a secret that the universe holds. It was delivered to my mind one rainy evening this summer. A mystical connection, the ancient art of crafting another of my Ceremonial Cacao Elixirs. Now, I always use Celtic Sea Salt, well not always but quite a bit, you must know Chocolate and Celtic Sea Salt works. But it has to be functional Sea Salt, such as our Celtic Sea Salt, that actually enhances health and well-being.