Articles by Tom Stavely

Articles by Tom Stavely

I started Ancient Purity in 2011 and have been advising customers, clients, friends and companies on health and ascension. I have a life long interest in all things holistic coming from my Grandma and uncle. I love the great outdoors, travel and adventure, searching all the lost cures and secrets of health and longevity. I'm sharing all of my notes and stories here so check back regularly as I add them.

Air Flow for a Healthy House

22 June 2023
Air Flow for a Healthy House
As humans, we often underestimate the role of air flow in our homes. Air isn’t something we can see, so it’s easy to forget just how important it is to our health and wellness. But when done correctly, proper air flow is vital in keeping our homes comfortable, safe, and healthy. Air flow in a house is important because it allows fresh air to flow through the space, regulating temperature, reducing moisture and preventing the accumulation of pollutants and contaminants.

Celtic Sea Salt - Essential when Exercising

21 June 2023
Essential when Exercising
I'm excited to tell you about using Celtic Sea Salt during, after and even before exercise. I realised I'm on to something after the changes I noticed on the first time. I wish everyone could give this a go, I believe, injuries and illness related to exercise and training would be cut in half if they follow what I did, and the awful thing to admit is the first person I saw recommend this was Alan Sugar about 20 years ago whilst on TV showing his home gym. For some reason I remembered it, then Celtic Sea Salt, a real salt that's good for you, he was using table salt. The world of sports supplements is similar but then completely different to the way people who don't train use supplements. You can spend a fortune to cover all sorts of essentials but never will you see Salt sold or recommended. Celtic Sea Salt is obviously the one you need, but it's still cheap, very cheap compared to the average training supplements. Perhaps lots of people do know and want it kept a secret. Well who knows, you're in the right place so right now, let's get straight to the incredible point and start changing your life Today/Now!

Life at Ancient Purity

21 June 2023
Life at Ancient Purity
Life at Ancient Purity is always changing, always fun, always interesting and like the nature around it, it is growing, expanding but still in a natural cycle that you can feel at home in. It's a magical place to visit, where we are dedicated to bringing you quality products and superior customer/friend connection. We believe in promoting good health and living a healthy lifestyle, so we offer a wide range of products to help our friends to achieve their goals. It is not just any ordinary health shop; it’s your one-stop destination for all your health needs. We offer every product you need to live a healthy and active lifestyle, including Organic Supplements, Elixirs, Liposomal, Organic Superfoods, Rare Herbal Teas, Clean, Natural Beauty Products, and much more and I really mean much much more.

What is ACF228?

20 June 2023
What is ACF228?
Rumours have been circulating about this mysterious supplement, with some claiming it has the power to turn back the clock and make you feel like a whole new person. Others tout its ability to boost your energy levels and endurance, allowing you to achieve your goals faster than ever before. ACF228 stands for Anti-Ageing Complete Formula and the 228 stands for how many changes it went through to reach it's destination as an incredible anti-ageing formula, one I use myself daily. At Ancient Purity we always aim to search for the best and then have it as our product. But once in a while we find things so utterly unique that we have to have it. We stock this not only because we want you to have the best available in cutting edge health but also because I want to use it myself. When I have a shelf full of a unique, powerful supplement, I'm going to have access and stock of it so I can really use it daily.

Cramp Bark Traditional Uses & Pregnancy

20 June 2023
Cramp Bark Traditional Uses & Pregnancy
Welcome to a deep post about a very Ancient, Functional Herb. In case you have suffered from menstrual cramps, uterine cramps resulting from a threatened miscarriage, miscarrying or after delivery pains; you may find it beneficial to discover the ancient, historical abilities of Cramp Bark. This amazing herb, also known as Guelder Rose, Water Elder, European Cranberry bush, and Snowball Tree, boasted many health benefits. It originates from Europe and Asia, and the prominent part employed consists of its bark. I made some the other week, mixed in my favourite Bush Apple Syrup. Interesting decoction, I'll explain at the base how I made it. It was also on a Friday night, I have a post about these wild nights of Tea on the Blog